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Yet Another Rumour


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this is an absolute joke, i just had to register after watching in from the outside for so long, its embarrasing being associated with the club when there are so many people without a clue about the game!

for starters anyone who knows anything about the game of football or who has played at a high standard knows that cole skuse is one of the best players at the club! along with louis and nobes! he was the 3rd highest appearence maker! so i think he is proven!

the position he plays is a position that is hard to play but once you have played it and played it very well like cole, you can take it higher, cole would definately do a job in the premiership and as for frankie artus maybe filling in for cole, i have never heard so much rubbish in my life, he would get laughed out of the championship!

if city accept any bid under around 2M it shows the clubs ambitions are poor! we should be keeping our best players and i believe cole is the best with certainly the most potential!

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this is an absolute joke, i just had to register after watching in from the outside for so long, its embarrasing being associated with the club when there are so many people without a clue about the game!

for starters anyone who knows anything about the game of football or who has played at a high standard knows that cole skuse is one of the best players at the club! along with louis and nobes! he was the 3rd highest appearence maker! so i think he is proven!

the position he plays is a position that is hard to play but once you have played it and played it very well like cole, you can take it higher, cole would definately do a job in the premiership and as for frankie artus maybe filling in for cole, i have never heard so much rubbish in my life, he would get laughed out of the championship!

if city accept any bid under around 2M it shows the clubs ambitions are poor! we should be keeping our best players and i believe cole is the best with certainly the most potential!

couldn't agree more mate, well said.

Are there more of you with like minded views who just sit and watch? get involved.

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On what do you base this comment? Seems a bit harsh.

I'm not being harsh to the lad, great prospect but he is just that, a prospect its stupid even thinkin of him in the championship, i base that on watching most youth matches and every reserve match last season!

cole is a player who would be brilliant at prem level because its his game, he picks the ball up and uses it, never loses the ball, simple 10 yard pass, thats his job as well as pretecting the back 4 and he is superb at it!

lets keep him and build rather than lettin young talent go! cole will be big one day!

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this is an absolute joke, i just had to register after watching in from the outside for so long, its embarrasing being associated with the club when there are so many people without a clue about the game!

for starters anyone who knows anything about the game of football or who has played at a high standard knows that cole skuse is one of the best players at the club! along with louis and nobes! he was the 3rd highest appearence maker! so i think he is proven!

the position he plays is a position that is hard to play but once you have played it and played it very well like cole, you can take it higher, cole would definately do a job in the premiership and as for frankie artus maybe filling in for cole, i have never heard so much rubbish in my life, he would get laughed out of the championship!

if city accept any bid under around 2M it shows the clubs ambitions are poor! we should be keeping our best players and i believe cole is the best with certainly the most potential!

Well said, as I mentioned earlier, he's worth what someone is willing to pay....anyone who can kick a bal is worth a million to premiership teams now adays so we shouldnt allow Cole to go on the cheap, if at all.

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