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My Intolerance

fka dagest

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No, not Sags,

But Gay, Lesbian activists etc

Firstly, I can't make it clear enough that I am not anti-gay. I really don't care what sexual games people get up to behind doors as long as both are consenting. I don't think non-heterosexual relations harm society and I don't think any absolute truth exists about what is right or wrong.


What does irritate me is the activists who basically go around looking to constantly emphasize that they need to be made a special case in society and deserving of special and unique treatment.

For example, where I work someone from the Gay/Lesbian wrote to a Big Cheese complaining about the use of the term "Paternity Leave" when referring to well..."Paternity Leave". They complained that this term reinforced the binary model of human relationships and was effectively marginalizing people who did not conform to perceived normal standards.

So, um Intersex, Transgender and gender summat or something types now feel marginalized etc. What can one do?

I also noticed that the LGBT group at our work now have an annual remembrance day for well..."them" to remember the er...things (what ever they are) who died as a consequence of violence and hate etc.

Aren't these people just a bunch of attention seekers?

Am I a bad man?


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Aren't these people just a bunch of attention seekers?


Why minorety groups persist in going meh meh meh all the time is beyond me. Chill #####ing out, yeah... no one cares. (apart from dagest ;) ) - incidentally, have you not (and me too by joining in) not played right into their hands with this discussion?

Am I a bad man?


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No, not Sags,

But Gay, Lesbian activists etc

Firstly, I can't make it clear enough that I am not anti-gay. I really don't care what sexual games people get up to behind doors as long as both are consenting. I don't think non-heterosexual relations harm society and I don't think any absolute truth exists about what is right or wrong.


What does irritate me is the activists who basically go around looking to constantly emphasize that they need to be made a special case in society and deserving of special and unique treatment.

For example, where I work someone from the Gay/Lesbian wrote to a Big Cheese complaining about the use of the term "Paternity Leave" when referring to well..."Paternity Leave". They complained that this term reinforced the binary model of human relationships and was effectively marginalizing people who did not conform to perceived normal standards.

So, um Intersex, Transgender and gender summat or something types now feel marginalized etc. What can one do?

I also noticed that the LGBT group at our work now have an annual remembrance day for well..."them" to remember the er...things (what ever they are) who died as a consequence of violence and hate etc.

Aren't these people just a bunch of attention seekers?

Am I a bad man?


No, you're a weary cynic young man.

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My mate who ran the Uni LGB said roughly the same thing. He said it was down to the lack of excitement being gay is nowadays. There's not much special about it when you've got nothing really left to fight for and you're accepted by the mainstream.

But dagest, you've called people "things", which disgusts me frankly. I thought everyone was equal in a red world, guess not.

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My mate who ran the Uni LGB said roughly the same thing. He said it was down to the lack of excitement being gay is nowadays. There's not much special about it when you've got nothing really left to fight for and you're accepted by the mainstream.

But dagest, you've called people "things", which disgusts me frankly. I thought everyone was equal in a red world, guess not.

Then you've probably misunderstood my point. What I'm trying to demonstrate is that these individuals don't accept being labeled according to conventional points of reference i.e. man, woman, gay etc. What I'm trying to point out is that I don't know how to refer to someone who marks them self out as a special case.

How do you refer to someone in conventional terms who defies any form of labeling?

"Thing" is the only word I can come up with. What would you use?

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etc. would in my mind have covered lesbian and bi.

"Humans" and "people" are far too vague.

However, in my opinion the bottom four categories are either bullshit or essentially meaningless.

"Trans" is solely based on the premise that certain modes of behaviour are attributable to either males or females i.e males fix cars and women wash-up. Most roles assigned to gender are for the most part historic and not necessarily absolute to either sex. For example, women used to teach children, now both genders do it. I believe that most people who have gender issues seem to have a problem with their personal behaviour because in their mind they feel they have to conform to certain behaviours assigned to their gender.

Now this is my point, I like doing a bit of cooking occasionally (a role historically associated with women). Now if I decide I want to take up knitting would I have to evaluate my gender balance and decide whether I should start wearing a frock and calling myself Gemma? No of course not, because I'm aware I'm a complex organism. There are many influences in my life and some things will float my boat and others won't. But, do I demand special attention from everyone else and make a point of being conspicuous as possible? No, and that's because I'm not "seeking attention" from everyone else.

"Queer" in my opinion in too non-specific too mean anything.

"Intersex" - what's wrong with hermaphrodite?

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Probably to counter the majority groups who persist in going duh duh duh all the time.

Wish they'd all bloody stop it, bloody groups - too many sheeple walking this planet! (securety of the pack I think)

......wish there were more isolated weirdo's like me about!

Why Moz, can't people just relax and get on with their lives without all the nonsense?

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Wish they'd all bloody stop it, bloody groups - too many sheeple walking this planet! (securety of the pack I think)

......wish there were more isolated weirdo's like me about!

Why Moz, can't people just relax and get on with their lives without all the nonsense?

Individuality???? Are you mad?

If you know what's good for you, you will read the Sun for your life view, watch Friends and laugh when everybody else laughs, and mindlessly accept the madness around you.

There there, I know you can do it...

duh duh duh

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I'm intolerant of all activist minority groups.

Just because there are less people with your particular sexuality/food preference/hair colour etc doesn't mean you require special treatment and I'm sick of ###### paying for it.

Why people need to get into these little groups and pretend they're some sort of special category is beyond me, just be individuals and take everyone else as an individual for chrissakes. It's not complicated.

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Whilst, we're on the subject of minority groups, I saw a big fat bird on BBC Breakfast this morning harping on about

how we are all too mean to fatties, blaming them for everything.

Her name is Vicki Swinden, and a quick google reveals that she is running two pro-fatty websites

Fat Is The New Black


My question is "Who gives a ####?"

I agree with WTGiGO - to much me, me, me attention whoring going on these days.

If you're overweight and happy then fine, if your not happy then lose some weight.

Edit: Actually - fatties are probably in the majority now.

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