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Royalist Mail & Post Office Staff Industrial Action

OC 1645

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I used to work at the Head Post Office at Cattlemarket Road in Bristol. I'd like to wish the Post Office Union and all Postal Staff union members - of which I was also once a proud union member - every success in their efforts to gain fair wages and conditions from their tyrannical employers - i.e. our toff/snob Royalist arse licking Labour Government.

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I used to work at the Head Post Office at Cattlemarket Road in Bristol. I'd like to wish the Post Office Union and all Postal Staff union members - of which I was also once a proud union member - every success in their efforts to gain fair wages and conditions from their tyrannical employers - i.e. our toff/snob Royalist arse licking Labour Government.

Fair play mate. And I'm very much enjoying my lie in this morning to :fastasleep:

Cattlemarket road eh? I'm assuming that was the one back in the day that used to cover the BS1 area. Thats where I work, probally know a few people you used to work with

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Fair play mate. And I'm very much enjoying my lie in this morning to :fastasleep:

Cattlemarket road eh? I'm assuming that was the one back in the day that used to cover the BS1 area. Thats where I work, probally know a few people you used to work with

It's a pity that the CattleMarket Road HPO has been derelict for the past 10 years. I used to like working there as I could park up my motorbike safely in the underground car park and have a massive breakfast for just 20p in the canteen on the top floor circa 1988. Some of the managers were complete arseholes but the ordinary lads and lasses there were great company. The Post Office club in Old Market - is that still going? :fingerscrossed:

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but thats when it was good working for royal mail when they was worried about service rather than profit, job and finish and all that, i remember the last strike we was on in the 90s on the picket line before 6 and the landlord from over the road would bring over a coolbox full of beer!! those were the days

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I'm pretty sure theres another strike from 7pm thursday 12th of july to 7pm friday 13th of july

The Labour politicians and Post Office management responsible for causing this strike should be made to financially compensate - from their own personal income and estates - the striking Postal Workers for the strike action they're now having to take. With interest rates up again this week us peppercorn wage earners are coming under increasing financial pressure. Maybe the politicians should also not be guaranteed their massive salaries and pensions from the tax we pay then they may think twice about causing such strife.

I'd personally like to see Gordon Brown PM, Post Office management and their fellow political cronies have their incomes lowered to 10% below the lowest paid postal workers. :clapping: Why should we have to fund the plutocratic lifestyles of those political gobshites from our taxes?

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Once again, I'd like to wish the Post Office Union and all Postal Staff union members - of which I was also once a proud union member - every success in their efforts to gain fair wages and conditions from their tyrannical employers - i.e. our ruling Labour Government that are quite happy to lick their European Union bosses' backsides by giving the EU £billions in UK membership fees but can't pay a fair wage to our postman.

Gordon Brown and his Labour Party cronies aint fit to lick boots.

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I used to work at the Head Post Office at Cattlemarket Road in Bristol. I'd like to wish the Post Office Union and all Postal Staff union members - of which I was also once a proud union member - every success in their efforts to gain fair wages and conditions from their tyrannical employers - i.e. our toff/snob Royalist arse licking Labour Government.

I concur - good luck chaps.

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The Labour politicians and Post Office management responsible for causing this strike should be made to financially compensate - from their own personal income and estates - the striking Postal Workers for the strike action they're now having to take. With interest rates up again this week us peppercorn wage earners are coming under increasing financial pressure. Maybe the politicians should also not be guaranteed their massive salaries and pensions from the tax we pay then they may think twice about causing such strife.

I'd personally like to see Gordon Brown PM, Post Office management and their fellow political cronies have their incomes lowered to 10% below the lowest paid postal workers. :clapping: Why should we have to fund the plutocratic lifestyles of those political gobshites from our taxes?

Interest rates have gone up????

They are being offered about 0.9% more than nurses who didn't take strike action. I salute them more!!

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Interest rates have gone up????

They are being offered about 0.9% more than nurses who didn't take strike action. I salute them more!!

Your leader Gordon Brown earns £188,848 before backhanders - that's a lot more than those nurses and my former Post Office work colleagues. :innocent06:

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Your leader Gordon Brown earns £188,848 before backhanders - that's a lot more than those nurses and my former Post Office work colleagues. :innocent06:

That's a lot less than people who run large companies.

Someone who runs a large NHS trust might earn a similar amount. Consultants are probably up there as well.

It's not really that much money for someone who runs the country, but obviously a lot more than us mere mortals.

I don't think that the reasons the Royal Mail is in this position is because of the governemnt. Many other denationalised companies have been succesful. You have to aks the question why the royal mail hasn't. The message coming out is that it is very poorly run at all levels of management.

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It's not really that much money for someone who runs the country, but obviously a lot more than us mere mortals.

Pull the other one, Gordon Brown doesn't run the country - he's a front man for some Royalist aristocrats that lurk in the civil service background. :innocent06:

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Well you got me there.

This is not some far fetched conspiracy theory. Think of it this way, the unelected head of state - Queen Elizabeth - has been in office since 1952 when her Dad died. There are civil servants that support her and the elected Government of the day - those civil servants are the real power brokers in this land.

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I used to work at the Head Post Office at Cattlemarket Road in Bristol. I'd like to wish the Post Office Union and all Postal Staff union members - of which I was also once a proud union member - every success in their efforts to gain fair wages and conditions from their tyrannical employers - i.e. our toff/snob Royalist arse licking Labour Government.

Were you sacked by the Royal Mail?

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I used to work at the Head Post Office at Cattlemarket Road in Bristol. I'd like to wish the Post Office Union and all Postal Staff union members - of which I was also once a proud union member - every success in their efforts to gain fair wages and conditions from their tyrannical employers - i.e. our toff/snob Royalist arse licking Labour Government.

Were you sacked by the Royal Mail?

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This is not some far fetched conspiracy theory. Think of it this way, the unelected head of state - Queen Elizabeth - has been in office since 1952 when her Dad died. There are civil servants that support her and the elected Government of the day - those civil servants are the real power brokers in this land.

Of course they do, much in the same way that the top level executive PAs of companies pull the strings as they advise on issues that the leader does not necessarily know about.

It's the way it works rather than a conspiracy theory.

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Not sure what to make of it all. It wouldnt be the first time the Unions have failed to see that a business needs to modernise to compete.

The internet, and speciffically email has had a huge impact obviously, but the rise in internet sales has given the chance to recoup alot of loss by winning contracts to deliver this type of mail. Lets be fair rolling strikes wont provide the service, and business will go elsewhere.

The post office workers are cutting their nose to spite there face it seems.

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Not sure what to make of it all. It wouldnt be the first time the Unions have failed to see that a business needs to modernise to compete.

The internet, and speciffically email has had a huge impact obviously, but the rise in internet sales has given the chance to recoup alot of loss by winning contracts to deliver this type of mail. Lets be fair rolling strikes wont provide the service, and business will go elsewhere.

The post office workers are cutting their nose to spite there face it seems.

Of course, I always thought the mail was delivered perfectly well before the profit seekers opened up mail delivery to competitors. Now because of competition, we have less rural offices and the proposed end to a Saturday service.

The craven logic of workers meekly sitting by and accepting the diktats of the business will soon result in us all returning to Victorian style industrial conditions where we would all work 18 hours a day, receive no sick-pay and women give birth on the shop floor. I want to see a few chief execs experience the financial hit caused by a lack of competitiveness.

I really despair.

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End of the day the the times of massive state run organisations are gone, rightly or wrongly.

I've always been wary of unions bleating about unfair changes, who can forget the train drivers union insisiting on having a firman in each cab, even though everything had changed to diesel!

Interesting that you say without workers rights we'd end up back in victorian times, I tend to agree. but look at how over protective labour lwas have harmed France.

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Were you sacked by the Royal Mail?

I was not sacked - I left Bristol HPO for better paid and easier work elsewhere. A lot of my former Post Office colleagues have not been so fortunate in gaining better employment - I therefore back their strike action 100% in their quest for better terms and conditions of employment.

Note that in 1654 that His Excellency - Oliver Cromwell - granted monopoly over service in England to "Office of Postage".

In 2006 the lowlife war-mongering scummer Tony Blair regime made Royal Mail lose its monopoly when the regulator, PostComm, opened up the Postal Market to competition.

That was 352 years of excellent service to the English people down the pan when Tony Blair opened up the Royal Mail to competition. Tony Blair and his cronies were prize prats for doing that as it's helped to lead to the current industrial relation problems.

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Top pun!

Best thing about Cattle Market Road, was the Cattle Market Tavern.

All the customers were in their postman uniforms, the juke box only had records at least 15 - 20 years old and all labeled wrongly so it was pot luck what turned up.

:clapping: but remember that the pun was considered to be the lowest form of wit in Shakespeare's day. :icecream: I never used to use that Cattle Market Tavern but I would often use the Post Office Social Club in Old Market for the cheap booze and snooker tables.

Back to tpic: It's no joke lads, our Post Office has been part of our country's history for almost 500 years and you seem quite happy to let our current Government of Labour Party traitor scumdogs kill it off ????!!!!!! Oliver Cromwell's administration gave the English people the monopoly of the Post Office that has been the envy of the world for 352 years. That was until the Labour Party traitor war mongering scum leadership decided to open the Post Office to unfair competition in line with some poxy European Union directive.

Post Office Historical Timeline......

1516: Royal Mail established by Henry VIII under Master of the Posts.

1635: Royal Mail service first made available to the public by Charles I.

1654: Oliver Cromwell grants monopoly over service in England to "Office of Postage".

1657: Fixed postal rates introduced.

1660: General Post Office (GPO) officially established by Charles II.

1661: First use of date stamp. First Postmaster General appointed.

1784: First Mail coach (between Bristol and London).

1793: First uniformed delivery staff. Post Office Investigation Branch formed, the oldest recognised criminal investigations authority in the world.

1830: First mail train (on Liverpool and Manchester Railway).

1840: First adhesive stamp (the Penny Black).

1852: First Post Office pillar box erected in Jersey.

1853: First post boxes erected in mainland Britain.

1857: First wall boxes installed Shrewsbury and Market Drayton

1870: Post Office begins telegraph service.

1870: Post Office Act banned sending of `indecent or obscene` literature

1880: First use of bicycles to deliver mail.

1881: Postal order introduced.

1883: Parcel post begins.

1894: First picture postcards.

1912: Post Office opens national telephone service.

1919: First international air mail service.

1968: Two-class postal system introduced. National Giro bank opens.

1969: General Post Office changes from government department to nationalised industry.

1974: Postcodes extended over all UK.

1981: Telecommunications services split out as British Telecom. Remainder renamed as "Post Office".

1986: Separated businesses of delivering letters, delivering parcels and operating post offices.

1990: Girobank sold to the Alliance & Leicester Building Society.

1990: Royal Mail Parcels re-branded as Parcelforce.

2004: Reduction of deliveries to once daily. Travelling post office ("Mail Trains") end. SmartStamp is introduced.

2005: Mail Trains re-introduced on some lines.

2006: Royal Mail loses its monopoly when the regulator, PostComm, opens up the Postal Market 3 years ahead of the rest of Europe.* Also introduces Pricing in Proportion (PiP) for first and second class inland mail.

2006: Online postage allows Royal Mail customers to pay for postage on the web, without the need to buy traditional stamps.

2007: Royal Mail Group PLC becomes Royal Mail Group Ltd in a slight change of legal status.

2007: Official Industrial Action takes place for the first time in 11 years over pay, conditions and pensions.

*European Union involvement again - this time smashing up our Postal Service.

I wipe my arse with the Labour Party's new flag...


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Not sure what to make of it all. It wouldnt be the first time the Unions have failed to see that a business needs to modernise to compete.

The post office workers are cutting their nose to spite there face it seems.

Our Post Office work colleagues made a profit of £312 million in the last financial year for this country. Royal Mail is still owned by our Government so they helped make that profit for every single one of us !!!! Our country is led by European Union loving plutocratic toffs and snobs - they're the ones selling us down the river not the Postmen and Postwomen or Trades Unionists.

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Once again, I'd like to wish the Post Office Union and all Postal Staff union members - of which I was also once a proud union member - every success in their efforts to gain fair wages and conditions from their tyrannical employers - i.e. our ruling Labour Government that are quite happy to lick their European Union bosses' backsides by giving the EU £billions in UK membership fees but can't pay a fair wage to our postman.

Gordon Brown and his Labour Party cronies aint fit to lick boots.

let gordon brown deliver the junk mail...

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I'm not too bothered about the strikes, I'm more worried when the fire brigade strike as the idiots are putting lives at risk but with the royal mail its only post...However I hate the younger generation of posties, think they are the gods gift for getting up at 4am to deliver post but deleiver most of the post to the wrong addresses and are only in a hurry to get smashed at the local pub by midday..

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I'm not too bothered about the strikes, I'm more worried when the fire brigade strike as the idiots are putting lives at risk but with the royal mail its only post...However I hate the younger generation of posties, think they are the gods gift for getting up at 4am to deliver post but deleiver most of the post to the wrong addresses and are only in a hurry to get smashed at the local pub by midday..

What young'un doestn't like getting smashed at the end of the day? :dunno:

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What young'un doestn't like getting smashed at the end of the day? :dunno:

I think we should also spare a thought for those forced to take industrial action without pay against one of Europe's most tyrannical regimes i.e. Gordon Brown's Government of self-serving-pseudo-socialist-plutocrats. That Adam Crozier also seems to be a real nasty piece of lowlife for engineering this dispute.

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