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Can I Claim A Refund


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I sit in the Atyeo, I'm short sighted and I want a refund after last night.

First half, the ball spent the entire time at the Southampton end. I'm not really grumbling about this as it resulted in 2 goals for us. No idea who scored the first goal as it was a goal mouth scramble and any one of 15 players could have got the last touch. I only know it was Sproule who scored the second because he started nearer to me than their goalline :)

Never mind, I thought at half time, the second half should be exciting with City attacking this end.

And, blow me, if the ball didn't then spend 45 minutes up the other end!

I really can't recall seeing a save, any save, at the Atyeo end all game.

I feel like I'm owed a 50% refund. You don't go to Wimbledon and get a view of the scoreboard end only. You don't go to Madison Gardens and just see the red corner. All of this would be unacceptable.

I demand a refund and it should be funded by the Eastenders coughing up some extra because they definitely got value for money.

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