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Eamer - you are a nobody!

Stop thinking of yourself as some sort of online gestapo who can constantly be just rude and offensive.

It is people like you that make this place less friendly and more intimidating.

I (and I know of many others) sincerely hope that you don't become a mod on here. I can only begin to imagine what you would be like with a little amount of power.

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Guest Eamer

Honestly I'm not the kind of person to go crazy with power. I'd just merge more stuff together and then that would more than likely shut me up as I'd be able to do something about it.

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Mate, you really can be a bit of a nause sometimes I have to say. Why reply with such patronising comments? so what if its been mentioned before! Maybe the chap that posted it didnt know it had been posted before.........he may not scour this forum like you do all day every day

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Digital Film Production.

Eamer - a piece of advice then. I get the impression that you have this kind of 'I'm all it' attitude, not just on here, but with your filmmaking stuff too.

Can I just tell you now, if you carry that on when trying to get into the film industry, you will got nowhere. As I work within this sector, from what I have seen of you on here - I would never employ someone who mimmicks people when they make silly error's or mistakes.

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Guest Eamer

I'm not "all it" at all I know that. Just get's a bit annoying seeing all the posts the same and such so try to make a point of it.

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