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Multiple Dimensions

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Now, maybe its a sign of me having too much time on my hands...infact it probably is, but I've been thinking.

I recall once talking to someone, or reading something, which said that scientists, had proven, or were almost certain that there were multiple dimentions, up to something like the 12th.

Now maybe its just me being gullible, and maybe these people were lying, but if there were these extra dimensions, I wondered how they worked.

Another flashback came to me, I have no Idea where from, maybe my over active imagation, lacking stimulation, as I pondered such ideas...who knows. Anyway my perceptions of the theroy go something like this.

That we could be living in these multiple dimensions, just that we cant see them. For instance, if we look at any object which is 3D, from the right (or wrong angle) our brains would not see, say the depth of the item, and we would perceive it as 2 dimensional.

If we saw everything in this way, all the time, our belief would be that we lived in a 2 dimentional world.

And so there is a possibility that we live in a 4 dimensional world, but are not able to see the 4th dimension?

And if this is possible there could be a 5th, 6th, 7th or nth dimentions which are there, that we can't see.

Anyone still there?

But as I said, I don't really understand this, I can get my head round the theroy, but thinking about what the other dimensions would be...thats where my head starts to hurt.

So is there anybody who can shed some light on this for me?


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Wow! Most of thats over my head, I'll give it another read later, see if I can make any sense out of it!

In the mean time, If theres anyone understanding all this, with some time on thier hands, mayube you could sumerise it?

once you have super gravity sorted get to work on this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imaginary_numbers

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Having dabbled a little in philosophy, it seems to me that anything is possible. Our experience of "everything" will always ultimately be limited by our senses. In theory, I suppose dimensions are infinite.

I think it was Socrates who once said, the only thing I know for certain is that I know nothing.

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Now, maybe its a sign of me having too much time on my hands...infact it probably is, but I've been thinking.

I recall once talking to someone, or reading something, which said that scientists, had proven, or were almost certain that there were multiple dimentions, up to something like the 12th.

Now maybe its just me being gullible, and maybe these people were lying, but if there were these extra dimensions, I wondered how they worked.

Sounds like your refering to multiverses. That may help expand on what you were thinking or just confuse you further......the latter being the more likely id say from having a quick read myself :blink:

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Imaginary numbers are what made me stop paying attention to my Pure Maths A-Level.

I realised at that point that nothing I was about to learn would be of any use to me whatsoever unless I wanted to become a maths teacher.

It was like an epiphany.

Time Dilation always made my head hurt.

Totally agree, advanced Maths is so useless to the majority, don't really know why they teach all of it.

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Ok, some pretty complicated stuff there, If anyones got any idea whats going on with any of them, a simplified account would probably be much appreciated by everyone.

Or even if you could inform us that were all far to simple to ever understand any of this, I guess in a way, that would be helpful too

Sir Colby-Tit, that is a impossible subject to understand, I was trying to make this thread for ideas that could be bounded around, and maybe a solution could come up, I know you were just trying to be helpful.

I think the main problem there is that the article is possilbly undersandable, but as soon as you try and confront that problem in real world situations, theroy goes out the window.

If anyone thinks they can help, please feel more than welcome to try and explain, but I'm sure any genuine solution must involve witchcraft

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