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Fao Bcfc London Supporters Team


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I'm a City supporter living in London who is bloody desperate to get playing the beautiful game again. Would be interested in playing for you guys this coming season, and just to also make some BCFC mates in London. I'm 25, can play centre/right midfield or as a playmaking attacker. I have strong experience playing for my Uni 1st team for 3 years and also in screwfix league when I was 18/19. Just wanna bring back the good old times really!! :winner_third_h4h:

If someone could get in contact with me through these boards, with someone I can email etc that would be great.


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Percy Parrot used to organise the football for City London supporters...not sure where he is now!

I don't play myself so cant give you any info about the team

The Sun Tavern in Covent garden is our usual hang out though for watching matches on Sky - see you there this season!

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hi everyone interested,

I play for the team. Please PM me with your email address and contact details and I will pass them on to our new manager. I am sure you'd be more than welcome to the squad.

Last season we enjoyed a large squad and won promotion to the top division in our league and so this season will be tough, especially as a few members have had recent additions to their families to may not be around so often.

As for drinks and meet ups etc. Well I used to have a large email list of City fans in London. Unfortunately when I moved back to Somerset for a year I lost the list and since then have not had the time to compile a new list and add all the new City fans I have met since to it.

But if there is a game on Sky we will NORMALLY meet at the Sun Tavern on Long Acre, Covent Garden. We have the upstairs. On the odd occasion we have been unable to book this so gone to Sports Cafe.

Perhaps someone can suggest a good way for us to all keep in touch- a yahoo group perhaps or just somewhere we can all post our email addresses and details online?

Be good to share lifts, drinks, watch footy and play footy together.

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hi everyone interested,

I play for the team. Please PM me with your email address and contact details and I will pass them on to our new manager. I am sure you'd be more than welcome to the squad.

Last season we enjoyed a large squad and won promotion to the top division in our league and so this season will be tough, especially as a few members have had recent additions to their families to may not be around so often.

As for drinks and meet ups etc. Well I used to have a large email list of City fans in London. Unfortunately when I moved back to Somerset for a year I lost the list and since then have not had the time to compile a new list and add all the new City fans I have met since to it.

But if there is a game on Sky we will NORMALLY meet at the Sun Tavern on Long Acre, Covent Garden. We have the upstairs. On the odd occasion we have been unable to book this so gone to Sports Cafe.

Perhaps someone can suggest a good way for us to all keep in touch- a yahoo group perhaps or just somewhere we can all post our email addresses and details online?

Be good to share lifts, drinks, watch footy and play footy together.

I too play for the side and am a member of the face book group 'Bristol city fans in London' see what they've done there with the title! :innocent06:

If your in west london i'm trying to set up some 5 a side team to play during the week.

PM if you're interested

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