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Never to the dark side

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Great pictures NTTDS. From the pictures it looked another great following by City. I listened to the radio and we sung through out the game.
Alot of us up at the back tried to sing throughout the game but really the truth was more didn't. AT times it was just like sitting in the Williams on a cold Tuesday night. Atmosphere was good when we scored but you could hear a pin drop when they scored despite the lads at the back trying to encourage the players on. Sing when your winning pops to mind when we scored our 2nd and 3rd.

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You must have been sat directly behind me cos you got me wispering sweet nothings into my girlfriends ear! Who said romance was dead?!

I'll tell you wha....t I was sat right behind your missus(and very nice she is too) and the only thing that should have been dead was the bird next to her, I saw more of her behind than I did of the game....... gert thing!

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I'll tell you wha....t I was sat right behind your missus(and very nice she is too) and the only thing that should have been dead was the bird next to her, I saw more of her behind than I did of the game....... gert thing!

I agree totally about the rather ummmm well proportioned lady sat next to her. She took up half my missus seat as well so i had to move up. We both laughed our heads off when you lot started whistling and shouting sit down - she just didnt get it at all...! hahaha! Priceless!

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