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Item location:Porlock, Somerset, United Kingdom

Quantity:995 available

Oh dear oh dear oh dear!

At 25p they would be a very good buy...because the words would wash out, just like their Championship dreams! :death:

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Worth speculating on them in case Forest draw Wembley FC in the first round of the FA Cup this year. ( That's the 2 rounds before we start in case you've forgotten!)

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this is not a happy forest fan either

On Friday night at the City Ground, Nottingham Forest discovered a whole new level of humiliation.

Two-nil up after the away leg of their League One play-off semi-final with Yeovil, Forest were odds on to make it to the Wembley showpiece and fight for the right to play in the Championship.

After 120 extraordinary minutes, Forest's season came to a catastrophic end with one of the most spineless, self-destructive performances in the history of the club.

They conceded five shocking goals (which could have been 10 but for the heroics of Paul Smith), had substitute David Prutton sent off in kamikaze fashion for two idiotic challenges and ended the game with seven fit outfield players as two more suffered badly from cramp.

Some end to a season for any club, let alone one that had led its league by seven points at one stage.

But who is to blame for such a calamity?

Chairman Nigel Doughty and manager Colin Calderwood, that's who. Two men who between them could damage Forest irreparably.

Doughty became chairman in 2002, having previously been the majority shareholder responsible for appointing David Platt in 1999 and allowing the former England captain to spend Forest into a massive amount of debt.

Doughty's primary objective was to get the club promoted back to the Premiership.

Five years, seven managers, one relegation and Friday's freak show later and Forest fans must now be praying they do not start the 2008/09 season in English football's basement division.

That's the thing when you support a club that is run poorly - there is always another division to drop into.

Doughty, a wealthy man who counts himself as a Forest fan, earned his money and bought the club he loves as a result of being a successful businessman.

Yet during his time at the City Ground, he has consistently picked bad managers, has cost Forest tens of millions of pounds in lost revenue from being in the lower divisions and has seen the supporters cut adrift of a club they no longer feel has any respect for them.

In the summer of 2004, Doughty, along with the equally blundering chief executive Mark Arthur, oversaw a marketing campaign to sell season tickets called 'We're serious about promotion, are you?' Forest ended the season lucky to avoid relegation, a fate they only had to wait one more season for.

I know plenty of Forest fans who gave up their season tickets at that time, feeling that the club were taking liberties with their loyalty.

I also know why some Forest fans still back Doughty. It is because they know how much of his own money he has put in and they worry what would happen if he left.

Administration? League Two?

Give the man a couple more years and you never know.

"I did not want to see Forest decline any further, both in terms of its competitiveness and its links with the community it represents," said Doughty as a reason for buying the club in 1999.

There was not a single Forest fan in the least bit surprised to see Calderwood make a mess of itJonathan Stevenson

You have spectacularly failed. For the good of the club, to let Forest start again and to allow someone to come in and run the business with their head instead of their heart, Doughty must walk away from Nottingham Forest.

You say you love the club, Mr Chairman?

So do I and many thousands of others but we are not killing it in the process.

Go now, before you hammer the final nail in the coffin.

And when you leave, please take a new contender for Forest's worst manager of all time with you.

On Friday, Calderwood embarrassed himself with a managerial display as inept as you could ever see.

What is even worse is that there was not a single Forest fan in the 27,819 crowd who was in the least bit surprised to see the arrogant, deluded Scot make such a mess of things.

Here's a quick list of how not to manage:

1. Don't pick your best team. Leaving out David Prutton and Grant Holt sent a message to Yeovil that you thought the job was done. All season long you have picked the wrong team (Neil Harris).

2. Play for a 0-0 draw at home with players who lack confidence. Watching your defence play the entire game on the edge of their own 18-yard box was asking for trouble and you could not change it.

3. Take a striker off and a defender on with a one-goal advantage and five minutes left. You shifted the defence around, further unsettling the players, and invited the pressure that led to an equaliser. Striker off + defender on = no goal against? The tactical thinking of a child.

4. Ignore your keeper when he imploringly asks you if he should go up for a corner with a minute left.

5. Blame defeat on everything and everyone else. The other team were brilliant, we had injuries, blah, blah, blah. You are the manager of a team that had just lost 5-2 at home to Yeovil. Take some responsibility.

Forest, the club with the most expensively assembled squad in the division (by a distance), the highest wage bill (by a distance) and the biggest average attendance (by a distance), finished nine points behind the champions and were comprehensively outplayed over 210 minutes of a two-legged semi-final.

All season, Calderwood has tried to play mind games with the teams around Forest. But S****horpe, Bristol City and Yeovil all ignored his amateur attempts to unsettle them and proceeded to do their talking on the pitch.

This from a man who in March told me he had not heard the Forest crowd booing, only days after I had heard the team booed off while sitting in the stand 10 yards behind him.

On Friday, Doughty's first response was to back his manager and say he would not lose his job.

It is a love-in of which George W Bush and Tony Blair would be proud.

And it is what every Forest should have feared the most.

You think it cannot get worse than this?

Just wait and see.

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