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The Bonking Policeman.......

OC 1645

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OK, Pete Abrams - Avon & Somerset Gestapo Sergeant - has resigned after allegedly having sex with women at the Clevedon Gestapo HQ. To be fair, his actions are infinately preferable to the low-life West Mercia Gestapo Detective up in court for abducting and sexually interfering with a child. This was the front page headline of the Hereford Times back in August where West Mercia Police Gestapo detective - Geoffrey Alan Gough - is on the front cover accused of abducting and sexually assaulting a young girl.........


The judge even tried to have this detective's identity kept secret from the press !!!!!!!! :noexpression: The Hereford Times successfully challenged this unlawful court order banning the identification of this former police detective sergeant facing child abduction charges. Geoffrey Alan Gough first appeared at Gloucester Magistrates on 17 August 2007 where he answered to his name in open court and denied charges of abducting and molesting a 13-year-old girl.

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