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Banksy !

OC 1645

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Ooohh! controversial stuff.

Redhyde, unless you've got access to Banksy's bank account I don't really see how you can comment. And given his anonymity it seems to daft to speculate on his lifestyle. It doesn't really help to indulge in a load of blase stereotyping about Lefties. Besides, I'm not really it's about Left or Right is it? It's about Art isn't it? I suppose you prefer your art in a gold leaf frame hidden away in a pompous gallery. We need to use our open spaces for corporate advertising eh?

Why aren't "townies" allowed a say in countryside issues?

Personally I love the countryside - it's only ruined by country people.


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Ooohh! controversial stuff.

Redhyde, unless you've got access to Banksy's bank account I don't really see how you can comment. And given his anonymity it seems to daft to speculate on his lifestyle. It doesn't really help to indulge in a load of blase stereotyping about Lefties. Besides, I'm not really it's about Left or Right is it? It's about Art isn't it? I suppose you prefer your art in a gold leaf frame hidden away in a pompous gallery. We need to use our open spaces for corporate advertising eh?

Why aren't "townies" allowed a say in countryside issues?

Personally I love the countryside - it's only ruined by country people.


Read any of the beebs articles where it mentions his sales. Unless his outgoings are as ridiculous as his income he's minted.

It's not about art at all, i recognise his ability with a spray can. Even if he should be subject to vandalism charges each time he does it on public property. It's about hypocrisy. What he does isn't art though, it's social commentary.

He's commenting about the social elite and celebrity (of which he's part and mingles with and makes his money from) and about the unfairness of law (of which he breaks). That's why i disagree with Banksy. The fact that Gobbo holds him and his work up as a triumph is laughable considering his views.

Why aren't they? Well they are, and like the West Lothian problem it's wrong for a group of people to inflict their views on someone they have nothing to do with and who don't affect them.

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He's commenting about the social elite and celebrity (of which he's part and mingles with and makes his money from) and about the unfairness of law (of which he breaks). That's why i disagree with Banksy.

Er, but he's anonymous surely it follows that he not part of any celebrity?

I know some of the celebrities like his work but he can't help that - half of them are bloody scientologists - it doesn't mean he mingles with them.

There are some people who would quite happily give most of what they earn to charity, not the norm I admit, but then nor is turning down the chance for fame so how do you know he doesn't give all that money away robin hood style?

What he does is definitely art and most art is a form of social commentary, it's more than just talent with a spray can.

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Er, but he's anonymous surely it follows that he not part of any celebrity?

Course he is, he's in the news and is widely known. Whether he wants to be or not he certainly is.

He's got fame and fortune, with the added bonus he's not bothered by the hoy poloy. And if he wasn't "anonymous" noone would care about him. And if he was truly anonymous and if he didn't want it though, he wouldn't put his name to things

I know some of the celebrities like his work but he can't help that - half of them are bloody scientologists - it doesn't mean he mingles with them.

There are some people who would quite happily give most of what they earn to charity, not the norm I admit, but then nor is turning down the chance for fame so how do you know he doesn't give all that money away robin hood style?

He courts publicity for his work, but not for his charitable activity, strange speculation. Of course this is all speculation. Speculation's fun though. I speculate this is a pr and career masterstroke by someone with little actual ability.

What he does is definitely art and most art is a form of social commentary, it's more than just talent with a spray can.

The concept of art is obviously purely subjective. I'll grant he has an art with the spray can format, no more.

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Read any of the beebs articles where it mentions his sales. Unless his outgoings are as ridiculous as his income he's minted.

It's not about art at all, i recognise his ability with a spray can. Even if he should be subject to vandalism charges each time he does it on public property. It's about hypocrisy. What he does isn't art though, it's social commentary.

He's commenting about the social elite and celebrity (of which he's part and mingles with and makes his money from) and about the unfairness of law (of which he breaks). That's why i disagree with Banksy. The fact that Gobbo holds him and his work up as a triumph is laughable considering his views.

Why aren't they? Well they are, and like the West Lothian problem it's wrong for a group of people to inflict their views on someone they have nothing to do with and who don't affect them.

The beeb mentions his sales but doesn't mention what he does with it so what you say is pure speculation. How much does he pocket, what does he spend it on. Apparently you know for certain what he does.

I like his work. It makes me smile and to me that makes it great art!

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Course he is, he's in the news and is widely known. Whether he wants to be or not he certainly is.

That's not what I think of as celebrity.

He has no status, doesn't go to glitsy A list parties, doesn't get preferential reservations, free stuff from designers or the ego boost of walking along a red carpet or anything like that.

The only thing people know him for is his art.

Let me put it another way. Gary Neville is (alledgedly) a footballer. David Beckham is a celebrity. Banksy, who doesn't do anything in the public eye except his artwork is far more similar to the former than the latter for me.

You're making massive assumptions about someone you know absolutely nothing about, and to be honest they don't really stack up. Someone interested in celebrity and financial gain could get far more out of it than he does by being anonymous.

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Read any of the beebs articles where it mentions his sales. Unless his outgoings are as ridiculous as his income he's minted.

It's not about art at all, i recognise his ability with a spray can. Even if he should be subject to vandalism charges each time he does it on public property. It's about hypocrisy. What he does isn't art though, it's social commentary.

He's commenting about the social elite and celebrity (of which he's part and mingles with and makes his money from) and about the unfairness of law (of which he breaks). That's why i disagree with Banksy. The fact that Gobbo holds him and his work up as a triumph is laughable considering his views.

Why aren't they? Well they are, and like the West Lothian problem it's wrong for a group of people to inflict their views on someone they have nothing to do with and who don't affect them.

I don't think you could be more wrong.

So what if he's minted? Surely that's just deserves for the mans obvious tallent? Would you have held it against Van Gogh if he had been minted during his life?

Firstly, the majority of his ART (I cannot emphasis that word enough) is not about his skills with a spray can. In fact, his notoriety came about from his distancing from the spray can. His art form comes from clever ideas and the ability to use a pen knife to make his stencils. Anyone can push a nozzle down to spray over a stencil.

Secondly, were he a vandal the council wouldn't pay him thousands to paint his work across council buildings.

Thirdly, what gives you the audacity to define what is and isn't art? If it's tripe that sits in an upper class gallery so that upper class toffs can throw their obscene amounts of upper class money around is what you see as art, then you are very very short sighted. Art is, and always has been, a lower class entity embrassed by the ignorance of the upper classes. Look throughout the history of art and it is filled with lower class artists being condescended and misunderstood by the upper classes.

And finally, if that is vandalism, something that is a lot kinder on the eye than the meglomaniac corporate marketing schemes that literally invade your lines of vision, shouldn't the corporations be getting locked up, for upto 7 year sentances too? Can you imagine a court saying to Monet "You're going down for 5 years minimum if you ever go near that gold paint again"??? Should your individual perception of art be punishable?

Surely social commentry should be encouraged rather than punished?

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I don't think you could be more wrong.

So what if he's minted? Surely that's just deserves for the mans obvious tallent? Would you have held it against Van Gogh if he had been minted during his life?

Was Van Gogh that good? Not really IMO, it's only the hype and interest in his madness and death that makes him collectable.

Firstly, the majority of his ART (I cannot emphasis that word enough) is not about his skills with a spray can. In fact, his notoriety came about from his distancing from the spray can. His art form comes from clever ideas and the ability to use a pen knife to make his stencils. Anyone can push a nozzle down to spray over a stencil.

Oh he can cut stencils.. Wow! I didn't know that. I think even less of his "art" now it's basically spraying over stencils.

Secondly, were he a vandal the council wouldn't pay him thousands to paint his work across council buildings.

Why not? He clearly started off as a vandal to gain notoriety. Should eb punished for his crimes and made to do community service etc.

Thirdly, what gives you the audacity to define what is and isn't art? If it's tripe that sits in an upper class gallery so that upper class toffs can throw their obscene amounts of upper class money around is what you see as art, then you are very very short sighted. Art is, and always has been, a lower class entity embrassed by the ignorance of the upper classes. Look throughout the history of art and it is filled with lower class artists being condescended and misunderstood by the upper classes.

Nah, you've made up my view for me to justify your hysterical attack on me. I have as much right to define what is and isn't art as anyone else. What gives you the right to say i can't? Your hypocrisy is laughable.

Is an unmade bed art? Is a statue of a pregnant woman with no arms or legs art? Is a picture of Travolta holding a banana art? Not for me, it's lovies nonsense.

And finally, if that is vandalism, something that is a lot kinder on the eye than the meglomaniac corporate marketing schemes that literally invade your lines of vision, shouldn't the corporations be getting locked up, for upto 7 year sentances too? Can you imagine a court saying to Monet "You're going down for 5 years minimum if you ever go near that gold paint again"??? Should your individual perception of art be punishable?

If advertising is vulgar and obscene it's regulated actually. Is a dead Prince Harry (cue Gobbos republican nonsense) obscene and vulgar, too right it is. But because you lovies fawn all over it it's "art".

Surely social commentry should be encouraged rather than punished?

If it's done in a legal manner yeah.

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You're making massive assumptions about someone you know absolutely nothing about, and to be honest they don't really stack up. Someone interested in celebrity and financial gain could get far more out of it than he does by being anonymous.

I think he gains more notoriety, fame and fortune by being anonymous.

I think the mystique is part of the hype.

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How would that work?

As I previously stated: one way to stop the stag and fox hunts is via land and asset confiscation - the long overdue redistribution of land is something the Labour administration has so far failed to address.

What I would propose is that land currently owned by the aristocracy - including the Royals - is redistributed to the people as allotments.

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As I previously stated: one way to stop the stag and fox hunts is via land and asset confiscation - the long overdue redistribution of land is something the Labour administration has so far failed to address.

What I would propose is that land currently owned by the aristocracy - including the Royals - is redistributed to the people as allotments.

Allotments! I can imagine a massive uptake of gardening sweeping the nation. All those kids hanging round the corners would love to be a gardener, if only they were given the chance.

Do me a favour...

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Allotments! I can imagine a massive uptake of gardening sweeping the nation. All those kids hanging round the corners would love to be a gardener, if only they were given the chance.

Do me a favour...

The Duchy of Cornwall - fox and stag hunt loving Prince Charles' estates - consists of around 54,648 hectares of land in 23 counties, mostly in the South West of England. This Duchy of Cornwall land is in prime position for confiscation and is well placed geographically to be confiscated and redistributed amongst our fellow Bristolians - some of whom currently don't even have back gardens with which to develop any potential gardening skills.

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What are you going to do with an allotment in the middle of Dartmoor?

We all draw lots for our allocations to prevent squabbling. A rocky plot of confiscated land in the middle of Dartmoor owned by a keen gardener could be swapped for a more arable piece of confiscated land owned by a keen rambler or mountain goat owner etc. :innocent06:

What my personal plot of confiscated toff/ snob land could end up looking like as per Banksy's famous oil painting.. :winner_third_h4h: ........


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We all draw lots for our allocations to prevent squabbling. A rocky plot of confiscated land in the middle of Dartmoor owned by a keen gardener could be swapped for a more arable piece of confiscated land owned by a keen rambler or mountain goat owner etc. :innocent06:

What my personal plot of confiscated toff/ snob land could end up looking like as per Banksy's famous oil painting.. :winner_third_h4h: ........


That is a mighty big allotment, I reckon you have gone to the other side.........

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That is a mighty big allotment, I reckon you have gone to the other side.........

A piece of land big enough for a stone circle for the Red Goblin appreciation society is all I'm really interested in. Plus, why not share your land for a decent sized commune?


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Well done to Cider Head for alerting me to the most recent Banksy graffiti art in London. Banksy is a genius and an absolute legend in his own lifetime. :winner_third_h4h:

We are indeed 'One Nation under CCTV' and no other country on Earth is watched anything like as much by CCTV as we are. Just think of all the sicko voyeurs jacking off behind their TV monitors while spying on us.

Well done Banksy for alerting the whole world to the CCTV tyranny we suffer in this country.........


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