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Why don't you just admit that the club has got it wrong by charging the season ticket holders for unglamorous friendlies instead of all this B******* that it is too save on costs as you mention here Stands.

Why not close one of the bigger stands rather than the actual home end. Bit bizarre

Sorry but IMHO that man will never admit to being wrong about anything.

The main thing is that we all know he is, regardless of what nonsense comes out of his self conceited gob.

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Why don't you just admit that the club has got it wrong by charging the season ticket holders for unglamorous friendlies instead of all this B******* that it is too save on costs as you mention here Stands.

Why not close one of the bigger stands rather than the actual home end. Bit bizarre

Your comments have been noted.

And ignored.

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Obviously there were not too many Ateyo season ticket holders forming a queue to hand their ten notes over then!! The sooner the bloke is sent packing out of our club, and shown the direction of the job centre, the better in my opinion. A game that could have seen 5 or 6,000 season ticket holders given free admission and buying programmes, merchandise from the club shop, food, drinks etc. PLUS a lively atmosphere will now see a crowd of about 2,000 plus Yeovil contingent in my opinion. I will be there and hand my tenner over (and the quid for my son who is attending his first game) but I get the distinct impression that there won't be many sat alongside us.

Presumably, though, Sextone will work out that financially we were £750 better off from having a small crowd with no atmosphere and will declare such on the back pages of the local media again. A Chief Executive who hasn't got the faintest knowledge of the clubs fan base - only at Bristol City FC!!

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:fastasleep: ZzZzZzZzz...

That's a bit patronising isn't it and not exactly constructive? There are people in this life who accept any old $h1t and don't ever question anything. That is their perogative but it doesn't make them superior to anyone else or less boring either. There are people who moan (probably me) but hand over the dosh in the end anyway. And there are people who say f00k it and take a stand against being treated like $h1t. And every one of them is entitled to an opinion on here whether you, of superior knowledge and intelligence in your own eyes, like it or not.

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As a season ticket holder it is bad enough being asked to pay £10 to watch friendlies that were free last year (and one was against higher division opposition, too) but I note now you have to get a ticket a day in advance or it is going to be dearer!

Unbelievable PR again by the maestro, Mr.S.

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Didn't think I'd have to explain this one, but it was a sarcastic reference to Mr Sextone's usual response to anyone questioning his decisions.

i got it sir colbs, you're humour is not lost on all of us.

although, the amount of transfer gossip etc on here at the moment, i think people are starting to lose their sense of humour.

understandable i'd say.

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That's a bit patronising isn't it and not exactly constructive? There are people in this life who accept any old $h1t and don't ever question anything. That is their perogative but it doesn't make them superior to anyone else or less boring either. There are people who moan (probably me) but hand over the dosh in the end anyway. And there are people who say f00k it and take a stand against being treated like $h1t. And every one of them is entitled to an opinion on here whether you, of superior knowledge and intelligence in your own eyes, like it or not.

Well considering the first post was just another 'boo-hoo! Sextons out to rob me!' post, i thought my responce was spot on.

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Well considering the first post was just another 'boo-hoo! Sextons out to rob me!' post, i thought my responce was spot on.

I feel that onc you strip away the anger, the original post made a very valid point. Can you remember the last time they had to close stands when we only had two home pre-season friendlies for fans to see how their team were looking in time for the new season? I can't, and it shouldn't be happening when we've just been promoted. The fact is that it looks like Sexstone has screwed up with the ticket prices. You should have 16,000 excited people waiting to see how City are going to do, and you would have if it were still free to ST holders.

I've said that I'll wait til the end of the season to judge his ST price-hike, but he's made a mistake here.

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Didn't think I'd have to explain this one, but it was a sarcastic reference to Mr Sextone's usual response to anyone questioning his decisions.

Sir Colby-Tit is an ex Cotham Grammar School lad as am I. Sir Colby has thus been educated to know that.......


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Sexstone's biggest screw up with respect to friendlies was not organising at least one against opposition anyone wants to watch. Had he done so we might have clawed back some of the loss from the Meatloaf "gig".

You have to give him his due, our non football revenues have consistently improved since he was appointed. But he really does make the most god awful gaffes that an ounce of common sense or empathy with football supporters would have allowed him to avoid.

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Sexstone's biggest screw up with respect to friendlies was not organising at least one against opposition anyone wants to watch. Had he done so we might have clawed back some of the loss from the Meatloaf "gig".

You have to give him his due, our non football revenues have consistently improved since he was appointed. But he really does make the most god awful gaffes that an ounce of common sense or empathy with football supporters would have allowed him to avoid.

did bristol city fc 1982 plc lose money on the mneatloaf gig? not a dig, just a question, i'm in the dark on this one.

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did bristol city fc 1982 plc lose money on the mneatloaf gig? not a dig, just a question, i'm in the dark on this one.

I would assume so. Ticket sales were nowhere near what was hoped for in my understanding - far less than the Who and Elton John.

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I would assume so. Ticket sales were nowhere near what was hoped for in my understanding - far less than the Who and Elton John.

fair enough mate. But i take it there's been no release of figures that state we've (as a football club) lost money on the gig.

i'm sure the "gigs" are organised by a seperate company and we only get rent paid due to use of the ground.

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fair enough mate. But i take it there's been no release of figures that state we've (as a football club) lost money on the gig.

i'm sure the "gigs" are organised by a seperate company and we only get as rent paid due to use of the ground.

There's been no release of figures, I'm guessing from the number of people that went and what ColinS and SteveL have said about gigs in the past. (That you need to sell lots of tickets not to make a loss).

I'm pretty sure we arrange the gigs ourselves and are the ones exposed to the loss. There were plenty of posts on the old SteveL forum about it and I *think* he said as much.

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problem isn't all sexstone's fault though, when the pre-season schedule was planned, we were expected to play sheffield utd and blackburn, being in the same league as sheffield utd cancelled one of the games, and blackburn being in the intertoto cup, meant they couldn't play the friendly.

which is why we are stuck with games such as Yeovil and Bournemouth at home,

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