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Stand By For The Plymouth

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I know the weather has been awfull overnight thursday/friday

The forcast for friday is a drier day but forcast for saturday morning

is more rain

Being in devon over the weekend it won't be too far for me to travel

All I am going to say is if they are going to call it off lets not have it caled off

at 10::00am on saturday morning when the bulk of us will be alredy on the move

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I remember the match at the mem back in 2001 should have been called off due to the rain. But the police forced it to be played for fear of a riot!

Remember it well as me & some mates were in the Rovers End behind the Goal trying not to cheer when they missed that last gasp penalty!!!

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some us us are leaving at 6am for this one .....

they need to make a decision today

if its called off en-route ....... it could be breakfast at Dolly's ( 2 eggs for me please )


Sod off I'm only having like 4 hours sleep tonight as it is, so in one way a lie in would be much appreciated, but on the other hand I am really looking forward to the game.

Breakfast on Warks, i'll be the one getting off the coach wrapped in me duvet!

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Can I just clarify this? If there is bad weather in Plymouth, are you saying it could be played in Jeopardy instead?

Basically yeah. I think its only just down the road :innocent06:

Loads of work available there if you have no employment

You always read in the papers about "hundreds of jobs in Jeopardy"

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I know the weather has been awfull overnight thursday/friday

The forcast for friday is a drier day but forcast for saturday morning

is more rain

Being in devon over the weekend it won't be too far for me to travel

All I am going to say is if they are going to call it off lets not have it caled off

at 10::00am on saturday morning when the bulk of us will be alredy on the move

Happy to tell you we now got your thursday/friday weather.. :bruce_h4h:

Better than snow anyway.. :protest: Means traffic jams (American?) all over the place..

Safe home :badmood:

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