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Our New Relationship With The Us

fka dagest

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"Limp-wristed Lefty BBC"

So, another 5 years of spineless servility to ultra-exploiter of human labour.

Brown you're a f...c...


I'm writing as someone with American relatives that are not in favour of George Bush's foreign policies. :innocent06:

America was a powerful ally in WWII - without whose help we could now be under a German jackboot. Personally, I trust the Americans far more than the European Union to which we now really are servile to. Labour, Liberals, and Tories can stick their EU membership up their collective royalist arses - SIDEWAYS !!!!!! :winner_third_h4h::englandflag:

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I'd rather have the US as an ally than the French.

Yeah, but they're starting to piss me off now.

I think it's time we went back to Africa and carved out another empire just on general principles, remind the world who's boss.

Then we won't be beholden to the EU or the US, and we'll have lessened the flood of immigrants, improved the standard of living for Africans lucky enough to now be part of the British empire (as well as rescued them from starvation and human rights abuses in many cases) and for the cherry on top we'll have picked up a good outsourcing location and some raw materials on the cheap.

Foreign policy is a piece of piss.

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Yeah, but they're starting to piss me off now.

I think it's time we went back to Africa and carved out another empire just on general principles, remind the world who's boss.

Then we won't be beholden to the EU or the US, and we'll have lessened the flood of immigrants, improved the standard of living for Africans lucky enough to now be part of the British empire (as well as rescued them from starvation and human rights abuses in many cases) and for the cherry on top we'll have picked up a good outsourcing location and some raw materials on the cheap.

Foreign policy is a piece of piss.

I think we need a tongue in cheek smiley!

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Yeah, but they're starting to piss me off now.

I think it's time we went back to Africa and carved out another empire just on general principles, remind the world who's boss.

Then we won't be beholden to the EU or the US, and we'll have lessened the flood of immigrants, improved the standard of living for Africans lucky enough to now be part of the British empire (as well as rescued them from starvation and human rights abuses in many cases) and for the cherry on top we'll have picked up a good outsourcing location and some raw materials on the cheap.

Foreign policy is a piece of piss.

Evening David... :whistle2:

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"Our" partnership with the US over the last 10 years has been nothing short of disastrous. The only country we could have picked to align ourselves which would have had worse consequences would have been Iraq. Our slavish obedience to the parasites and twisted Christians of the US has produced nothing but negative consequences - death, military spending, fear and a demented, xenophobic patriotism. I recognise that the US does not allow other countries to sit on the side, but for Brown to insinuate that people's distaste for American foreign policy is nothing short of jingoistic means that he really is as pompous and narrow minded as his loathsome predecessor.

And the next installment in "Stalin's" obsession with power:

"Right-wing pandering" BBC

I'm glad Brown is so concerned with the "British" worker. However, this does have a slight lack of substance to me. I just can't square the treatment of postal workers, civil servants etc with a concern for British workers. Still, at least Northern Rock are kept happy - although my guess is that in time honoured fashion they will never hand a single pound back to the tax-payer who has bailed them out.

It seems Gordon is happy to continue to lurch to the right just to keep the thinking bigots at the Mail and Sun happy. It won't be long until we eject all immigrants. Everything will be fine then because it's only the evil foreigner that holds us all back from living in a "British" utopia. Why just remember how the working class was treated before the advent of immigration, why in the Victorian era (when we were all British and proud of it!) the working class err...worked 18 hours a day and women gave birth on the shop-floor.

Gordon, I think it's just possible I may come to despise you more than your old pal Tony.

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"Our" partnership with the US over the last 10 years has been nothing short of disastrous. The only country we could have picked to align ourselves which would have had worse consequences would have been Iraq. Our slavish obedience to the parasites and twisted Christians of the US has produced nothing but negative consequences - death, military spending, fear and a demented, xenophobic patriotism. I recognise that the US does not allow other countries to sit on the side, but for Brown to insinuate that people's distaste for American foreign policy is nothing short of jingoistic means that he really is as pompous and narrow minded as his loathsome predecessor.

And the next installment in "Stalin's" obsession with power:

"Right-wing pandering" BBC

I'm glad Brown is so concerned with the "British" worker. However, this does have a slight lack of substance to me. I just can't square the treatment of postal workers, civil servants etc with a concern for British workers. Still, at least Northern Rock are kept happy - although my guess is that in time honoured fashion they will never hand a single pound back to the tax-payer who has bailed them out.

It seems Gordon is happy to continue to lurch to the right just to keep the thinking bigots at the Mail and Sun happy. It won't be long until we eject all immigrants. Everything will be fine then because it's only the evil foreigner that holds us all back from living in a "British" utopia. Why just remember how the working class was treated before the advent of immigration, why in the Victorian era (when we were all British and proud of it!) the working class err...worked 18 hours a day and women gave birth on the shop-floor.

Gordon, I think it's just possible I may come to despise you more than your old pal Tony.

The ordinary working class Americans are just as bemused by George Bush as we are about Gordon Brown. The difference is that the US Republican party has always been more right wing and more in favour of the employer just like our Tory Party. The Republicans are campaigning against a national health service in the States mocking it as 'socialised medicine' while many poor Americans cannot afford healthcare in what is the richest country in the world. George Bush is willing to waste $billions on the war in the Middle East however.

Add to this scenario our war mongering Labour Party - that's supposed to represent the working man - and you realise just what a complete fraud New Labour really is in always putting the employers, wars and foreign leaders first. You get to realise just what a great man Harold Wilson - a true Labour leader - was in resisting the American pressure to get us involved in Vietnam from the early 1960's to 1970. Meanwhile, Gordon Brown is on his knees to his Queen for a Knighthood and he's on his knees licking the boots of the EU leaders and George Bush. At least George Bush represents the Right Wing Texan oil barons that elected him, Gordon Brown represents no one but himself and a public school and Oxbridge educated Labour elite.

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"Our" partnership with the US over the last 10 years has been nothing short of disastrous. The only country we could have picked to align ourselves which would have had worse consequences would have been Iraq. Our slavish obedience to the parasites and twisted Christians of the US has produced nothing but negative consequences - death, military spending, fear and a demented, xenophobic patriotism. I recognise that the US does not allow other countries to sit on the side, but for Brown to insinuate that people's distaste for American foreign policy is nothing short of jingoistic means that he really is as pompous and narrow minded as his loathsome predecessor.

And the next installment in "Stalin's" obsession with power:

"Right-wing pandering" BBC

I'm glad Brown is so concerned with the "British" worker. However, this does have a slight lack of substance to me. I just can't square the treatment of postal workers, civil servants etc with a concern for British workers. Still, at least Northern Rock are kept happy - although my guess is that in time honoured fashion they will never hand a single pound back to the tax-payer who has bailed them out.

It seems Gordon is happy to continue to lurch to the right just to keep the thinking bigots at the Mail and Sun happy. It won't be long until we eject all immigrants. Everything will be fine then because it's only the evil foreigner that holds us all back from living in a "British" utopia. Why just remember how the working class was treated before the advent of immigration, why in the Victorian era (when we were all British and proud of it!) the working class err...worked 18 hours a day and women gave birth on the shop-floor.

Gordon, I think it's just possible I may come to despise you more than your old pal Tony.

As somebody who reads the mail and sun, explain to me why I'm a "Thinking Bigot" You a mirror reader?, you left wing ####!

(see how i automatically reasoned that?)

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