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Can Someone Please Pinch Me...


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Hmm, Sproul or Byfield? Hmm, bollox, Watford scored a last minute winner to leave us in 2nd place in England's second tear just 2 positions off the Promised Land. We're playing good stuff (and if it's not good it's careful - minus our QPR induction).

I'm currently salivating about the prospect of tomorrow night's showdown with Frank Skinner's lot which should prove to be a cracking occasion, genuine excitment is enhanced by the prospect of the atmosphere and fun for the Free spirit's amongst us - notably (but not exclusively) Ye Olde East End inhabitants - ooh - who needs drugs, sex and alcohol !?

I know it's only September, I know I'd still settle for 4th bottom come what May, I know the words ''perspective'' and ''relativety'' are alien words to the majorety of Football fans but I'm still a pretty damn happy bunny, man.

Thankyou Steve, thankyou Gary.

Right, happy folk only please.....

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Hmm, Sproul or Byfield? Hmm, bollox, Watford scored a last minute winner to leave us in 2nd place in England's second tear just 2 positions off the Promised Land. We're playing good stuff (and if it's not good it's careful - minus our QPR induction).

I'm currently salivating about the prospect of tomorrow night's showdown with Frank Skinner's lot which should prove to be a cracking occasion, genuine excitment is enhanced by the prospect of the atmosphere and fun for the Free spirit's amongst us - notably (but not exclusively) Ye Olde East End inhabitants - ooh - who needs drugs, sex and alcohol !?

I know it's only September, I know I'd still settle for 4th bottom come what May, I know the words ''perspective'' and ''relativety'' are alien words to the majorety of Football fans but I'm still a pretty damn happy bunny, man.

Thankyou Steve, thankyou Gary.

Right, happy folk only please.....

yup me too.... :innocent06:

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