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If I was GJ I would not offer the same contract. He obviously thought that not signing was the best way to get a deal better elsewhere. This has not transpired and instead of committing himself long term he decided against this for what ever reason.

As we all know GJ likes to see committment something RK sadley lacked on this occassion.

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he has done himself no favours at City, and his form at Huddersfield was basically.....shocking,

I'd withdraw the contract (which based on last season was probably quite good) for now personally, he basically has to prove himself all over again,

it's upto him to prove himself worth a new contract after this season.

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Whenever he played Keogh usually seemed to be the most committed player on the pitch. His superb attitude compensated for some weaknesses in ability.

He was a good squad member last season, but with the rise in form of Fontaine, the way Orr has risen to Champioship level, and the acquisition of the current Hungarian international Vasko, he will struggle at the moment to regain a place. But injuries, suspensions and loss of form can quickly change matters.

Without knowing what he was offered why knock him?

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...how long before his current contract expires though & he becomes a free agent?.....

Be a pity to see him go somewhere else for nowt, it'd be like cutting off yer nose to spite yer face on a point of principle -despite everything he's still a half decent player & must be worth a bob or two if things cant be sorted out or his prospects here don't improve.

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...how long before his current contract expires though & he becomes a free agent?.....

Be a pity to see him go somewhere else for nowt, it'd be like cutting off yer nose to spite yer face on a point of principle -despite everything he's still a half decent player & must be worth a bob or two if things cant be sorted out or his prospects here don't improve.

Agreed. I've always liked him too, not the best ability but makes up for it with commitment (ironically). But I was all for letting him go after hearing about his contract wrangles, GJ is right to show who's Boss and cannot be held to ransom by any player or his Agent.

That said he didn't have a great time at Huddersfield, maybe a lesson learnt. Sometimes you have to lose something to realise what you got? He was having a great game for the Reserves this week before injury forced him off. Maybe it was Gary he was trying to impress or someone else, who knows, but he was at least looking interested and up for it.

Don't know if his Agent was filling his head with promises, but knowing who his Agent is, well he's in enough trouble at the moment :rofl2br: Maybe Keogh has had a rethink, after all he's still young, I messed up a few times at his age too!

By the way, I went to the profiles on the OS to check his age, he's not listed....lets have the conspiracy theories/rumors!!!

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As people have said, the ball is in Keogh's court now. Which is good in a way because we have another squad member with something to prove. If that translates into eventually getting a chance in the first team and taking it then the club benefits. If, however, he struggles as he did at Huddersfield and fails to reproduce the form of last season then at least we have not committed to the contract.

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