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Ah this opinion hasn't gone down well before, but British TV is b***ocks.

Life on Mars was good, and we produce SOME decent Comedy but on the whole our drama tend to be dark to the edge of depressing, our prime times are full of copycat fly on the wall stuff and anything educated is pushed to a stupid time or obscure channel.

Give me "Heroes" over "Dr Who" and "Csi" over waking the dead.

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Ah this opinion hasn't gone down well before, but British TV is b***ocks.

Life on Mars was good, and we produce SOME decent Comedy but on the whole our drama tend to be dark to the edge of depressing, our prime times are full of copycat fly on the wall stuff and anything educated is pushed to a stupid time or obscure channel.

Give me "Heroes" over "Dr Who" and "Csi" over waking the dead.

I actually think British TV has improved...particularly over the last few years. Dr Who was a welcome return. Life on Mars was outstanding and Jekyll was simply phenomenal. Even Torchwood shows signs of promise in series two.

That said, it's still the case that the Yanks have some of the best shows... For all it's faults I still stick with 24. Jericho was excellent despite the absurd decision to cancel it (thank god they kinda backtracked on that one!) and Heroes was the best show to hit us this last TV year. Soon we'll have the Bionic Woman adding to the list.

I think the Yanks shade it for me, but British TV is on the up. Remember we only get to see the select few American shows over here...if we had the Yank stations 24/7 our views of American TV may not be quite the same.

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America's TV is a lot better than whats on British TV at the moment. Programmes like Heroes, Lost, CSI, House are so much better than the crap that we keep producing continuously. Their comedy is improving and I prefer it to the shitty catch phrase shows like Little Britain and The Catherine Tate Show. And we also have The Mint which is probably one of the worst shows ever.

That trailer looks amazing and I'm looking forward to the film.

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