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I read on another site that Swindon could go bust soon I know they seem to do this every year its not really a proper season if Swindon dint nearly go bust twice but I am just wondering what our fans views are on this?

I only ask because on the site I saw it posted on two Rovers fans said they would not really care and one said it would be funny, this is not a dig at Rovers fans as I am sure most would care and do not think it funny however I was just wondering what our own fans views are on this?

I would not like them to go bust for one it would be a shame I think I always enjoyed are little rivalry and sending them down was a bit of a laugh sure a lot of their fans can be nobs but then so can ours right?

Not sure if this should have been in this forum or not but just wondering what you guys felt about it, it would be a shame for any club to o down the drain even that lot down the road.

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I only care to the point that, as you say we get this time and time again, yet they always seem to have money to spend on reasonably well paid players and managers!!

They don't deserve any sympathy if the worst does happen as the warnings have been there year on year!!!

I would like to see clubs budget to their income and not rely on rich chairman covering losses, unless the money is given and can't be taken back, then this wouldn't keep cropping up when the benefactors throw a hissy and decide to pull the plug!!

If it was up to most fans they would encourage more and more money to be spent on the team, but don't think of the consequences if success doesn't keep coming!!!

I don't consider them a local rival, but i would love to see Forest Green dump them out of the cup on saturday!!!!

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Felt really sorry for Scarborough fans when they folded last season and wouldn't want to see Swindon put to the same feat to be honest. Wouldn't make much difference to me to be honest but just thinking if it was us in that position it's be heartbreaking.

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I wouldn't want any team to go bust, cos it's the fans that suffer, even if they are Wiltshi*e inbred pig-worrying freaks from the nuclear bomb-inviting hole that is Swindon (I've worked there, it's a dump).

You can't blame the fans, it's always the owners, directors, etc that are to blame, even though it seems like they're about to go bust every season.

Of course, you should never invite bad things to happen upon other people because they might just happen to you one day...

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