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Eyesight Problems ?

andy g

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I think ive found out why some people seem to have it in for Lee Johnson !

Last night there were a number of occasions when Sproule or McIndoe gave the ball away - and people were shouting "bloody Johnson" or "get off Johnson".

Are people getting out three diminutive midfielders confused ?

Or are people just so blinkered, they'll blame Johnson for anything ?

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I think ive found out why some people seem to have it in for Lee Johnson !

Last night there were a number of occasions when Sproule or McIndoe gave the ball away - and people were shouting "bloody Johnson" or "get off Johnson".

Are people getting out three diminutive midfielders confused ?

Or are people just so blinkered, they'll blame Johnson for anything ?

probably the latter

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blinkered and blame johnson for everything,

in fairness at one point in the 2nd half, i did say "bloody sproule, bit lower and it would have been in" turned out it was Johnson.

it is almost comical though some of the idoits who tend to go to games, there was a couple of occasions, where Johnson was sent a hospital pass from McIndoe and it got picked up by a Ipswich player, each time some idiot behind me (G block atyeo) blamed Johnson, HOW THE HELL WAS IT HIS FAULT!

though he did also say later "elliott is possibly the best free transfer ever" and blamed Orr for a dodgy clearance even though it was Fontaine? :blink:

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blinkered and blame johnson for everything,

in fairness at one point in the 2nd half, i did say "bloody sproule, bit lower and it would have been in" turned out it was Johnson.

it is almost comical though some of the idoits who tend to go to games, there was a couple of occasions, where Johnson was sent a hospital pass from McIndoe and it got picked up by a Ipswich player, each time some idiot behind me (G block atyeo) blamed Johnson, HOW THE HELL WAS IT HIS FAULT!

though he did also say later "elliott is possibly the best free transfer ever" and blamed Orr for a dodgy clearance even though it was Fontaine? :blink:

Same here but the other way round. Something happened in the 2nd half, we lost the ball and i thought it was johnson, i didnt have a good view of the back of his shirt and because i forgot to put me contact lenses in, mistok the 29 for a 33 and thoguht it was Johnson that lost it. Luckily i was politely corrected that it was Sproule.

But some of the abus he gets is so unfair and unjust at times you sometimes wonder wht he has to do to win people over!

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you think all this is bad, i have a group of men behind me in the dolman, who blame 'midget' for everything. when he takes a free kick, 'aww get the dwarf off, hes shit johnstone' (doesnt even know his bloody name). When the substitution was made to bring Trundle on, one of them said well why isn;t he taking midget off, Nobles been excellent. I couldn't beleive it, i thought Noble was going to need an oxygen tank to help him get off the pitch, he was shattered!!!

But they don't just save their abuse for him...Trundle gets it aswell. Trundle gave the ball away 2 times when he was on the pitch i beleive, both of which were met with, why don't you **** off back to swansea you welsh fat c***. Unbeleivable, then when Trundle made Wilnis look stupid towards the end, they blamed it on Wilness being tired after a hard 60 minutes against Noble. (even though wilnis was a late 2nd half sub) Where they even watching the game?!

Seriously contemplating wether to change my season ticket to the Atyeo!!

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blinkered and blame johnson for everything,

in fairness at one point in the 2nd half, i did say "bloody sproule, bit lower and it would have been in" turned out it was Johnson.

it is almost comical though some of the idoits who tend to go to games, there was a couple of occasions, where Johnson was sent a hospital pass from McIndoe and it got picked up by a Ipswich player, each time some idiot behind me (G block atyeo) blamed Johnson, HOW THE HELL WAS IT HIS FAULT!

though he did also say later "elliott is possibly the best free transfer ever" and blamed Orr for a dodgy clearance even though it was Fontaine? :blink:

Yes there were also some at the back of Dolman B that had a go at Johnson for that. I am one of Johnson's critics and even i said to them it was Macs fault.

You cant blame him for something that is not his fault, no matter how much you may not like him.

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Funny thing is i made the same mistake at Watford. From where i was in the ground i was sure it was LJ through on goal in the first half and it wasn't untill i watched the highlights that i found out it was Ivan.

Yes i was he same,bloody johnson not till i watched the game again did i relise it was ivan

lee if your reading this sorry mate

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Same here but the other way round. Something happened in the 2nd half, we lost the ball and i thought it was johnson, i didnt have a good view of the back of his shirt and because i forgot to put me contact lenses in, mistok the 29 for a 33 and thoguht it was Johnson that lost it. Luckily i was politely corrected that it was Sproule.

But some of the abus he gets is so unfair and unjust at times you sometimes wonder wht he has to do to win people over!

You weren't involved in the FA Cup draw by any chance were you? :whistle2:

But seriously, I agree with you about the amount of abuse he receives, it is way over the top. There were people sat behind me who were hurling abuse at him from his first touch of the ball, ridiculous!

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You weren't involved in the FA Cup draw by any chance were you? :whistle2:

But seriously, I agree with you about the amount of abuse he receives, it is way over the top. There were people sat behind me who were hurling abuse at him from his first touch of the ball, ridiculous!

Ha ha i wish. If i was i would order a re-draw, then if we got some like havant and waterlooville away i would say that we are going by the original draw!

I had a bloke sat next to me tuesday night, and despite annoying me throughout the whole game by fidgeting and moving every 5 SECONDS, any slightest mistake any city players made, he was call them a ####! WHY?!!!

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i couldn't make Tuesday's game but listened to comm on BBC Brizz and one thing that really stood out was the number of times the commentator said

"and Johnson gives the ball away"

I didn't hear many "Good ball from Johnson" comments

It would be interesting to see his prozone results to see how many completions he does make etc only you just cant afford to give the ball away aty this level

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i couldn't make Tuesday's game but listened to comm on BBC Brizz and one thing that really stood out was the number of times the commentator said

"and Johnson gives the ball away"

I didn't hear many "Good ball from Johnson" comments

It would be interesting to see his prozone results to see how many completions he does make etc only you just cant afford to give the ball away aty this level

Legend ! You're now having a go at LJ based on his performance in a game you didn't even see ! :winner_third_h4h:

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