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Unknowns V "names"

Port Said Red

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Looking at some of the posts over the past few weeks it's quite clear that the old maxim of not being to please all the people still stands.

The problem appears to be that an unknown name is, just that really, unknown and people generally don't like the unknown. "He must be "unknown" for a reason" they say, "never heard of him he must be crap" that sort of thing.

The answer is of course to bring in a "Name" player, he must be good he has a "name" right?

Apparently not. The "name" player has his own doubters, "why would he come here?" What kind of wages is he on", "Big time charlies will upset the others". Then there is the fact that the name player has previous fan groups who know him, and of course in any group you will find some that think almost any player is a 3 legged donkey.

Finally, he has to contend with "the statistics hunters and dissector's". Those who will say "look at his record" and pick out the figures that match their argument.

It was ever thus I suppose, it's just that modern technology allows this to be done quicker, easier and less diligently.

Personally I will wait and see who comes and judge him when I see him play. Call me old fashioned, but it has worked for me in the past.

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Not sure many fans would have thought of signing the Big Cheese from Norwich reserves in 73/74.

A similarly inspired unknown signing now would be the best of all world's though these days more likely to be found in E.Europe.

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For all the people who doubt "unknown players" how many people had honestly heard of Jamie McCombe before we had signed him?

Exactly, so belt up and trust the management. They obviously know things that we don't.

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For all the people who doubt "unknown players" how many people had honestly heard of Jamie McCombe before we had signed him?

Exactly, so belt up and trust the management. They obviously know things that we don't.

Spot on!! Not to mention failed Gooner/Hammer Bostonian David Noble and Adriano Who?

Obscure to start with, precious now!!!!

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Adriano Who?

Some bloke we've got in goal I think.

As for Noble, pffft, worst signing we've ever made. I mean he only came into his own against Middlesborough playing off the 1 striker, and score 2 goals against Rotherham to send us up.

Bloody unknown signings :disapointed2se:

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