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Huntly Inquiry


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I would quite happily do it for him and do it properly. Viva la Guillotine !!!

Why stop with Ian Huntley? It's the Royalist toffs and snobs that are misruling our country and the guillotine was designed to eliminate them. 'T'off with their heads.........


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Ok then

After the French Revolution, Louis XVI was beheaded with Dr. Guillotin's invention, the world famous 'guillotine'. The moment France became a Republic. Note the guillotine, King Louis' severed head, and the statue plinth that once held a Royalist statue.......


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So we guillotine him and then 10 years from now another child murderer is arrested and confesses to the killings, and an enquiry finds that the police faked evidence against Huntley due to the overwhelming public pressure at the time. How would you feel then? Birmingham six anyone?

Clearly he's been found guilty and should be locked up for the rest of his life but there's a very good reason we don't have a death sentence.

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So we guillotine him and then 10 years from now another child murderer is arrested and confesses to the killings, and an enquiry finds that the police faked evidence against Huntley due to the overwhelming public pressure at the time. How would you feel then? Birmingham six anyone?

Clearly he's been found guilty and should be locked up for the rest of his life but there's a very good reason we don't have a death sentence.

But I got a new Guillotine for my birthday and want to try it out !!

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So we guillotine him and then 10 years from now another child murderer is arrested and confesses to the killings, and an enquiry finds that the police faked evidence against Huntley due to the overwhelming public pressure at the time. How would you feel then? Birmingham six anyone?

Clearly he's been found guilty and should be locked up for the rest of his life but there's a very good reason we don't have a death sentence.

There's a simple solution to mis-carriages of justice, guillotine the Police and their toff/snob Crown Prosecution Service lawyer puppet masters who were responsible for faking the evidence. :icecream:

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Yeah just make sure you get the right ones eh?

If I order the guillotining of all the Police and all their Crown Prosecution Service lawyer puppet masters then I'm bound to get the right ones - right? The ones not guilty of any offence - but guillotined anyway - must have been guilty of something at sometime - so I needn't feel guilty. That's actually the philosophy of the Police and their toff/snob Crown Prosecution Service puppet masters - so they can't complain when they're up for the chop.

I bet you didn't know this.......

Jack and Jill Rhyme - The French (history) connection!....

The roots of the story, or poem, of Jack and Jill are in France. The Jack and Jill that are referred to are said to be King Louis XVI - Jack - who was beheaded (lost his crown) followed by his Queen Marie Antoinette - Jill - (who came tumbling after). The words and lyrics to the Jack and Jill poem were made more acceptable as a story for children by providing a happy ending! The actual beheadings occurred during 1793. The first publication date for the lyrics of the Jack and Jill rhyme is 1795 - which ties in with the history and origins. :smartass:

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