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Where Were You ?

Guest Dolman Moaner

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Guest Dolman Moaner

Where were you when you heard of Scott's return ?

You know how people are always supposed to remember where they were on momentus days in history such as the Kennedy assasination or 9/11.

Well in BCFC history, this is kind of an equivalent I reckon.

Mine is pretty sad. I was at work doing my hell hole of a job when I recieved an e-mail from Neo saying important transfer news due at 4pm, e-mail was sent at 3.17pm.............

I look at my watch, 4.32pm !!!!

Scramble to my phone to ring the folically challenged one and when he gives me the news I nearly fall off my chair before legging it around my workplace finding all the city fans I can to tell them.

What a tonic after last nights disappointment.

Now I'm glad i'm going to Port Vale on Saturday, instead of dreading it !

No pressure Scott :ph34r:

I think there could be some interesting stories in answer to this question.

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couldnt bear the forum anymore so went did some music,got involved and didnt get back on till 4.32

Jaw on floor sat gormlessly in front of screen for eons :blink: then :laugh:^_^:blink: went and foned sister and babbled at her for ages :D

He never left really. :blink: and yeah no pressure scott just pop a few in and oh turn our season around while your at it mate. :ph34r:

Who cares??? remember this???



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Spoke to The Old Spot at 3.45pm and I am informed that the rumour going mental on the forum is "Murray is back on a 3 year deal" :laugh:

On my way home I couldn't stand the not knowing any longer and divert off the Cumberland Basin and swing into the left hand lane and go to the Gate. I pull into the players car park and there in all it's Germanic splendour is Murray's Merc.

Now I am convinced. Phone goes at 4.16 (just checked call register) and the Cotswold Bugle (Old Spot) confirms the great news. ^_^

Marvellous. :ph34r:

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Sat at my desk in my tiny hole in the wall of a room in halls in uni, trying to write poetry for my English lecture when citygal9 rings me almost in tears to tell me that Scotty has signed. I do a mad dance round the room, ring my dad who yells it to all in earshot, then leg it to the computer room on campus to check the official site. I'm off to get ######ed now. pound a pint till 11pm in the union. I shall lift my glass and drink a toast to the safe return of Scott Murray!

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It's not about where I was... I WAS staring at my computer anxiously awaiting the predicted news coming at (11:00AM my time) .... It's where I ended up after seeing "Murray 16" load up on the screen and glimpsing at the words "three year contract" ... and two new signings below that..... it's all where I ended up...

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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

I can't wait for another Murray moment and i can't wait to see whta he thinks of the EE. There is hope again!!

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Sat chairing a management meeting when I got a text message from a friend - knowing it was close to deadline, I knew it would be about a signing, so had to carefully look at message in middle of talking about performance management and monitoring............ blew it big time when I let out a massive cheer and almost fell off my chair............. had a bit of explaining to do, but at least I'm the boss so no one could really complain!

brilliant...........so glad I am going to Port Vale :ph34r::laugh:^_^:blink::blink: (the smilie faces are back get rid of the :@ )

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Returned home from Uni, really tired and not especially happy with life, sat down in front of the PC and turned it on. I then proceeded to enter the forum to see loads of posts about Scotty, I hurridly went to the Official Site and then spent the next five minutes jabbing my finger at the screen and speaking gibberish whilst trying to tell my mum the news! :P

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Was just sitting down to work this morning when I got a whisper telling me that the deal was a possibility, talks were taking place etc. Which completely ruled out the prospect of me doing any more work, and also made it a very uncomfortable day as I couldn't tell anyone!!!! But I was sooooo depressed after last night's result, and this news has really cheered me up. Welcome back Scott!!!!!

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Well, after seeing the "rumour" about Caskey at lunch time, I was flicking between the forum and the main site (I'm sat in the far corner so nobody can see my screen :P ).

Saw the article regarding the announcement at 4, so thought may as well get on with some work until then.

Clicked onto BCFC.co.uk and saw the story about Rougier. Having a read through and it mentioned that he would be joining deadline day signings Darren Caskey and Scott Murray!!!

With no news still on the mainsite about Mr M, quickly come onto the forum and saw a post titled Murray signs three year contract. Never, somebodys making it up. At this point the forum falls over :ph34r: 2 Minutes later it's on the site - it's official Scotty's back ^_^

Earlier on today I said that Murray coming back would not happen as Reading wouldn't let him go. Glad I was wrong :laugh:

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