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David Lloyd Liason Guy


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Not usually one to be contentious, but this David Lloyd announcer blokey on the main website seems to be holding an enquiry all of his own as to why people are / aren't attending games. I'm not sure if I'm overly keen on a some bloke with a microphone questioning me as to why I can or can't go. Just feels like a stunt to is pay lip service to the issue of poor attendances....the issue is clearly the prices.

To be honest, I would prefer someone with a bit of swing at the club aking the questions (CS, SL, GJ)...then I might find my reply would be taken seriously..

(I personally feel the reasons are 2 fold...high prices and the fact that the west country is littered with passive man u, liverpool, arsenal and chelsea 'fans' (I refer my honourable friends to the recent thread asking who everyones second team is!). The answer would shorly be to look at changing thh pricing structure and / or maybe offering long term incentives).

I don't mean to offen the guy, I'm sure he's thouroughly nice chap. If he has any clout and /or if anything comes of this 'survey', then I'll get me coat (but can't see it).


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Not usually one to be contentious, but this David Lloyd announcer blokey on the main website seems to be holding an enquiry all of his own as to why people are / aren't attending games. I'm not sure if I'm overly keen on a some bloke with a microphone questioning me as to why I can or can't go. Just feels like a stunt to is pay lip service to the issue of poor attendances....the issue is clearly the prices.

To be honest, I would prefer someone with a bit of swing at the club aking the questions (CS, SL, GJ)...then I might find my reply would be taken seriously..

(I personally feel the reasons are 2 fold...high prices and the fact that the west country is littered with passive man u, liverpool, arsenal and chelsea 'fans' (I refer my honourable friends to the recent thread asking who everyones second team is!). The answer would shorly be to look at changing thh pricing structure and / or maybe offering long term incentives).

I don't mean to offen the guy, I'm sure he's thouroughly nice chap. If he has any clout and /or if anything comes of this 'survey', then I'll get me coat (but can't see it).


Dave Loyd is more than just the match day announcer. He is employed by the club as their Fans Liaison Officer.

He can probably explain his role better than me but I guess that it is to do pretty much what it says on the tin ie be the first point of contact for many fan related issues thus freeing up tthe likes of SL, CS and Doug Harman to do other things.

I am sure that any information he collects will be passed on to CS and SL.

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He can probably explain his role better than me but I guess that it is to do pretty much what it says on the tin ie be the first point of contact for many fan related issues thus freeing up tthe likes of SL, CS and Doug Harman to do other things.

I am sure that any information he collects will be passed on to CS and SL.

Actually I can't explain it any better than that .

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