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Swindon 3 A Lesson Dw

Bristol Boy

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Phew, I tell you what, I listened to the last 30 minutes on World.

Swindon are 3-0 down, on comes Rory Fallon and goals by Parkin, Hewlett & Fallon get a point.Plus Parkin fluffs a sitter!

Now listeners can anyone spot the difference between what Andy King the Swindon Manager did and DW?

He brought on a....................yes that's it,..................A STRIKER!!

Surely, you say, a left back................NO, when you need to score, you bring on a striker.

Look what happened.

Same games, three points behind and their goal difference is two worse.

This is getting to close for comfort :laugh:

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Aye; QPR and Swindle have much better fire power than our sorry lot and if they manage to score against our defence (most likely given the current wobbly form) can you see our lot scoring to get it back??

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Guest SuttonRed

WORRYING isn't it!,

Let's not be too harsh on Danny's team selection and tactics, to be fair he hasn't made a decision that Iv'e shaken my head at since................ saturday afternoon!

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Aye; QPR and Swindle have much better fire power than our sorry lot and if they manage to score against our defence (most likely given the current wobbly form) can you see our lot scoring to get it back??
And that's the point I've been making all season.

Any side that can score 1 knows that a draw's on the cards.Score two and you're laughing.

We could have played another hour against Oldham and wouldn't have scored.

Let's hope SM & TR are the answer!

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Too right glos boy, were not dead yet, if played right we have enough pace in attack to put the skids up any one, Murray, Robbo, Rougier and Goodfellow are all extremely quick and can cause problems on the counter attack, we have 7 games before us that we can win and get us up, the fans will give it their all and I'm sure the players are very focused.

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But the thing is NOT THIS SEASON. This season's team performances are as alien to previous season's as chalk is to cheese. Its not as if its only in the last 6 weeks; its been that way since August.

Negative, predictable, turgid, insipid, disjointed.

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Didn't Swine Town concede 3 goals tonight?

Is that fact also not worthy of some analysis please?

And its not like City have made any decent late comebacks under DW's reign is it?

Yep, the pig-towners leak goals :dunno: Murray and Rougier to put 4 past them? :dunno:

OOH I'm getting all 'happy-clappy' again :laugh:

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Guest dez_gimred

it also seems that king motivates swindon 110% before each match and at half time...making some subs wont win the game alone..

not sure about wilsons motivation techniques...especially when we were 2 down to oldham and didnt score in the 2nd


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Guest swindonite

It's funny but one thing Swindon fans agree on is that he's pretty poor tactically, his only ever tactical switch really has been going 433 and sticking a big guy upfront as the extra man and play long ball. It seems to work now the big guy is actually a striker (Fallon) but in seasons past it's always been a defender moved upfront which almost always failed.

And not sure about motivating them pre-match, we only turned up for the 2nd half yesterday!

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  • Admin
Didn't Swine Town concede 3 goals tonight?

Is that fact also not worthy of some analysis please?

And its not like City have made any decent late comebacks under DW's reign is it?

Swindon let in 3 and got a point.

We let in 2 and lost.

Not sure what point you're trying to make?

Are you saying Danny Wilson is getting it wrong tacticallly and should perhaps go the Swindon (or dare I say it, the same way Wilson himself went last season) route?

Last season we played gung-ho footie, conceded 2 at Vale and won 3-2. This year we're playing with a more defensive mindset, still conceded 2 and lost 2-1. Which result would you rather have, irrespective of the entertainment qualities of each approach?

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