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The Massacre Of Bristolians During October 1831....

OC 1645

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Queen Square Riots, Bristol 1831

The Bristol Riots of 1831 took place after the Toff and Snob ridden House of Lords rejected the second Reform Bill, which aimed to get rid of some of the rotten boroughs and give Britain's fast growing industrial towns such as Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford and Leeds, greater representation in the House of Commons. Bristol had been represented in the House of Commons since 1295, however by 1830 only 6,000 of the 104,000 population had the vote.

Local Toff/Snob lowlife magistrate Sir Charles Wetherall - a strong opponent of the Reform Bill - visited Bristol to open the new Assize Courts on 29th October. He threatened to imprison participants in a disturbance going on outside, and an angry Bristolian mob chased him to the Mansion House in Queen Square. The magistrate escaped in disguise but the Mayor and officials were besieged in the Mansion-house.

The rioters numbered about 500 or 600 young men and they continued rioting for three days, during which the palace of the Bishop of Bristol, the mansion of the Lord Mayor of Bristol, and unpopular citizens' private homes and property were looted and destroyed, along with demolition of much of the gaol. The gaol was a particularly hated symbol of Royalist authority as it had been used by corrupt Royalist Magistrates and Judges to subjugate, coerce and control Bristolians found 'guilty' of the most menial offences. :ranting:

Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Brereton of the Royalist Dragoons led a charge with drawn swords through the mob in Queen Square. Hundreds were killed and wounded and the mob dispersed. Brereton was later court-martialled for leniency because he had refused to open fire on the crowds, but shot himself before the conclusion of the trial. Four men were hanged despite a petition of 10,000 Bristolian signatures which was given to the German descended imposter Monarch - King William IV.

King William's Royalist Dragoons attacking a crowd of Bristolians on 31st October, 1831.......


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This all happened over 160 years ago.

Who living today has the right to apologise

for what happened back then??

The Royalist leaders of Bristol City Council have apologized for Bristol's involvement in the African slave trade and the slave trade in this country was abolished 200 years ago. The Queen - as the modern day leader of the Royalists - together with Bristol's Magistrates and the Bristol district circuit judges should make the apology for the massacre of our fellow Bristolians.

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Yes, us Bristolians are waiting...

And another thing, when are the Scandinavians going to apologise for the raping, looting and selling into slavery of out ancestors in the early middle ages. Sweden, Norway, Denmark it is time.

.....those afore mentioned Norselandic lowlife that did terrorise our ancestors have money. I'd rather we have financial compensation from them. :cool2:

There again.........

The lovely Norwegian lady below says she will make me a very happy Goblin if I drop the compensation claim against her country !!!!! :dancing2: .......


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The Royalist leaders of Bristol City Council have apologized for Bristol's involvement in the African slave trade and the slave trade in this country was abolished 200 years ago. The Queen - as the modern day leader of the Royalists - together with Bristol's Magistrates and the Bristol district circuit judges should make the apology for the massacre of our fellow Bristolians.

So what do you think of the waste of money that is the Magistrates court then OC?


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So what do you think of the waste of money that is the Magistrates court then OC?


A complete waste of taxpayers' - our - money it certainly was. The following excerpt is from an American website and gives examples of how Toff/Snob led and class-based and criminally corrupt our Magistrates' Courts and Crown Courts have become..........

In Britain, non-rich folk are often jailed - for the offense of poverty: non-payment of unfair bureaucratic fines.

These are non-crimes: actions without harmful consequences or victims. No decent person would imprison fellow humans for such 'offenses' - but UK magistrates and judges do.

While VIPs are rarely jailed - even after committing multiple crimes: lying in court, frauds, sexual abuse, pedophile, and worse.

[We hear that many VIPs' trials - for tax-theft, fraud and sex abuse offences - are now being held in virtual secrecy (see below), to prevent public awareness.]

So police-chiefs, magistrates and judges are corrupt and perverse - in routinely imprisoning poor people for no compelling reason. And complicit, in giving authoritarian licence to elite fraud and criminal perverts.

Source: http://www.perceptions.couk.com/laworjustice.html

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The Royalist leaders of Bristol City Council have apologized for Bristol's involvement in the African slave trade and the slave trade in this country was abolished 200 years ago. The Queen - as the modern day leader of the Royalists - together with Bristol's Magistrates and the Bristol district circuit judges should make the apology for the massacre of our fellow Bristolians.

Sorry but what right did TODAYS city council have to apologise

for something which happen that long back NONE

Like another reply said

When will Denmark Germany France Italy and the like

apologise for what they done agaist US in the past

ANSWER they wont

and nor should they have too

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Sorry but what right did TODAYS city council have to apologise

for something which happen that long back NONE

Like another reply said

When will Denmark Germany France Italy and the like

apologise for what they done agaist US in the past

ANSWER they wont

and nor should they have too

I take it you're from Bridgwater not Bristol - so this is not your issue?

As a Bristolian I'm asking that the Queen - as the modern day leader of the Royalists - together with Bristol's Magistrates and the Bristol district circuit judges that they should make the apology for the massacre of my fellow Bristolians.

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I take it you're from Bridgwater not Bristol - so this is not your issue?

As a Bristolian I'm asking that the Queen - as the modern day leader of the Royalists - together with Bristol's Magistrates and the Bristol district circuit judges that they should make the apology for the massacre of my fellow Bristolians.

I live in but am not from bridgwater (only 10 toes to prove it)

My dad and all this family are from bristol

and most still live there. That why i follow CITY

I'm sorry but i just cant see why the queen should

make an apology for something she had nothing to do with.

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I live in but am not from bridgwater (only 10 toes to prove it)

My dad and all this family are from bristol

and most still live there. That why i follow CITY

I'm sorry but i just cant see why the queen should

make an apology for something she had nothing to do with.

You sound like a typical toff/snob to me. Are you off on a boys jolly up to the south of France soon by any chance?

As a citizen of the great town of Bridgwater you should be proud in it's republican roots.

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You sound like a typical toff/snob to me. Are you off on a boys jolly up to the south of France soon by any chance?

As a citizen of the great town of Bridgwater you should be proud in it's republican roots.

Me a toff!!! don't be silly Philip you know me better than that.

North west France next friday for a bit of surf

As for the last bit. Love the queen to much :worship2:

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You sound like a typical toff/snob to me. Are you off on a boys jolly up to the south of France soon by any chance?

As a citizen of the great town of Bridgwater you should be proud in it's republican roots.

Quite right Kings Norton Red, His Excellency Oliver Cromwell's greatest Admiral - Robert Blake of Bridgwater stands resplendent in his BCFC sash and yellow Subcider marigold gloves.......


Robert Blake (1599 - August 17, 1657) was one of the most important military commanders of the Republic of England, and one of the most famous admirals in English history.

Bridgwater's memorial to their greatest son - Admiral Blake.....


In February 1656, commercial rivalry with Spain was soon turned to war. In the Anglo-Spanish War Blake blockaded Cádiz, during which one of his captains, Richard Stayner destroyed most of the Spanish Plate Fleet. A galleon of treasure was captured, and the overall loss to Spain was estimated at £2,000,000. Blake maintained the blockade throughout the winter, the first time the fleet had stayed at sea over winter.

In 1657, Blake won against the Spanish West Indian Fleet over the English seizure of Jamaica in the West Indies. On April 20 that year, Blake totally destroyed a Spanish silver fleet of 16 ships at Santa Cruz Bay, Tenerife for the loss of one ship. This despite being under fire from shore batteries and attacking and withdrawing on the tide. An action for which Blake was given an expensive diamond ring by His Excellency Oliver Cromwell, and which would earn him respect 140 years later from Lord Nelson who lost his arm there in a failed attack. Lord Nelson's respect ranked Robert Blake as one of the greatest Naval Generals ever known, even when compared with his own reputation. :superman:

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