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Tonights Result

Port Said Red

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Hi all, remember me?

Anyway what with work commitments and holidays, despite being a season ticket holder, this will be the first game I have attended since S****horpe back in August.

I am incredibly excited about seeing live football again and this all points to a frustrating defeat tonight.

I'd like to apologise in advance for this and take some comfort in the fact that at least it wont be our first in the league this season (just our first at home :mf_sleep: ) .

Hopefully the Jonahs curse will only last one game and we can get back to normal when thrashing Tiny Penis and his Potters on Saturday.

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Win,lose or draw tonight? although important aint that important. I.M.H.O back down to earth with a bump, but hey who knows we seem to have a TEAM now and they will not go down without a fight to the last second.

Good luck to the City boys and have a nice evening you fans whatever :fingerscrossed:

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