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Fifa Vice-president Hates England!


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I could barely contain my rage when reading this, who the hell does this ###### think he is?

'England invented the sport but has never had made any impact on world football'

What like the Caribbean have done?

I will be writing to FIFA and demand he be sacked, he's not welcome in England thats for sure!

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I could barely contain my rage when reading this, who the hell does this ###### think he is?

Couldn't agree with you more.

After walking to work this morning in the sunshine with a sky full of hot air balloons and my thoughts on the game tomorrow I was feeling great... why did I have to click on this story first?

I'm drafting a suitable email to the ####### now.

Edit... Just read his Bio on Fifa's website. If England have done nothing for football as he suggests.. why does he claim Gordan Banks as his favourite all-time Goalkeeper?

If people like him are in charge of football.. then god help the game we all love.

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I think theres a few things going on here:

1) Technically it's CONCAF's turn to hold the WC in 2018. Everyone knows that UEFA (and FIFA) want it to be in Europe, and it so it's Englands "turn" to hold. I think Jack's just letting everyone know that CONCACAF need certain assurances in place before they sign off on the deal, i.e - some money please.

2) It might sound wrong, but he's right about Europe. They have an immense dislike for English football and there is plenty of evidence down the years to suggest this is true. However, (despite this) I think that they would back us in a bid for 2018. It will have been 52 years since 66 and has been to all the other capable countries at least once.

I think even the Italian federation have backed us already (no source - I just remember hearing it on the radio). This is despite the complete balls up we made of the 2006 bid - trying to shaft Germany was simply stupid.

Anyway, thats my two pence. Feel free to shoot me down.

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