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Poor Customer Service, Makes My Blood Boil....

Maesknoll Red

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I ordered some new furniture, the phone call came a few days ago, delivery would be today, took all the old stuff to the tip this morning, tonight I have an empty room, no settee or chair to sit on!!!

I spoke to the sales manager tonight and was palmed off with a cock and bull story, they didn't even have the common courtesy to ring to tell me they weren't coming. Tomorrow will see me at the shop, as soon as they open, if they can't deliver the furniture by midday, I'll cancel the order as they have failed to keep their side of the sales contract.

Why, oh why, do so many places have such shite customer service - a simple phonecall would have ensured that I didn't wait at home all day for their non show.

If I don't get satisfaction tomorrow, I'll name and shame the firm.

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A certain well known Satellite provider made me wait in all day not so long back, and it took me 6 phone calls throughout the day to finally get someone round here. Why should we be the ones having to do the chasing, thats the bit that I hate, and every phone call cost me money!!


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