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For All Those Part Timers Going On Tuesday...

formerly known as ivan

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get behind the boys and show them your support.

don't come down and start moaning after 10 mins if were not 2 goals up. and lets see your support for the lads more often, not just when were top the league.

roll on tuesday, lets make it one hell of a night!!!

don't have a clue do you

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get behind the boys and show them your support.

don't come down and start moaning after 10 mins if were not 2 goals up. and lets see your support for the lads more often, not just when were top the league.

roll on tuesday, lets make it one hell of a night!!!

Part time? Spending thousands of pounds over the years, travelling all over the country and even to the away pre-season tours abroad, you have the audosity to call some of us part timers? get a life pal! Some of us have commitments (i.e. I'm in the forces), some people HAVE to work, HAVE to look after loved ones etc etc. Doesnt make you or anyone else a lesser supporter of our great club does it!

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Part time? Spending thousands of pounds over the years, travelling all over the country and even to the away pre-season tours abroad, you have the audosity to call some of us part timers? get a life pal! Some of us have commitments (i.e. I'm in the forces), some people HAVE to work, HAVE to look after loved ones etc etc. Doesnt make you or anyone else a lesser supporter of our great club does it!

I think his sentiment was fair enough. On a fair few occasions the weekday matches seem to have quite a few extra moaners.

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i guarantee that at least 95% of the "moaners" are season ticket holders

My experience of it is that those extra few (of which I'm normally one of) moan more than those people that are accustomed to it on a weekly basis.

Of course there are moaners from every segment of the ground but it always feels like the "part timers" expect every pass to be inch perfect and for us to walk over teams. I blame the fact that people big up games on forums and in the papers.

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My experience of it is that those extra few (of which I'm normally one of) moan more than those people that are accustomed to it on a weekly basis.

Of course there are moaners from every segment of the ground but it always feels like the "part timers" expect every pass to be inch perfect and for us to walk over teams. I blame the fact that people big up games on forums and in the papers.

Whether season ticket holder, Gold club member (Think thats Sextoys club in the williams?) or an infrequent visitor, each and everyone of us paying supporters are entitled to our opinion, however ridiculous or irritating it may seem (I agree there are a small number of morons but thats beside the point. We are not alone I'm sure). Some people will groan, even when we are doing well. Thats life mate.

Yes people 'big' up games in the press and on forums, but why not? Some may say we are 'punching above our weight currently'. Every game in this division is a big one for us. We have a press happy manager and a performing side at present, people WILL 'big' up games. The players and staff are professional enough (IMO) to not let that affect them.

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get behind the boys and show them your support.

don't come down and start moaning after 10 mins if were not 2 goals up. and lets see your support for the lads more often, not just when were top the league.

roll on tuesday, lets make it one hell of a night!!!

Sod off I cant afford to take me the wife and child every game in fact I'm going tuesday on my own because I cant afford to take um even though they the love the city as well as me,But they will radio on

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i,m afraid i,m not rolling in money so i can,t afford to go to every game.i,m going on tuesday night,but can,t afford burnley.i cheer on the lads,and try my best not to criticise.i suppose you could call me a part timer,but that doesn,t stop me getting behind city 100 %when i,m there,neither does it make me a lesser fan because i,m skint!

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i,m afraid i,m not rolling in money so i can,t afford to go to every game.i,m going on tuesday night,but can,t afford burnley.i cheer on the lads,and try my best not to criticise.i suppose you could call me a part timer,but that doesn,t stop me getting behind city 100 %when i,m there,neither does it make me a lesser fan because i,m skint!

Nor does it make you a lesser fan because you don't fancy using the ' under the @!!

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i,m afraid i,m not rolling in money so i can,t afford to go to every game.i,m going on tuesday night,but can,t afford burnley.i cheer on the lads,and try my best not to criticise.i suppose you could call me a part timer,but that doesn,t stop me getting behind city 100 %when i,m there,neither does it make me a lesser fan because i,m skint!

Nor does it make you a lesser fan because you don't fancy using the ' under the "at" key!!

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I'm staying away on Tues, ive stayed away all season and we havent lost..But on the other hand i REALLY want to go on Tues, shall I go or not, i'l leave the vote upto you guys..

Same here! I went to the Cheltenham (h) game last season which broke a 19 game unbeaten run. I stayed away after that and now I'm just paranoid about going anywhere near the Gate again.

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get behind the boys and show them your support.

don't come down and start moaning after 10 mins if were not 2 goals up. and lets see your support for the lads more often, not just when were top the league.

roll on tuesday, lets make it one hell of a night!!!

Part timer???, na i just don't go to away games cant get there!!! and also work difrent hours every week i do go to MOST home games i will be there tues singing my heart out.

i never moan about a game i go to the gate to see city play not expecting them to win every game ( but wouldnt say no to that) city is my life and always will.

so stop moaning about others and support your team!! this could be the season we go up to top flight some may say most unlikely but i ALWAYS BELIEVE


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why is it some of you get upset? - not sure he was referring to you as a part timer or classifying what he maent by such a title so a little odd for people to assume he meant them and then say why they shouldn't be considered in that category!!

Given it will probably be a sell out (it certainly should be) there may well be some who aren't regulars..what is certain though is that there will be plenty who like to moan despite us being top of the Championship!! Let's hope there's more to cheer and we stretch our lead at the top!

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sorry, didnt mean to cause so much offence by using the term 'part timers'. this has always been a term used.

my main point was for those who don't usually attend, who saw the result against coventry, turn up and expect 3 points on tuesday, not to get on the teams back if things arent going how they expect.

we have had a good start to the season but eventually we are going to lose. if that happens of tuesday i would like the see the few extra thousand fans to come back again on saturday

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get behind the boys and show them your support.

don't come down and start moaning after 10 mins if were not 2 goals up. and lets see your support for the lads more often, not just when were top the league.

roll on tuesday, lets make it one hell of a night!!!

Think you are all being a tad harsh on F K AS IVAN. He was simply saying "Get behind the team" and "Be Patient". We are punching above our weight at the moment and we must remember that.

Yeah, people will moan whatever the result, but this is what happens at every ground around the country. The problem is, is that City do have a lot of "fair weather" supporters who pick and choose there games - so it can appear frustrating to those who turn up to watch every game and positively support the team, when there are those who go down for the West Broms, opening games and big cup ties and constantly moan.

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