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Ucas Form


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My best advice is to only really worry about your personal statement if your applying to the top notch uni's or applying to be on a course which has a very limited number of places.

If neither of these apply to you then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Yeah put some effort into writing it still, state some unique qualities you hold, what you are hoping to gain from the university experience and what you can offer the uni in return, but all in all don't stress out about it.

My mate got in Newcastle uni with the worst personal statement ever...explaining how he once went to an England vs Paraguay friendly at Anfield and how it was one of the best moments in his life, ever.

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My mate got in Newcastle uni with the worst personal statement ever

In other words, take it seriously or you could end up there too.

Really there's no reason not to make your application as attractive as possible. Some courses the people reviewing the forms have many times the applications they have places so they will use any excuse to rule forms out quickly and save time. For that reason make sure you the spelling is right and it's grammatically correct.

I remember finding it quite hard to write because it was the first time I'd actually had to bullshit about how wonderful I am. Now I'm far more used to it from writing CVs.

Some things to talk about:

- Your strengths, maybe include a weakness or something you think you need to work on too. If you find this hard try "how would my friends describe me", then clean it up a bit ;)

- Hobbies and interests

- Any extra curricular stuff or charity stuff

- Ambitions in life and career and such

Don't be scared to sell yourself a bit, but don't lie outright. Keep a copy of what you put on there because they may well ask you about it if they interview you. (So how are the skiiing lessons coming on? etc)

If you can possibly do so it's worth getting a few spare copies of the form and attempting to have your PC print the personal statement in the right place, makes it easier for the people to read and therefore they will be more inclined to do it.

Good luck, and please do a real degree not ###### media studies. The world doesn't need more media people.

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Firstly do it online, it's just easier and doesn't require the pissing about with the printer situation that Nibor describes. And as he said spelling and grammar are key because the way they look at it, if the candidate can't be bothered to check such things on their application form, can they really be bothered with uni?

I've got relatively recent and successful history with the old personal statement thing. I got offers from all of my 6 choices including 3 of the top 7 universities for business in the country in Aston, Warwick and Nottingham.

The way i looked at it was to ask myself what the uni wanted from a person and to shape my interests around that concept. They want someone organised, passionate and most of all motivated to be at their uni and do their course. They also want well rounded people too so don't be afraid to mention you're not a social recluse in a positive way of course!

I'd use Nibor's template and add a couple of things to it that i think are key.

- Why you want to go to university? Loads of people miss this out. What will university bring to you? It gives you a great opportunity to be enthusiastic and positive without having to list superlatives about yourself. Instead of putting in a negaitive what will uni help you improve? Will it give you a chance to be more independent, self sufficient, develop life skills etc etc

- When you talk about your hobbies/interests try and relate them to positive skills you've gained through them and mention that you'd like to carry them on at university by joining the corresponding society.

- If you've ever worked mention that and talk about responsibilities etc. Universities love people who have had jobs.

Basically make sure they know that you're an interesting and interested person and that you really want to go to uni.

Anyway back to writing about the history of UN sanctions because uni's all fun...

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I think you come across very well.

You apear enthusiastic and mature with a genuine desire and reason to suceed.

I'd question the wording of your last paragraph though.

I feel that through my experiences to date and because of the qualities that I posses I am ready.....

Edit: ahh the irony of suggesting improvements when you can't spell!

Thank you! That last line was bugging me but i couldn't think of a way to change it, ta!!

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Awesome last para!

All i've done is to change some of the sentence structure and explain certain things. Other than that as i originally said you come across as the ideal uni person who's dedicated, organised, experienced, passionate and all together well rounded.

good luck!

Thank you so much, everything you've said makes total sense!!! Cheers x

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Just want to add 'good luck' wishes to you Vicky, I can't offer any more help as others have done it brilliantly.

Doesn't it make you feel good that there are great people out there willing to help others on here. :clapping:

Thanks M! Yep it was lovely, I thought I might of been ignored but so greatful for everyones advice!!

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