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M Ps Want Pay Rise 'to £100,000 A Year'

OC 1645

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The idiots that helped start the war in Iraq - and who will never serve in Iraq, the same idiots that are selling our country down the river to the European Union, the same idiots that started the Postal dispute, now want £100,000 a year for doing nothing at all about the mess they've put our country in :ranting: ........

MPs want pay rise 'to £100,000 a year'

By Brendan Carlin

The prospect of MPs earning as much as £100,000 a year was raised yesterday amid complaints from backbenchers that their salaries had fallen behind that of comparable occupations.

Some Labour MPs are suggesting privately that their pay - at present around £60,000 a year - should be increased significantly.

One MP for a northern constituency, who asked not to be named, told The Daily Telegraph he had already complained that he was now earning almost £100,000 less than one of his local GPs.

Even the Conservatives have hinted privately to the body which oversees MPs' pay that they should now be on about £75,000.

The idea of a big pay increase at a time of dwindling confidence in politicians was roundly condemned by a taxpayers' group last night.

MPs now earn a basic salary of £60,277 - a two per cent rise on last year's figure.

But they also claimed average allowances of £134,000 each last year to pay staff as well as meet expenses.

Overall, the total bill to the taxpayer for funding MPs' salaries, travel expenses and office costs reached £131 million last year. But it emerged yesterday that the Senior Salaries Review Body was coming under pressure from MPs to make a potentially huge increase in basic pay.

The SSRB makes its annual recommendations by linking MPs' salaries to the earnings of senior civil servants whose pay it also advises on.

MPs then vote on whether to accept the SSRB's advice, with next year's recommendation likely to be voted on in the first half of 2007.

Since 1997, MPs' pay has risen by 37 per cent above prices (26 per cent) but below average earnings (47 per cent). Several Labour and Tory MPs have written to the SSRB apparently at the body's invitation to make suggestions about future rises.

The 1922 Committee, which represents backbench Conservative MPs, has reminded the pay body that MPs' salaries had fallen significantly behind that of comparable occupations.

Sir John Butterfill, a former deputy chairman of the 1922, told The Daily Telegraph that Tories were not asking for a specific pay rise.

Sir John, MP for Bournemouth West, confirmed that the Tory submission - prepared by 1922 Committee chairman Sir Michael Spicer - said MPs were now "12 per cent below our public sector comparators and 15 per cent below private sector ones".

He added: "We are now worse off than we were four years ago."

Sir John suggested that even two years ago MPs should have been on about £65,000 and by now should be approaching the £70,000 to £75,000 mark.

Sir John added that some Labour MPs had "muttered" that £100,000 was about the right pay level. Privately, some MPs are thought to favour a cutback in their allowances payments in return for increasing basic pay to a six-figure level.

James Frayne, the campaign director of the Taxpayers' Alliance, reacted in fury to any idea of a £100,000-a-year salary for MPs.

He said: "At a time when people have become totally disillusioned with the performance and behaviour of politicians, it is extraordinary they should now be demanding that taxpayers pay them a six figure salary. It reflects how out of touch modern politicians have become."

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml.../04/npols04.xml

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Hmm, so much for their often quoted pledges of being 'honoured' to have been given the opportunity to 'put Britain first' ... 'do whats right for Britain and their constituencies', 'put right all the things predecessors have gotten wrong' ...

Most of 'em claim(before being elected) that their motivation is their love & commitment to this Country & its people, their pride, passion & desire to 'serve' the people, champion the causes of those less well off than themselves etc etc blah blah blah...

Then once in 'office' spend most of their time working out how much more financially they can squeeze out of us, -except when they're 'busy' talking tosh, or...

Attending junkets,

Writing memoirs,

Pursuing secretaries,

Having all night sessions debating in Parliament (no not working.. silly) debating which food/drinks to have served to them at tables in one of Westminster's fully subsidised bars/restaurants that cater for these worthy gents 24/7.

Of course they need some of this down time or 'thinking time' as its often called, to catch up on important paper work etc...

-or how else would they manage to find the time to fill in all those 'expense's claims'


Out of town subsistence, In town subsistence,

Out of office expenses, In office expenses,

Clothing allowances etc etc etc...

Oh yeah, mustn't forget the rents on them London flats either,

or the BB&EM sleepovers in 'cheap' hotels,...

The Paper Work is almost endless! (that alone justifies the secretarial expenses)

Sometimes of course it wouldn't be practical to drive,

& despite first-class train ticket availability the public rail 'service' is not reliable enough to trust (hmm, who's faults that then?)

So the suited & booted 'yes men' & 'ladies' of Parliament need to avail themselves of chartered air travel... -what a pain eh? -thats another bloody expenses form to fill in!..

Poor dears, its really not right that these honourable ladies & gentlemen should be expected to manage on such paltry salaries is it?

Afterall if they were 'in it for the money' instead of the 'honour' of serving us - they'd have become professional footballers would'nt they??...

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Most of 'em claim(before being elected) that their motivation is their love & commitment to this Country & its people, their pride, passion & desire to 'serve' the people, champion the causes of those less well off than themselves etc etc blah blah blah...

I just feel extremely upset at how our scummy overpaid politicians are helping destroy the culture of our country; of our football (remember they've banned our terracing); and now.....our Post Office - that has been part of our country's history for almost 500 years - the Labour Party together with their European Union puppet masters want to kill it off !!!!!!

Post Office Timeline - even dear old Oliver gets a mention in its history......

1516: Royal Mail established by Henry VIII under Master of the Posts.

1635: Royal Mail service first made available to the public by Charles I.

1654: Oliver Cromwell grants monopoly over service in England to "Office of Postage".

1657: Fixed postal rates introduced.

1660: General Post Office (GPO) officially established by Charles II.

1661: First use of date stamp. First Postmaster General appointed.

1784: First Mail coach (between Bristol and London).

1793: First uniformed delivery staff. Post Office Investigation Branch formed, the oldest recognised criminal investigations authority in the world.

1830: First mail train (on Liverpool and Manchester Railway).

1840: First adhesive stamp (the Penny Black).

1852: First Post Office pillar box erected in Jersey.

1853: First post boxes erected in mainland Britain.

1857: First wall boxes installed Shrewsbury and Market Drayton

1870: Post Office begins telegraph service.

1870: Post Office Act banned sending of `indecent or obscene` literature

1880: First use of bicycles to deliver mail.

1881: Postal order introduced.

1883: Parcel post begins.

1894: First picture postcards.

1912: Post Office opens national telephone service.

1919: First international air mail service.

1968: Two-class postal system introduced. National Giro bank opens.

1969: General Post Office changes from government department to nationalised industry.

1974: Postcodes extended over all UK.

1981: Telecommunications services split out as British Telecom. Remainder renamed as "Post Office".

1986: Separated businesses of delivering letters, delivering parcels and operating post offices.

1990: Girobank sold to the Alliance & Leicester Building Society.

1990: Royal Mail Parcels re-branded as Parcelforce.

2004: Reduction of deliveries to once daily. Travelling post office ("Mail Trains") end. SmartStamp is introduced.

2005: Mail Trains re-introduced on some lines.

2006: Royal Mail loses its monopoly when the regulator, PostComm, opens up the Postal Market 3 years ahead of the rest of Europe.* Also introduces Pricing in Proportion (PiP) for first and second class inland mail.

2006: Online postage allows Royal Mail customers to pay for postage on the web, without the need to buy traditional stamps.

2007: Royal Mail Group PLC becomes Royal Mail Group Ltd in a slight change of legal status.

2007: Official Industrial Action takes place for the first time in 11 years over pay, conditions and pensions.

* Scummy European Union involvement again - this time helping to destroy our Postal Service.

Stuff their crappy flag.....


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I despise all politicians as vacuous power seekers. It fills me with disgust that these parasites have the nerve to voice these demands when most workers around the country are facing pay cuts (in line with inflation).

Question is:

What do we do about it?

I say we make MPs and the House of Iniquity redundant.

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I despise all politicians as vacuous power seekers. It fills me with disgust that these parasites have the nerve to voice these demands when most workers around the country are facing pay cuts (in line with inflation).

Question is:

What do we do about it?

I say we make MPs and the House of Iniquity redundant.

I don't mind paying for an MP that will represent me, my family, friends, work collegues etc. Alas our politicians are all in it for themselves. Either they can represent us properly in our Parliament or they can all shove off and get more realistically paid employment as the rest of us have. It's just not fair that they never represent our wishes - there are very few people that want the institution that is our Post Office smashed up as has already happened to our steel, coal, car and merchant shipping industries. :noexpression:

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I don't mind paying for an MP that will represent me, my family, friends, work collegues etc. Alas our politicians are all in it for themselves. Either they can represent us properly in our Parliament or they can all shove off and get more realistically paid employment as the rest of us have. It's just not fair that they never represent our wishes - there are very few people that want the institution that is our Post Office smashed up as has already happened to our steel, coal, car and merchant shipping industries. :noexpression:

I would prefer community delegates rather than representatives. I recall reading that the people of Bristol booted out the father of Conservatism Edmund Burke because he represented Bristolians according to his views instead of theirs - quite right too!

The whole ethos of parliamentary politics is hopelessly corrupt.

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I don't mind paying for an MP that will represent me, my family, friends, work collegues etc. Alas our politicians are all in it for themselves. Either they can represent us properly in our Parliament or they can all shove off and get more realistically paid employment as the rest of us have. It's just not fair that they never represent our wishes - there are very few people that want the institution that is our Post Office smashed up as has already happened to our steel, coal, car and merchant shipping industries. :noexpression:

.."You may very well think that, I couldn't possibly comment" -Francis Urquhart 1990. (BBC.. House Of Cards...)

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The idiots that helped start the war in Iraq - and who will never serve in Iraq, the same idiots that are selling our country down the river to the European Union, the same idiots that started the Postal dispute, now want £100,000 a year for doing nothing at all about the mess they've put our country in :ranting: ........

MPs want pay rise 'to £100,000 a year'

By Brendan Carlin

The prospect of MPs earning as much as £100,000 a year was raised yesterday amid complaints from backbenchers that their salaries had fallen behind that of comparable occupations.

Some Labour MPs are suggesting privately that their pay - at present around £60,000 a year - should be increased significantly.

One MP for a northern constituency, who asked not to be named, told The Daily Telegraph he had already complained that he was now earning almost £100,000 less than one of his local GPs.

Even the Conservatives have hinted privately to the body which oversees MPs' pay that they should now be on about £75,000.

The idea of a big pay increase at a time of dwindling confidence in politicians was roundly condemned by a taxpayers' group last night.

MPs now earn a basic salary of £60,277 - a two per cent rise on last year's figure.

But they also claimed average allowances of £134,000 each last year to pay staff as well as meet expenses.

Overall, the total bill to the taxpayer for funding MPs' salaries, travel expenses and office costs reached £131 million last year. But it emerged yesterday that the Senior Salaries Review Body was coming under pressure from MPs to make a potentially huge increase in basic pay.

The SSRB makes its annual recommendations by linking MPs' salaries to the earnings of senior civil servants whose pay it also advises on.

MPs then vote on whether to accept the SSRB's advice, with next year's recommendation likely to be voted on in the first half of 2007.

Since 1997, MPs' pay has risen by 37 per cent above prices (26 per cent) but below average earnings (47 per cent). Several Labour and Tory MPs have written to the SSRB apparently at the body's invitation to make suggestions about future rises.

The 1922 Committee, which represents backbench Conservative MPs, has reminded the pay body that MPs' salaries had fallen significantly behind that of comparable occupations.

Sir John Butterfill, a former deputy chairman of the 1922, told The Daily Telegraph that Tories were not asking for a specific pay rise.

Sir John, MP for Bournemouth West, confirmed that the Tory submission - prepared by 1922 Committee chairman Sir Michael Spicer - said MPs were now "12 per cent below our public sector comparators and 15 per cent below private sector ones".

He added: "We are now worse off than we were four years ago."

Sir John suggested that even two years ago MPs should have been on about £65,000 and by now should be approaching the £70,000 to £75,000 mark.

Sir John added that some Labour MPs had "muttered" that £100,000 was about the right pay level. Privately, some MPs are thought to favour a cutback in their allowances payments in return for increasing basic pay to a six-figure level.

James Frayne, the campaign director of the Taxpayers' Alliance, reacted in fury to any idea of a £100,000-a-year salary for MPs.

He said: "At a time when people have become totally disillusioned with the performance and behaviour of politicians, it is extraordinary they should now be demanding that taxpayers pay them a six figure salary. It reflects how out of touch modern politicians have become."

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml.../04/npols04.xml

I will read all of your post in a mo...... but surely these gits get shit loads in perks already?

Blair's Britain...... Erm Browns Britain...... Here's to the new Boss.... same as the old boss, but I guess them there greedy old tory back benchers have voted for a pay rise too.... Furk Yeah...... see you and me are the same OC but we found that out a long time ago :);)

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I will read all of your post in a mo...... but surely these gits get shit loads in perks already?

......of course they do get massive perks....

"MPs now earn a basic salary of £60,277 - a two per cent rise on last year's figure.

But they also claimed average allowances of £134,000 each last year to pay staff as well as meet expenses."

......£134,000 per annum in expenses !!!!!! :surrender:

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......of course they do get massive perks....

"MPs now earn a basic salary of £60,277 - a two per cent rise on last year's figure.

But they also claimed average allowances of £134,000 each last year to pay staff as well as meet expenses."

......£134,000 per annum in expenses !!!!!! :surrender:

Ooooooo I wonder which suckers pay for all those perks...

Makes 'Boris' look like a genuine bloke worth paying for?

Hang on that makes a salary of £194,277 + in real terms.......... OC for MP I say...... voice of the people Conservative & Labour............ I'd vote for ya mate!

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