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The Kremlin Warns Britain


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So what can we expect these serious consequences to be then?

Cut off our gas supply or somthing, Nuke us? (again)

Vlad and his cronies should stop playing amature wars games and living in the past and surrender Alexander Litvinenko right away.

If not then we goto war, we've gone to war for much less, but not with nukes and bombs, but with sanctions, political exile causing Russia to crumble at an even more considerable rate.

I hate to be so blunt but Russians are generally vulgar people, its just the way they are, like the Chinese they have nothing in common with Europeans values.

Putin is just like Stalin, a sad disillusioned commie ####.

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They're obviously guilty of sanctioning murder on British soil but this sort of thing went on on both sides for years. The only reason we've made it public is because of the radiation - which was pretty stupid of them.

Russians you meet in Europe particularly around the holiday resorts are in the main are the rich spoilt cnuts. Ones you meet in Russia are much better. It's like the inverse of Yanks.

Bottom line is, what is our trade balance with Russia?

If we buy off them they'll have to pipe down. If not we will.

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Russia is no longer the sick man of Europe. It's in a posistion where it has all the natural resources it needs, and has an improving economy which is creating wealth. Don't get me wrong, it is still a shit hole, but an improving one.

It may have become a laughing stock following the Chechen conflict and the hammering it took in the capital there, but the Russian bear still has some seriously nasty teeth, even if its average soldier is pretty worthless.

Putin knows he can pretty much act in his own way toward the rest of the western world, because we need the gas and oil. At the same time Russia knows it still needs the wests stability and help against Islam.

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I hate to be so blunt but Russians are generally vulgar people, its just the way they are, like the Chinese they have nothing in common with Europeans values.

Putin is just like Stalin, a sad disillusioned commie ####.

Just at a time when we need Russia on our side in the fight against Muslim extremists - I bet Osama bin Laden must be delighted.

One of the greatest mechanized armies the world has ever seen went into Russia stating that Russians are 'vulgar' and need to be exterminated. The rest is history as Hitler's armies were smashed and in Russia and Hitler took his own life before the Russians could string him up. Give Stalin some credit for helping to defeat the NAZI menace that wanted to make whores of our Grandmothers and slaves of our Grandfathers.

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"Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" Mr Churchill's words I think although I may have mis-quoted slightly

Marshall Stalin sharing a joke with President Roosevelt regarding Prime Minister Churchill's taste in cigars? :icecream: ............


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Maybe Uncle Joe was a litle bit of joke: "A hard-boiled egg of a man - at once a callous, a crafty and an ill-formed man."

Winston Churchill

:clapping: When Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, Winston Churchill, a vehement anti-Communist, famously stated "If Hitler were to invade Hell, I should find occasion to make a favourable reference to the Devil," regarding his policy toward Stalin. Soon, British supplies and tanks were flowing to help the Soviet Union. :clapping:

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:clapping: When Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, Winston Churchill, a vehement anti-Communist, famously stated "If Hitler were to invade Hell, I should find occasion to make a favourable reference to the Devil," regarding his policy toward Stalin. Soon, British supplies and tanks were flowing to help the Soviet Union. :clapping:

I agree but let's not forget about the purges of the 1930's and 50's or the goolags and salt mines. Uncle Joe killed more of his own people than Hitler. The Nazis wouldn't have got to the gates of Moscow in WW2 if Uncle Joe hadn't executed all his top generals during one of his infamous purges in th 30's as he was convinced they were all after his job. He too also enjoyed a good bit religous persucution.

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The Nazis wouldn't have got to the gates of Moscow in WW2 if Uncle Joe hadn't executed all his top generals during one of his infamous purges in th 30's as he was convinced they were all after his job.

Debateable, not much could have stopped the German war machine 1939-41 - except the cold of the Russian winter that fell on the 'invincible' German army during November 1941. The Germans were at the gates of Moscow then the big freeze started and the Germans froze while the Russians attacked. The same happened to Napoleon's 'invincible' Grand Army just over 100 years before. Napoleon's retreat from Moscow in the bitter bitter cold....


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Debateable, not much could have stopped the German war machine 1939-41 - except the cold of the Russian winter that fell on the 'invincible' German army during November 1941. The Germans were at the gates of Moscow then the big freeze started and the Germans froze while the Russians attacked. The same happened to Napoleon's 'invincible' Grand Army just over 100 years before. Napoleon's retreat from Moscow in the bitter bitter cold....


The cold was a major factor there's no doubt, the wehrmact were not supplied for or prepared for the soviet winter. However I did find this: Several trials known as the Moscow Trials were held, but the procedures were replicated throughout the country. There were four key trials during this period: the Trial of the Sixteen (August 1936); Trial of the Seventeen (January 1937); the trial of Red Army generals, including Marshal Tukhachevsky (June 1937); and finally the Trial of the Twenty One (including Bukharin) in March 1938.

Most notably in the case of alleged Nazi collaborator Tukhachevsky, many military leaders were convicted of treason. The shakeup in command may have cost the Soviet Union dearly during the German invasion of 22 June 1941, and its aftermath.

Although I do concede the word "may" is in there if you read into it a lot of experienced officers were purged.

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So what can we expect these serious consequences to be then?

Cut off our gas supply or somthing, Nuke us? (again)

Vlad and his cronies should stop playing amature wars games and living in the past and surrender Alexander Litvinenko right away.

If not then we goto war, we've gone to war for much less, but not with nukes and bombs, but with sanctions, political exile causing Russia to crumble at an even more considerable rate.

I hate to be so blunt but Russians are generally vulgar people, its just the way they are, like the Chinese they have nothing in common with Europeans values.

Putin is just like Stalin, a sad disillusioned commie ####.

What are we going to sanction them with ? What in the name of christ can we do that is going to even remotely bother the Russians ? Stop buying ladas in massive numbers ?? stop buying tens of millions of gallons of oil off them ? How are we going to politically exile Russia ? If we did go to war as you put it then it would last about 5 minutes before the Us stepped in and told us to shut up, as they kind of need the Air force bases in the Russian satelite states, which the Us can't touch without Russias say so. The Russians can stand up and tell the Us to do one very publicly without any recourse, what makes you think we alone can do anything about this ?

Can't see what recourse we have really considering we rufuse the extradition of large numbers of ex KGB who putin has tried to get his hands on since he started to put the Russian mafia out of business, we have currently living in this country a Russian Billionaire (not Roman) who can't actually leave the Uk because we are th only country who wont extradite him to Russia, because he was high up in the Russian Mafia, but as he was also ex KGB he obviously bought our protection with some useful information.

At the end of the day this sort of thing goes on in the Intelligence business, always has always will, i can guarentee that we have sanctioned highly illegal actions on Russian soil, and vice versa, all of this is a fairly standard thing, we wont get this guy just like the Russians won't get who they want extradited from this country, it's just two states locking horns to see who is the more manly, we can't win this one so should stop bleating on about it.

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Most notably in the case of alleged Nazi collaborator Tukhachevsky, many military leaders were convicted of treason. The shakeup in command may have cost the Soviet Union dearly during the German invasion of 22 June 1941, and its aftermath.

Although I do concede the word "may" is in there if you read into it a lot of experienced officers were purged.

The outcome of WWII may have been very different had Marshal Zhukov been purged as well.......

Pictures are worth a thousand words !!!!!! The victorious Marshal Zhukov riding a white horse - as our very own victorious General Cromwell used to - during the Moscow Victory over Germany Parade of 1945.......


Following the failure of Marshal Kliment Voroshilov, Zhukov lifted the Siege of Leningrad in January 1944. Zhukov then led the Soviet offensive Operation Bagration (named after Pyotr Bagration, a famous Russian-Georgian general during the Napoleonic Wars), which some military historians believe was the greatest military operation of World War II. He launched the final assault on Germany in 1945, capturing Berlin in April. Shortly before midnight, 8 May, German officials in Berlin signed an Instrument of Surrender, in his presence.

After the fall of Germany, Zhukov became the first commander of the Soviet occupation zone in Germany. As the most prominent Soviet military commander of the Great Patriotic War, he inspected the Victory Parade in Red Square in Moscow in 1945 while riding a white stallion. General Eisenhower, the supreme Allied commander in the West, was a great admirer of Zhukov, and the two toured the Soviet Union together in the immediate aftermath of the victory over Germany.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy_Zhukov

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Lets be honest, ww2 was won by your average russian soldier, not through grand military strategy. The only argument against my view would possibly be Kurk.

Before the war Russians were encouraged to pratice marksmanship, which is why they were so effective at Starlingrad.

Don't disagree. The point I was trying to make is that Uncle Joe was no better than Adolf and in fact may have been worse but this sort of turned into what won/lost the war.

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Just at a time when we need Russia on our side in the fight against Muslim extremists - I bet Osama bin Laden must be delighted.

One of the greatest mechanized armies the world has ever seen went into Russia stating that Russians are 'vulgar' and need to be exterminated. The rest is history as Hitler's armies were smashed and in Russia and Hitler took his own life before the Russians could string him up. Give Stalin some credit for helping to defeat the NAZI menace that wanted to make whores of our Grandmothers and slaves of our Grandfathers.

OK vular was a little harsh, i take that back, but Stalin was hardly on our side during the war, he was a crazy **** loonie.

Yes they did help defete the nazi i suppose, but only becuase they were provoked into doing so.

What i detest most about Stalin, and sums him up as a man, was what he did to the 1.8m soldiers who fort so hard for him. He sent them all away to Gulags camps until they died didnt he? Stalin was an evil man, So is Putin.

Russians and Pukin don't give one flying 5h1t about our war on terror, they have allways been our enemy and until we rid the world of commie goverments like Russia and Chinas our world will never be freeeeeee..

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What i detest most about Stalin, and sums him up as a man, was what he did to the 1.8m soldiers who fort so hard for him. He sent them all away to Gulags camps until they died didnt he? Stalin was an evil man, So is Putin.

I'm not sure what Putin has done to upset you but to compare him to Uncle Joe Stalin !!!!! Uncle Joe Stalin has a 'kill tally' of at least 20 million :surrender: .....click on the link below......


A political cartoon showing Hitler and Stalin greeting each other over a corpse......


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