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Who Isnt Going Tommorow?

Big Red Rich

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I just wondered who else is suffering with all this QPR talk that cant actually make the game?

I cant go as per usual :wacko: , I'm playing myself for the mighty Wickwar Wanderers 1st XI. Bit of a shame but I'm making it up by going to the Plymouth game :ph34r: .

It is really killing me all this talk of the biggest game of the season and I'm missing it, but i've made a commitment to further my own playing career and i stick by that.

So, anybody else not going and whats your excuse???

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I will have to miss the game.

I have to go to a lunchtime meeting with some solicitors in London in connection with my late Father-In-Law's will. Tomorrow was the only time when my wife and her three sisters were all available.

I should be driving back along the M4 and arriving back in the Radio Bristol reception area at about 4 o'clock. Please let it be good news.

To say that I am p*ssed off would be a massive understatement, but even I have to acknowledge that just occasionally there are some things that are more important than football.

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Guest TB Mutiny

Judgred will miss the match as he's flying to Atlanta, Georgia Saturday morning. I hope to great him at the airport with good news! :ph34r:

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Guest greatwhite

work commitments I'm afraid - will have both ears on the radio though - will be at

the swindon game with my fellow yellow submariners- drink up thy zider

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