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Match Report From A Norwich Fans Perspective


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Sum it up for you " yadda yadda yadda Bristol City scored 3 lucky goals and its so not fair....."

Yep. Starting to become annoying now! Once again all about how unlucky (insert opposition team name) and how many chances they have wasted and nothing about how well Bristol City played. You could write the report for the next game now.

How about some praise for our defending / general play for a change?

Then again, who cares what some bloke in Norfolk thinks?


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Yep. Starting to become annoying now! Once again all about how unlucky (insert opposition team name) and how many chances they have wasted and nothing about how well Bristol City played. You could write the report for the next game now.

How about some praise for our defending / general play for a change?

Then again, who cares what some bloke in Norfolk thinks?


Innit! I suppose we're all guilty of just seeing what our own teams do but this sometimes you have to acknowledge that the other team were better or indeed played at all!!!

remember Dowie bitching about how lucky we were at Cov.......and we beat them 3-0 ffs :englandsmile4wf:

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Pretty fair assessment of the game. Bassos handling was less than perfect. I thought that Hartson was more than tired and was kept on too long.

This is from a Norwich perspective - What is eveybody expecting? And Murrays goal was a bit of a fluke, after it hit the first post it looked like it was coming back, but Scotty used the right back-spin!

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Norfolk and good.... That about sums it up for them...

My mate who was there who supports Norwich told me they were battering us 1st half, was good enough to say we played well and took our chances...

I did congratulate him on scoring the one goal they neeeded so as not to beat there 7 games without scoring.. he replied "yeah not bad ey 100 attempts 1 goal".........

Saying that he has watched us a lot this season,said before the game he was really worried, so not all fans bad mouth us, just narrow minded inbreds......

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what a quote from a Norwich fan -

"Lee Trundle Pissed On City's Chips (Norwich's) In Stoppage Time .......... "

nice one Lee! :)

That must be an ingrediant from from one of Deliah's more obscure recipes!

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