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Reasons For The Drop

Red Robin

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Looking down the posts people are stating hardly any tickets sold for brighton

Bad crowd against Luton.

Not many going up north for the cup game.

Well Its pretty straight forward really.

Untill this manager and his coaches and the players start producing people are not going to attend.

Lets be fair about this you expect us to get a result in the cup [god help us if we loose that WILSON OUT WILSON OUT will become stronger]

But Brighton away we are going to lose no getting away from it, with the present systems,and confidence of the players.

I would have been one of the first to purchase tickets if things were going okay but do you think people are going to spend the best part of sixty quid getting there,ticket,food,drink to watch the drivel that is being put before us.

People may not be shouting off at the moment for change, but by god they are showing disatisfaction by staying away.

If thing dont improve expect less home support and far less away support.

Bye the way if this club was ambitious then Mark Robbins would have been signed sealed and delivered and ready to play sunday.

The club lost out on promotion last season by not keeping him and we are going to loose out this year AND THE REASON LACK OF GOALS simple really.

BCFC either mean business or we waddle along like the last 100 years.

Except for the few magical years back in the old first division.

:sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5:

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Guest Cyprus_Red

we will beat brighton and turn are season around after thrashing bradford pa. show sum god damn confidence in your team :Rage: :Rage: :Rage: :Rage: :Rage: :Rage: :Rage:

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Guest Red_Rat

On sunday we'll go out and give Bradford PA a whooping,then it'l give us some confidence and so forth will come our unbeaten run,get behind the lads!!!!!!!

Come on CITY

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