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I For One Can Look On The Bright Side

Red Dave

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I won enough money today with the gas winning to more than pay for my ST for next year. I figured if they were going to beat Shrewsbury, (which seemed likely on recent form), I might as well soften the blow with a wager.

So while I didn't enjoy watching them win (and would have happily lost my stake money) at least i gained something today.

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I won enough money today with the gas winning to more than pay for my ST for next year. I figured if they were going to beat Shrewsbury, (which seemed likely on recent form), I might as well soften the blow with a wager.

So while I didn't enjoy watching them win (and would have happily lost my stake money) at least i gained something today.

Congrats on the money...Is there a charity you could donate it too :innocent06:

I understand GJ said on TV today that the Gas following on our coat tales is good for us as it provides greater incentive for us to do well. This is the truth IMO. The City have traditionally done well when the gas have done well so despite being totally pissed off they won it might be the best thing for us...

Anyway Well done the pikeys enjoy the weekend :clapping:

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Guest DanC

My Misses kindly told me after the game she walked past the bookies and saw an advert in the window, Put a tenner on for them to win 3-1 and get £200ish back. She then forgot to go back and put it on. Thanks Luv!

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