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This Has To Stop...............

Big Red Rich

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Any more games like this and the Dolman will fall down!!!!!!!!

Basso was superb tonight, loving the Trundle trickery despite not adding much else and Sproule's pace is electrifying!

I'm sat here watching Sky Sports news loving every return from an ad break when they say "and Bristol City returned to the top of the league"!!!!

Best game I have seen for a long long long time!!!

Oh and the bloke next to me left 10 minutes before the end!

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Despite the Chairman's plea for fans to stop doing this. People who leave early are, frankly, idiots.

And only slightly less idiotic than people who get up to leave early and then block everyone else's view by hanging around on the way out.

I know the access to the Dolman is awful, but if ever there was a game where it was worth the 10 minute wait to get out it was tonight.

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I do love it when people leave early to avoid traffic and then we score in teh last minute.

I have never and will never leave early. I always stay until the final whistle. Then have a short 5 minute walk to my car and then onto the portway in 2 Min's.

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whsy that then ? I bet you moaned when they put the prics up but they miss 10 % of the game ? :laugh:

Why are you a moron?

Your calling fans a disgrace and "Scum" and telling them to stay away because they choose to leave early?????

Who the hell are you to decide what people should do? its their choice for christ sake! I like to stay to the end myself, but certainly don't begrudge people who wish to leave early!!!

The people who need to stay away are the people who moan and get on players backs......

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People may leave a tad early for their own personal reasons

I was there for the goal......but missed Ivan's chance. My nephew caught me up in the car park and said we could have grabbed all 3 points. I broke my ribs today so felt entitled to leave around the 91st minute mark....

Try and keep me away from the gate....never

Sorry if the Ayteo end saw me leave early...it is the first time for a very long time but live with it.

My father when he attends at the age of 71 (who suffers with severe lung problems) also likes to get away from the ground five minutes early....live with it.....

As Gary has said on World..........the way the dolman is stuctured, the early leavers get more noticed.

Does this subject really matter........we got a good result tonight..period


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The British have two faults.

The first is envy and the second is a pathological need to tell everyone else what to do.

If people pay for their seats and don't turn up, leave at half time or leave a few moments before the end that is their business and not anyone else.

If you want to tell people what to do join a political party; they revel in it.

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So your saying that all these people who wish to leave early, are "scum" and shouldnt turn up on Saturday as they are not wanted???

I am completely against this whole "leaving early" business....I believe you should be there to offer support to your team to the (sometimes bitter) end. I know some people say they want to avoid being crushed on the way out, and I get that... but to be honest, if i was in the Dolman and wanted to avoid that, then i'd wait an extra few minutes after the end of the game and go out AFTER the crush...that way i'd avoid the crush AND see the whole match....a win win situation, isn't it? And all for the sake of 5 mins! Not trying to get into a right or wrong arguement, but i wonder if any of the early leavers could clarify why they don't do this instead?

I appreciate some people do need to start work etc and that's fair enough if it can't be avoided, but surely for others that don't necessarily have that reason, then being caught in traffic is just part and parcel of being a footy fan, isn't it?

Everyone's perogative if they want to stay or go, I guess, but I neither understand it for the reasons in my first para, nor like it. But like I say, who am I, eh?

But as for calling them scum....no....that is going WAY too far!

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Any more games like this and the Dolman will fall down!!!!!!!!

Basso was superb tonight, loving the Trundle trickery despite not adding much else and Sproule's pace is electrifying!

I'm sat here watching Sky Sports news loving every return from an ad break when they say "and Bristol City returned to the top of the league"!!!!

Best game I have seen for a long long long time!!!

Oh and the bloke next to me left 10 minutes before the end!

Agree, best home game for many many years! - the rotherham game!

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I'm sure they would but if you watch the video on youtube of Bradford's stand burning down and consider how long it seems to take people to get down some steps in the Dolman it is fairly frightening.
I think Bradfords stand was made out of wood though wasn't it? What is there actually in the stand to catch fire anyway?

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I think Bradfords stand was made out of wood though wasn't it? What is there actually in the stand to catch fire anyway?

It didn't look like it was made of wood to me and the building itself can catch fire.

I think even with fans able to run onto the pitch it would still take well over 5 minutes to clear the stand.

The Bradford stand burnt to the ground in around 2 minutes.

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Different set of circumstances: On May 11, 1985, the club played its final game of the 1984-85 season at home to Lincoln City in front of 11,076 fans. After 40 minutes of the first half, a fire broke out in the main stand that dated back to 1908. Most spectators managed to escape on to the pitch but those who headed for the locked turnstiles were trapped in an inferno, which killed 56 spectators and injured more than 200 others. An investigation into the tragedy decided that it had been caused by a carelessly discarded cigarette that ignited accumulated rubbish beneath the main stand

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I have never ever left a game early that I can remember and last night was no different. I pointed out to my Dad how many fans were leaving in the Dolman. It was shocking but it's been the same for as long as I remember. They'll always rush off just to get to their cars quicker so they don't have to wait in traffic or whatever. Staying long enough to see Orr's goal made it worth waiting in traffic though. I wonder what the players think about fans leaving early? Do they notice? Does it fire them on more and make them want to score one so maybe they'll stay next time? Who knows...

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I think Bradfords stand was made out of wood though wasn't it? What is there actually in the stand to catch fire anyway?

Yes it was a timber stand hence why it went up so quickly. Like you say the likelyhood of a concreate and plastic stand actually catching fire is minimal .

Did enjoy tonight,thought the atmosphere was very good but didnt think we played all that well, sheer determination and guts brought us through last night.

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