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Ricky Gervais - Fame Dvd


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I decided to buy it off of play.com as as aonly £14 compared to about £20 most of the shops were charging..

As funny as the first 30 minutes were I have to admit some of his stuff was offensive, talking about illnesses ect.. I thought if he'd of only made the one or two jokes about m.e ect it would have been better but in my opnion he took it a litle too far, especially with the joke about the cancer sufferer at the start.

I liked the bit about Dawn French and the best bit for me was when he said about how he was walking along town listening to music and the Sun headline the next day was I.PODGE.

The extras on the DVD were poor and the show in general was not all that long.The gervais hummour was all clear to see in the DVD and I would probably give this one a 7/10 and say that Politics was better.

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