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Ashton Court

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To be fair I kind of understand why this year no alcahol was allowed in. Saftey fears over the past few years have grown as more drug arrests and alcohol related injuries were on the rise at the festival and not to mention the sad death of the young guy who took an overdose 2 years ago. Apparenty the more secrity needed at the concert and not to forget police-ing the higher the cost it is to run so ways had to be thought to make more money at the festival. This is why the no alcohol rule came in, due to saftey and the profits that the festival need to be making.

In a way I agree that its now a complete nanny state we live in BUT its just the off few people at the festival every year who like to cause trouble and thats why the alcohol rule has come in.

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To be fair I kind of understand why this year no alcahol was allowed in. Saftey fears over the past few years have grown as more drug arrests and alcohol related injuries were on the rise at the festival and not to mention the sad death of the young guy who took an overdose 2 years ago. Apparenty the more secrity needed at the concert and not to forget police-ing the higher the cost it is to run so ways had to be thought to make more money at the festival. This is why the no alcohol rule came in, due to saftey and the profits that the festival need to be making.

In a way I agree that its now a complete nanny state we live in BUT its just the off few people at the festival every year who like to cause trouble and thats why the alcohol rule has come in.

Safety fears have grown due to drug arrests? Nothing to do with alcohol. Overdose? Nothing to do with alcohol. Alcohol related injuries? A misnomer. That's anyone who has gotten injured and might have had alcohol whether they had a sip or 27 pints. I bet "injuries" as a whole were on the increase statistically just because the health and safety freaks started worrying about them more and introducing accident books and insurance, then of course alcohol related injuries can be shown to have increased at the same rate.

The reason alcohol was banned wasn't "trouble" which I never saw there, nor injuries. There were two simple reasons. The upper crust PC muppets are now making alcohol their next target for banning, and the organisers wanted to rip everyone off by charging a fiver a can.

The Ashton Court Festival can now be added to the long list of things which used to be fun but aren't any more now that they're "safe" and PC.

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Safety fears have grown due to drug arrests? Nothing to do with alcohol. Overdose? Nothing to do with alcohol. Alcohol related injuries? A misnomer. That's anyone who has gotten injured and might have had alcohol whether they had a sip or 27 pints. I bet "injuries" as a whole were on the increase statistically just because the health and safety freaks started worrying about them more and introducing accident books and insurance, then of course alcohol related injuries can be shown to have increased at the same rate.

The reason alcohol was banned wasn't "trouble" which I never saw there, nor injuries. There were two simple reasons. The upper crust PC muppets are now making alcohol their next target for banning, and the organisers wanted to rip everyone off by charging a fiver a can.

The Ashton Court Festival can now be added to the long list of things which used to be fun but aren't any more now that they're "safe" and PC.

completely agree mate. It used to be great, free to get in, more local bands playing without being paid, playing just for the association with the festival. It's had it boll*cks ripped out of it. i shaln't be going again, not unless they get back to basics.

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I think that the festi is falling between 2 stools it is not a free festival & its not a proper festival where you can camp stay over & watch some good headlining bands.Not saying a glasto type festival could happen at Ashton court ,more something like the Beautilful days festival at Escot nr Exeter or the Trowbridge Pump festival both of which have good & reasonably well known bands.Just a thought that it would be great to have a proper festival in Bristol now that the FREE bit has gone for good.

Anybody agree/disagree ?

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I think that the festi is falling between 2 stools it is not a free festival & its not a proper festival where you can camp stay over & watch some good headlining bands.Not saying a glasto type festival could happen at Ashton court ,more something like the Beautilful days festival at Escot nr Exeter or the Trowbridge Pump festival both of which have good & reasonably well known bands.Just a thought that it would be great to have a proper festival in Bristol now that the FREE bit has gone for good.

Anybody agree/disagree ?

i agree that it's in a transition period between one or the other. I'd like it to go back to being a free community feel festival with more local bands playing. We have a festival for camping and big acts locally, glastonbury. I've never known of anyone who really wants to go not getting a ticket either.

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Bristol Community Festival today made the following statement:

Bristol Community Festival, the not-for-profit company which organises the annual Ashton Court Festival has today announced that it has started the process of winding up the company. The directors have been in dicussions with insolvency practitioners with a view to appointing them to liquidate the company

Heavy rain over the weekend of the 2007 event forced the cancellation of the second day's entertainment resulting in financial losses which the organisation cannot sustain.

The directors met on the 19th July and concluded that there was no realistic prospect of continuing and reluctantly took the decision to fold the company. "It's a real tragedy that after 33 years we've been beaten by events beyond our control" said festival chariman Kevin Rooney. "After last year's difficulties we moved heaven and earth to save the festival and by Saturday night it looked like we'd succeeded. Being dealt this severe blow at the last minute is absolutely devastating."


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Maybe the council could stop funding pointless slavery events and fund a small scale event for the people of Bristol and surrounding areas to enjoy.

Agreed. I think the money they are putting into this Slavery exhibition and everything else is pretty poor, as its expecting us to appoligize to a race of people for something our annestors did 300/400 years ago, a bit farfetched really.

Anyway, as for Ashton Court, it was always going to happen really, it has been coming really. However, i wouldnt be suprised if we see a ressurection of this in a few years time, as people will relize we have lost a major event of our summer, which in fairness it is, especially to people of my age group.

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