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Best Championship Defender

Stephen Lewis

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Guest helenlovescity78

I think he's been excellent and its ridiculous that any of our players are coming in for stick considering our league position and the fact we have lost just ONCE this season?? Fair play Jamie.

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Well to be honest, if someone asked me to name our best player I wouldn't have said him. Shows how much we all know really! Well done Jamie, just quietly and effectively doing your job.

And these stats were compiled before last Saturday's game!

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And I've been to all the games and can tell he has been our worst defender. Much improved in the last few games though as he finally looks fit.

Well he's the best worst defender ive seen for city. Only game i havent seen this season was Barnsley and in every other games he's looked ok to me. Still, down to personal opinions i guess.

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Yeah, they are stats saying that he is the 2nd best player in the league this season.

And that stats are boll*cks, you think hes done better then Carey, Fontaine and Orr, let alone the rest of the league?

Just read a newspaper and look at some of the Premiership stats. :noexpression:

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Well he's the best worst defender ive seen for city. Only game i havent seen this season was Barnsley and in every other games he's looked ok to me. Still, down to personal opinions i guess.

He got ripped apart by Martin Rowlands on day one- it is hard to remember exact details for all the games but up until the last few games I don't think eh has been as good or as fit as he was last season.

As I said before, stats can be used to prove almost anything- 83% of all people know that.

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And that stats are boll*cks, you think hes done better then Carey, Fontaine and Orr, let alone the rest of the league?

Just read a newspaper and look at some of the Premiership stats. :noexpression:

Not Carey or Fontaine. Orr and McCallister have been about the same standard IMO, and i think they both have had good a good season so far.

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Until someone can explain exactly how that index is calculated I'll carry on believing what I've seen with my own eyes, and that's that Jamie McAllister started very, very poorly looking out of his depth and has only in the last couple of games reached the standard he was at last season.

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Well do you believe that are accurate and true reflection.

Mcallister has been very good this season, so it shows how much some of you know about players roles, responsibilities and positions in the team.

Mcallister is a left back and will never get as much recognition as say centre backs. Apart from the one game, he has covered very well whilst also assisting in quite a few of our goals this season. Think some of you should watch the sheff utd game again.

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Mcallister has been very good this season, so it shows how much some of you know about players roles, responsibilities and positions in the team.

Mcallister is a left back and will never get as much recognition as say centre backs. Apart from the one game, he has covered very well whilst also assisting in quite a few of our goals this season. Think some of you should watch the sheff utd game again.

I'm not putting McAllister down. Maybe you should go watch ALL our games then come back and tell me he has been our best defender.

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Mcallister has been very good this season, so it shows how much some of you know about players roles, responsibilities and positions in the team.

Mcallister is a left back and will never get as much recognition as say centre backs. Apart from the one game, he has covered very well whilst also assisting in quite a few of our goals this season. Think some of you should watch the sheff utd game again.

I don't think anyone has said that he had a bad game against Sheffield United. I think he started the season poorly but has gotten much better.

Also assuming the index uses assists, full backs are much more likely to get higher points than centre backs. Not sure whether he has had many assists as don't have the stats but maybe this could play a factor?

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Always the same on here.

Trundle could get a brilliant hat-trick and people would still slate him.

You know that aint true and no one is slating McAllister.

It's just some people are stupid enough to believe these stats rather then their own eyes.

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You know that aint true and no one is slating McAllister.

It's just some people are stupid enough to believe these stats rather then their own eyes.

So i'm stupid then am i? Open your eyes. I havent once said that he is the best defender in the league nor have i said he is our best player of the season so far. I just backed up what the stats said and that's that the STATS think he is the 2nd best player in the Championship this season!

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So i'm stupid then am i? Open your eyes. I havent once said that he is the best defender in the league nor have i said he is our best player of the season so far. I just backed up what the stats said and that's that the STATS think he is the 2nd best player in the Championship this season!

If you believe these stats then, yes, to me, you are stupid.

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If you believe these stats then, yes, to me, you are stupid.

Right, now you show me the exact post in this thread where i have flat out said that them stats are accurate based on performances, then you may get your wish! Until then, don't judge people who you only know by a pen name and their opinions on an internet forum!

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Right, now you show me the exact post in this thread where i have flat out said that them stats are accurate based on performances, then you may get your wish! Until then, don't judge people who you only know by a pen name and their opinions on an internet forum!

I never said you did.

Re read my post and you'll I said if

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Guest Hillbilly
J McAllister Actim Index top defender



Lee Trundle is currently in position 70 ahead of Basso (88) L. Johnson (89) and Carey (98)

Only McAllister (2), McIndoe (20), Orr (46) and Fontaine (61) (from BCFC obviously) are ahead of him.

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Interesting. The only negative actions it lists there are yellow/red cards and missed shots.

Some of the biggest problems I felt McAllister had in the first few games was continually getting caught in possession and either giving the ball away or hoofing it, as well as getting turned onto his wrong foot easily by wingers and beaten - none of that looks to be penalised.

Elliott has had more shots than pretty much anyone on our team so it's no surprise he's scored low.

I honestly can't see the use in lumping all those stats together into one index score. I would think a coach would rather just see the raw data - how many clearances did the player make, how many passes did they complete etc. I guess that's what prozone is for.

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I thought he had an OK game. Ive seen him play better but he didnt do alot wrong. Wasnt the best player on the pitch but wasnt the worst.

Isnt it funny how people see the game so differently.

I thought he was dreadful and summed it up when basso went to roll the ball to him and he refused - even though there wasnt a cov player around him!

Since then, GJ has stuck with him and he's starting to show us all what a class player he could be at this level.

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It's interesting. As I live in Canada I can't obviously be at the games except for my 1 or 2 visits a season. Having seen them on TV and read reports I was under the impression that ORR and Carey were both MOM and stood out. Orr has gotten us some nice goals. Seeing Bradley at 46 and Mcallister at 2nd means either what I read has been distorted or the stats are... I failed stats at school :bruce_h4h:

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Isnt it funny how people see the game so differently.

I thought he was dreadful and summed it up when basso went to roll the ball to him and he refused - even though there wasnt a cov player around him!

Since then, GJ has stuck with him and he's starting to show us all what a class player he could be at this level.

It is and that's what makes football what it is. Its down to personal opinions at the end of the day. Did you go to Preston?

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