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Football is actually becoming very pathetic.

I will still use my phone to record, I paid good money to watch the football and I just want to remember the match!

Cant wait untill the steward tells me to stop recording on my phone, I will give them an ear full!

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It's always been in the laws of entering that ground that you shouldn't take an device capable of capturing images/video.

I don't see why they've suddenly picked up on this.. its just never really enforced.

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Football is actually becoming very pathetic.

I will still use my phone to record, I paid good money to watch the football and I just want to remember the match!

Cant wait untill the steward tells me to stop recording on my phone, I will give them an ear full!

So is this just whilst the game is on-going or before and after as well....?

My 4 yr old has Enoch on the back of his shirt and Enoch was a real hero the other week to him when he stopped and lifted my lad onto the advertising hordings and posed with him whilst I took a piccy on my phone. That photo ended up in the programme with a write up....are they saying we cant do that anymore ?

If so maybe they can explain to my 4 yr old boy and 8 yr old girl as they will be gutted....!!!

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It's always been in the laws of entering that ground that you shouldn't take an device capable of capturing images/video.

I don't see why they've suddenly picked up on this.. its just never really enforced.

I guess they've picked up on it because Rovers have started to try to enforce it. Seems ridiculous to me and at least City haven't gone down that route. Poor PR for the family club in my opinion!

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So is this just whilst the game is on-going or before and after as well....?

My 4 yr old has Enoch on the back of his shirt and Enoch was a real hero the other week to him when he stopped and lifted my lad onto the advertising hordings and posed with him whilst I took a piccy on my phone. That photo ended up in the programme with a write up....are they saying we cant do that anymore ?

If so maybe they can explain to my 4 yr old boy and 8 yr old girl as they will be gutted....!!!

Before when the players run out etc, if we score and I manage to get my phone out for the celebrations.

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I'm absolutely gobsmacked that it is the Gas who are taking a heavy hand on this.

I cannot remember the match but it was last season there was a mix up and there weren't any cameras to film the Gas. So who provided the pictures of the action shown and credited on tv...none other than (can't remember her name) but she was the partner of Geoff Dunford!!!!! I remember thinking at the time how come she can sit there with her camera or phone???

Suppose if you own the club you don't have to adhere so strictly to the rules, but I thought they were football league rules???

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I've never taken pictures at a match because of the quality of them and any pictres with slight blur in them I just delete straight away usually and camera phones will always have blur on a moving image like at a football game. Plus it's just really small and rubbishy anyway. I do see why people would use their phones at games and don't see a problem with it at all. It's not like pirating a DVD where profit will be made from it or anything. The game only happens once and it's still images. What exactly can happen?

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Of course, at the World Cup one of FIFA's major sponsors was Fuji (I think) and they - with FIFA - ran campaigns to promote the use of cameras within the grounds.

Clearly the rule should be not that you can't take a photographic device into a ground, but that you can't use any action pictures you might take for commercial gain.

The easiest way to police this has previously been on a rough judgement of lens size. That's now becoming more difficult, as cameras with very small lenses can take fairly high quality pics.

Nevertheless, a simple rule that said you cannot take 'action shots' for any form of publication, e.g. posting on YouTube, would suffice. I'm sure this rule exists in almost all ground regs, so to try 'ban' cameras is just superfluous.

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I don't know why they don't ban supporters completely and have done with it.

I fully understand why commercial photographers need permits etc but some kid who want's to put a video of himand his mates singing on You Tube :noexpression:

It's about time the entire game got it's head out of it's ar$e and realised-NO FANS-NO GAME.

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I went to watch the Who last summer and had a very big argument with two stewards in the williams stand. I was told 3 times to stop using my phone to take pictures and that if i continued i would be evicted and banned from the ground.

Absolutely pathetic, i only wanted to take some pictures for memories of the day etc. And we were right up in the top corner, block A is it? Werent exactly brilliant quality pictures!!

I always take pictures at games, especially away games, as summat to remember it by.

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Trying to find pictures from games gone by is a hard task. It's like the past has been forgotten. So now every match I go to I take my camera with me and take pictures so I have some photographic memories of the game. Most of the photos I take are of me and my mates and the City fans'

I would understand if I used the Photographs for commercial gain but I don't. I only use them for my personal records and my Bebo.

It's nice every now and then to relive the Rotherham game by going through the Pictures and videos I took.

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Before the advent of mobile phones, the rule was always no cameras allowed inside the ground.

1974 FA Cup game v Leeds, I stuffed a camera into my pocket and got in unchecked due to the large crowd being hurried in. My fave photo is the Leeds team waving before kick off and looking so confident of winning! :laugh:

A few years later I took a 35mm cine camera into the enclosure for the reserves v Spurs. People turned to watch me filming, but I was not stopped by Police or Stewards.

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Slow news day.


I have to say though, I have never really been that tempted to take pics with my mobile until now. I see something like this and the rebel in me wants to organise a mass picture taking with the whole the Atyeo C block. Lets see them steward that........

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I have to say though, I have never really been that tempted to take pics with my mobile until now. I see something like this and the rebel in me wants to organise a mass picture taking with the whole the Atyeo C block. Lets see them steward that........

I will if you will, and if the nasty man tells us to put our cameras away we can hit him with my handbag hey?

Or just do the silly dance and that will completely freak him out! :innocent06:

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Both clubs are governed by Football League rules which state that no one, without a license, can photograph or video what happens inside a stadium.

Funniest :rofl2br: thing i've read in a long long time..

:disapointed2se: Why introduce a law which is totally, completely and utterly unenforceable? how very very short sighted and a little late in the day tbh.

Having said that its really sad when everyone in front of you is watching the game through their stupid mobile phone, how about watching the match instead?

This is even more noticeable at Old Trafford etc, but very sad imo.

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The issue from the clubs perspective is that if people post clips on u tube and the rest - no one will pay to see them on the official site - personally I can't see how it will be enforced
No, we'll watch them on the Virgin site or record them from TV! Pathetic really!
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