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Am I Reading Too Much Into

Port Said Red

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How come it's Milly giving the verdict on last nights game?

Was this because GJ was busy elsewhere?

As I said in the you know who thread, he had his phone jammed in his ear during the warm up, and I didnt spot him anywhere during the first half, was sat in the dugout for the second though, but it seemed to be Milly leading things, he was organising the subs and things.

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Gary was sat in the stand opposite the dugouts with Sextone etc... but was on the phone for about 30mins!!!!!

To SL in Canada presumabley - & given the time difference - thats why he hadn't called him earlier.

SL's probably controlling the negotiations for you-know-who from his holiday hotel - I mean, you wouldn't let Sexstone loose with your cheque book would you? !!


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Guest zider_head

I wouldnt let sexstone look after my dog, he would probabley want £100 a hour, a share deal and image rights !!! and charge kids to pat him

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