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Danish Footy Fan


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Hi all City fans, from a footy fan from Denmark :cool:

I'm usually a follower of Brondby and Liverpool, but tomorrow I'll be in Bristol and I'm going to come along and support the Robins! So far as I can tell I can just turn up and buy tickets for the game, right? Looking at the official site it seems that there is usually a choice of seating areas -- where's the best place to go? (for atmosphere first, then somewhere when i can actually see the match without having a damn pillar in the way --- yes, that means you Everton...)

You guys seem to be flying after your promotion! Congratulations (early day...), and here's hoping you go all the way!

p.s. don't ask about Brondby this year...

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Best atmosphere would appear to be the East End judging by reports from the people in there, but you may struggle to get a ticket as nobody seems to know for sure when and where they go on sale. Also, this stand offers one of the worst views of the game in all football.

The official home end is the Atyeo stand but for the best combination of atmosphere and view I'd recommend Block B of the Dolman, most of the noise seems to come from towards the back. Other areas of the Dolman are more sedate but if you manage a seat in the middle of D Block it's one of the best views of the game available.

Avoid the Williams like the plague if you don't like pillars.

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Well thanks all, I think I'll be avoiding the Williams stand then, and just see how it goes with the other choices -- thanks for the tips and help knowing which end is the proper home end etc!

Søren Andersen, well he came back to Denmark and played at OB I think and then back to his original team AGF. He got injured playing against the great beast (FCK) and retired I'm afraid -- that was some years ago.

I have noted your points Sir Colby-Tit (and pipe smoking salesman...) I will just have to get by with a few relaxing beers in the stands then (oh, we're in England now... *sigh*). As for Brondby... dare I say 'relegation form'? *gulp*

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Any of Blocks E-H in the Atyeo offer a good view behind the goal as well as a bit of an atmosphere or, failing that, go for either Block A or B in the Dolman but that's a side view of the game. The Williams is sedate at the best of times!

Atmosphere my ass Tin, haven't heard you so far this season or you singing with your heads in buckets so we cant hear! Haha

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Tin, isnt that where the boy boys sit?! :fish::whistle2:

It was once upon a time... until you had enough and moved out of the area! I reckon it's only cos of the free tickets that you're back and loving it at the moment! "Where were you when we were shit?!" :w00t:;)

Atmosphere my ass Tin, haven't heard you so far this season or you singing with your heads in buckets so we cant hear! Haha

Don't get me started on you Jason! You're the most feeble singer I've ever seen. In fact, last time I remember you being mistaken for a girl when your voice went! :noexpression:

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Best atmosphere would appear to be the East End judging by reports from the people in there, but you may struggle to get a ticket as nobody seems to know for sure when and where they go on sale. Also, this stand offers one of the worst views of the game in all football.

The official home end is the Atyeo stand but for the best combination of atmosphere and view I'd recommend Block B of the Dolman, most of the noise seems to come from towards the back. Other areas of the Dolman are more sedate but if you manage a seat in the middle of D Block it's one of the best views of the game available.

Avoid the Williams like the plague if you don't like pillars.

The official home end for me and others shall always be the East End.

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You should be able to get a ticket anywhere (except for the eatend that's for season tickets only) the Ateyo or Doleman stand..

Dave, it's actually Atyeo, he is City's number one legend, therefore we ought to spell his name right!

Also, if you are advising people to use the "Doleman" stand for the first time, they should take Sea Sickness tablets to counter the effects of the stands current disconcerting movement.

Oh and keep away from the eatend...you could end up with one of those diabolical "Balti Pies!


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Dave, it's actually Atyeo, he is City's number one legend, therefore we ought to spell his name right!

Also, if you are advising people to use the "Doleman" stand for the first time, they should take Sea Sickness tablets to counter the effects of the stands current disconcerting movement.

Oh and keep away from the eatend...you could end up with one of those diabolical "Balti Pies!


Funniest thing i've read today...


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It was once upon a time... until you had enough and moved out of the area! I reckon it's only cos of the free tickets that you're back and loving it at the moment! "Where were you when we were shit?!" :w00t:;)

Don't get me started on you Jason! You're the most feeble singer I've ever seen. In fact, last time I remember you being mistaken for a girl when your voice went! :noexpression:

Tins don't make me kick your ass on the footy knowledge game at the pub again!

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