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A Bombed Out Bristol And Ashton Gate In World War 2

OC 1645

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Blitzed remains of Union Street Broadmead - Bristol was England's fifth most heavily bombed city......


A scene to make any right minded BCFC supporter bloody angry. Hitler's Luftwaffe Airforce bomb Ashton Gate circa 1941.......Wreckage of ye olde BCFC Grandstand that saw the likes of Billy Wedlock.......


BUT !!!!! They didn't get away with it !!!! I'm proud to present - in glorious technicolour - the handiwork of the Red Army and the British and American airforces that included my very own BCFC supporting Grandfather.... :winner_third_h4h: ......

Berlin 1945 - "Ruins in Colour" to a most delightful Marlene Dietrich soundtrack !!! Click on the link below and enjoy..... :englandsmile4wf: ........


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Kind of reminds me of Broadmead.

A time when the clever Americans were universally regarded as the good guys - their bombing of the spiritual home of this country's Toff/Snob led Royalist Gestapo Police - Berlin !!!!!!!

The genuine article - Bombs away over Hitler's Berlin !!!! Genuine USAAF.....WWII film footage...... :winner_third_h4h: ......


& Iron Maiden's 'Tailgunner' to Memphis Belle film footage..... :icecream: ....


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