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Striker Who's Name Has Not Been Mentioned...

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thought about this long and hard now i,m not worried about promotion any more. as i,m sat at my desk in may i,m filled with revulsion that this killer may be free to roam again after such a short time and i,m glad the club i love has nothing to do with him. but the question is it,s now sept we,ve played 4 games and he has 6 goals would i still feel the same revulsion towards him. it,s easy to sit here and say yes i would but all football fans are 2 faced that includes me and i can,t give an honest answer

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lee hughes is being released from prison soon.

could he still do a job? would you want him at our club?

at least he will have something in common with a few of our players

Cheap shot and a post not worthy of this forum. As far as i know, none of our players are guilty of a hit and run and manslaughter, personally i`d call it murder, but there you go.


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another one is "Robert Earnshaw" - apparently on his way from Norwich, could be a cracker next to brooker!

C'mon, thats one of the poorest posts going.

1. How the hell would we be able to pay an expected £3m for him.

2. Who is this Brooker guy? Heard he used to play for us as some point?!

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out of interest, if we did sign him and he ended up scoring 25+ goals, would people still disagree with us signing him?

All Hypothetical i know, just interested in what people would do!!

You know and i know that a lot of City fans would worship him if he did that. The same ones who told us that the City 4 were innocent of all charges :whistle2:

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Lee Hughes would be a great signing, apparently he has been keeping himself fit while inside playing for the prison team.

He has a past, a bad one at that, but it still doesnt take away the fact that he is a great striker.

Won't happen now as Hughes has already shook hands on the deal with Oldham.....it was in the Sun so it must be true!!!!!

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Lee Hughes would be a great signing, apparently he has been keeping himself fit while inside playing for the prison team.

He has a past, a bad one at that, but it still doesnt take away the fact that he is a great striker.

Won't happen now as Hughes has already shook hands on the deal with Oldham.....it was in the Sun so it must be true!!!!!

T0sser, end of.....



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Some things are more important than football

he left two people dead and one now in a wheelchair and he fled the scene - as he was drunk - and tried to avoid responsibility for his appaling actions.

the families have a life sentence - he's done 3 years to date & may be released.

The fact that he may be capable of scoring a few goals should not be seen to cancel this out.

Is this a man you want your kids to cheer on?

Thankfully he has already agreed to sign for Oldham and we were never interested as his agent hawked him around from club to club.

To their shame Oldham have agreed to sign him

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Some things are more important than football

he left two people dead and one now in a wheelchair and he fled the scene - as he was drunk - and tried to avoid responsibility for his appaling actions.

the families have a life sentence - he's done 3 years to date & may be released.

The fact that he may be capable of scoring a few goals should not be seen to cancel this out.

Is this a man you want your kids to cheer on?

Thankfully he has already agreed to sign for Oldham and we were never interested as his agent hawked him around from club to club.

To their shame Oldham have agreed to sign him

I'd change the above post if i were you.

He left one dead. Another later died having not died because of her injuries sustained in the incident. This distinction needs to be made.

He was allegedly drunk and intoxicated. This wasn't proven.

I'm not in favour of the bloke but you've got to at least get the facts right for legal reasons.

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Some things are more important than football

he left two people dead and one now in a wheelchair and he fled the scene - as he was drunk - and tried to avoid responsibility for his appaling actions.

the families have a life sentence - he's done 3 years to date & may be released.

The fact that he may be capable of scoring a few goals should not be seen to cancel this out.

Is this a man you want your kids to cheer on?

Thankfully he has already agreed to sign for Oldham and we were never interested as his agent hawked him around from club to club.

To their shame Oldham have agreed to sign him

Agree 100%

I cringed when I read the oldham directors quote saying "he has paid the price for what occurred" maybe in your eyes he has but I personally don't believe he has paid anywhere near it.

That aside football needs to do all it can to set the right example, killers earning good wages having there names cheered just doesnt sit well with me.

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I'd change the above post if i were you.

He left one dead. Another later died having not died because of her injuries sustained in the incident. This distinction needs to be made.

He was allegedly drunk and intoxicated. This wasn't proven.

I'm not in favour of the bloke but you've got to at least get the facts right for legal reasons.

First thing, why should the post changed?

Second, Yes he left one dead........more than enough, wouldn't you agree? Or just because it's one makes it so much better? I'm sure the accident and injuries didn't help the other victim live longer did they...

Third and final, yes he was drunk....I know people that know Lee Hughes (hence my "T0sser, end of.." post) he was drunk and he should not have been driving and that's why he left the scene of the accident and vanished for enough time to be clear of alcohol in his system... not proven because he went missing for long enough. If you were in an accident would you flee from the scene if you had done nothing wrong? No, well I hope not as you wouldn't drink and drive and drive dangerously....

I've seen with my own eyes what an arrogant person he is, I don't actually think you could have a bigger chip on your shoulder than the one he has.

And for the record, yes I thought he was a good player and scored plenty of goals......he's just not a nice human being.



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I'd change the above post if i were you.

He left one dead. Another later died having not died because of her injuries sustained in the incident. This distinction needs to be made.

He was allegedly drunk and intoxicated. This wasn't proven.

I'm not in favour of the bloke but you've got to at least get the facts right for legal reasons.

Yes you're right - I've done further research (my coment that 2 people died was based on something posted on here on OTIB).

He did however kill one innocent man(Douglas Graham-a father of 4) and injure 3 others ( Mrs Maureen Graham, Mr. Frank Gosling,Mr Albert Frisby(Firefighters had to cut Mr Frisby out of the wreckage, as the steering column and dashboard had been rammed into his body)Mr. Frisby's account at the trial was reported - Mr Frisby, who spent three months in hospital after the crash and is confined to a wheelchair due to the injuries he suffered, described how he saw Mr Hughes's silver coupe approaching on the wrong side of the road.

The smash spun Mr Frisby's Renault Scenic around and catapulted it into a lamppost.

Mr Frisby told the court: "I saw the headlights coming towards me. I said to my friend in the front: 'Look at this mad b******, he must be doing 60mph' and the next thing I knew he had got me."

Mr Frisby, Mrs Graham and Mr Frank Gosling were seriously injured- Mr Graham died..

Lee Hughes had visited 2 pubs and fled the accident scene and hid for 36 hours & therefore was able to remain free from the breathalyser. I think people will draw their own conclusions as to why he hid for 36 hours having just killed someone in an accident that was his fault. The judge certainly had his opinion as Hughes received a 6 year sentence. The Graham family got life!

Again I repeat- Oldham are welcome to him.


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First thing, why should the post changed?

Do i really need to explain why you can't post false statements of a legal nature?

Second, Yes he left one dead........more than enough, wouldn't you agree? Or just because it's one makes it so much better? I'm sure the accident and injuries didn't help the other victim live longer did they...

Probably not. But there's a difference between what's been proven and speculated about.

Yes you're right - I've done further research (my coment that 2 people died was based on something posted on here on OTIB).


Big mistake. Never believe anything on the forum!!!

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No, you do not need to explain but I still think he was right in the first post.......

He killed one at the scene of the accident, the other died much later after the accident but as I said previously the accident and injuries didn't help to make them live longer did it.............so I firmly believe rightly or wrongly that he is responsible for both deaths.

And that's my opinion and I ask anyone to prove different.

That's why I think the statement in my opinion was correct in the first post.



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