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Holloway Article On Os


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Talking about his "return" to Ashton gate, says he will "get a reception" (doesnt say good or bad but we all know what it will be!)

He also says this...

It'll be nice for City fans to see me again, they won't be expecting to see me and i can't wait

Ummm, so do we not read any papers, listen to any radio or watch any news then?!

To be fair(ish) he does praise our support (i think) at the end of the article.

Bristol City fans were't happy in the lower division. They've come up now and everything is hunk-dory - they're optimistic about the Premiership. That kind of atmosphere inside the ground is electric and it inspires the players. We've got to try and create that here

Talk about sucking up!

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I think that there is kind of a mutual respect between Holloway and City fans. Because of history we can never really like him nor him us but it's hard not to admire Holloway as a person and he's a much better manager than many out there. For his part I think he enjoys the banter.

I'm hoping his appointment has come at a good time for us in that he won't have had time to stamp his mark on the team and his presence is sure to add a bit more noise to the atmosphere.

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When i spoke to ian last month when he came to the Mall Cribbs for book signing, he was expecting a bad reception with argayle but now it's come early for him..

As a manager he's got the upmost respect for us city, and for what he said when i had a quick chat with him before he went into waterstones, i got nothing but respect for the guy. I think he will do well for Leicester, but hope he doesnt on Saturday!

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Talking about his "return" to Ashton gate, says he will "get a reception" (doesnt say good or bad but we all know what it will be!)

He also says this...

Ummm, so do we not read any papers, listen to any radio or watch any news then?!

To be fair(ish) he does praise our support (i think) at the end of the article.

Talk about sucking up!

no...not sucking up just telling you how it is..he,s a bristolian and the thought of returning to Ashton Gate is mouthwatering for him..

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There was probably no contact at that time - how do we know ?

He probably thought "why would they be interested" and I'd agree with him.

But they were.

So they offer him 400k per annum - probably twice what he's on at Plymuff.

What would you do for your family and future ? Say no because it's not right ? Bollix.

I repeat, no problem at all with managers being ambitious. Sooner or later GJ will do the same; I just hope he is straighter with us when he does.

Loyalty is in short supply in football and any manager knows he can have the support of the Board one minute and be sacked the next - as happened to him at QPR where the Board behaved disgracefully. He has to do the best he can for himself and his family therefore. Just leave out the undying love stuff, the managerial equivalent of badge kissing players who are on the phone to their agent the next minute trying to engineer a move.

His argument on the radio last night (and despite being given a fairly easy ride he came across like he regretted what he had said and was a bit hysterical even by his standards) was that he meant all those things when he said them but he changed his mind when Mandaric made an approach. Maybe he did but its best not to overplay the loyalty card in the first place because it tends to come back and bite you on the bum.

As an interesting sideline his main argument was frustration at the size of Plymouth's crowds for a team in 7th place. A perfectly fair argument and the factor that just may play on Gary's mind as time goes on.

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As an interesting sideline his main argument was frustration at the size of Plymouth's crowds for a team in 7th place. A perfectly fair argument and the factor that just may play on Gary's mind as time goes on.

City's average, at 15,400, is significantly larger than Argyle's. I think that average will also build if City continue the momentum especially if a new stadium is in the offing. Gary J is not Ian H and Gary J is in charge of far more potential than Argyle with all due respect to them. I would also say City have greater potential than Leicester and by some margin.

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City's average, at 15,400, is significantly larger than Argyle's. I think that average will also build if City continue the momentum especially if a new stadium is in the offing. Gary J is not Ian H and Gary J is in charge of far more potential than Argyle with all due respect to them. I would also say City have greater potential than Leicester and by some margin.

Fair comment on the current average. I wonder however what level the average will find once we have been in this league for a while and the novelty has worn off, especially for floating fans. History suggests our natural level may be lower. Steve has said we need 15,000 to cover the wage bill. He seems happy to fund transfer fees but will not cover the running costs (or at least that's my reading of his statement that the club must stand on its own feet). He has also said if we are to challenge for promotion the wage bill will have to double again (though that may just be an attempt to lower expectations). So if the average drops we will be unable to meet the current wage bill, let alone a doubling, potentially constraining what Gary can do.

Gary is certainly not Holloway. While the media like his personality and he is prepared to have a laugh at the right time he does not feel it necessary to act like a country bumpkin to get attention and comes across as much more intelligent and articulate.

Your new stadium point is a good one and brings us back to Holloway, part of whose justification was that he could not wait for a new stadium and training facilities at Plymouth in the face of local authority opposition whereas Leicester already have everything in place, plus a rich benefactor and average crowds of around 23,000. If a new stadium is in the offing will Gary be prepared to wait if he gets a similar opportunity? I hope so, but provided he was honest about it I would not knock him if he moved on when he thought he couldn't take us any further, as he did with Yeovil.

You're right about the relative potential too, especially compared to Plymouth. The problem is that the potential has always been there but hardly ever realised in our history. By comparison Leicester have probably exceeded theirs on a fairly regular basis and, I suspect, have not faced a local authority positively hostile to sport. The fact that there are two clubs in Bristol also gives local industry (such as it is these days) and commerce an excuse to back neither so as not to show favouritism - unlike Walkers with Leicester.

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