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Police After The Game


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So guys, let me get this straight. The police wouldnt let you out at the end of the game as there were - and i quote - "hundreds of Plymouth waiting outside". Now, correct me if i'm wrong here, but surely these "fans" wouldnt have been waiting outside to shake your hand and talk about the game?!

The police kept you all in to stop Plymouth attacking you - is that not clearly obvious? So what if the Police let you all out and innocent fans were attacked? Who's fault would it be? - The Police?

The Police keep in you for 10 mins after (not exactly a life changing amount of time) and avoid the potential for innocent fans to be attacked and vehicles and property to be damaged - and you are moaning about human rights? Jesus christ - get a life!

Sometimes this forum infuriates me!

sorry mate but if the police decide to keep people in the ground at least let them us the toilet ! even young kids aged around 10 with mother or father were not allowed which is wrong and no need. but yes agree with you 10 mins not a life time amount but it was the way they done it.

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the comment / complaint is because those that decide to stand don't give a thought for anyone who may be unwilling or worse, unable to stand for periods of time that are sat behind them. .... and while they have that attitude, they'll find it difficult to get the majority of fans to support their view


Agreed! I was sat with a 9 year old boy today and it was his 1st away game. However there were a group of 4 lads sat in front who continued to stand after being asked not to, so he missed parts of the game. Its different standing for the "exciting" bits, but standing just for fun is nto fair on others ie. "stand up if you hate the gas" (btw when were on not playing the gas WHY?) A little courtesy would not go a miss with some of our fans!

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I do, in fact, realise that it's not entirely the fault of the Royalist Gestapo Police that we have one of the most corrupt and class based criminal justice systems in Western Europe. It's the totally unaccountabe Crown Prosecution Service lawyer puppet masters of the Police that are more to blame in my opinion.

This is how a corrupt toff/snob Crown Prosecution Service lawyer witch could have met her end during the time of the Republic of England. A simple stake with her roped to it :clapping: ......


In this example chains instead of rope are used to hold the CPS royalist witch - to stop her flying off perhaps ????!!!! :icecream: .......


Here we go again..why don't you do us all a favour emigrate? How about Bolivia or China?

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Here we go again..why don't you do us all a favour emigrate? How about Bolivia or China?

That's actually quite insulting you traitor. I'm actually English and Bristolian and proud of my Bristolian history. Thomas Rainsborough's regiment executed 3,000 of your Royalists at Prior's Hill Fort (now the top of Nine Tree Hill) in the September of 1645. The Royalists were keeping my Bristolian ancestors in poverty during that Royalist occupation. Bristol declared on the side of the English Parliament at the start of the English civil war in 1642 and was liberated from the royalist tyranny by the army of the English Parliament in the September of 1645. So why don't you piss off to Germany - the homeland of your high priestess Queen Elizabeth. Oh hang on, Germany's now a Republic so you wont be welcome there. :winner_third_h4h:

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didn't see any bother afterwards anywhere ......

although confining us away from the loos, and letting someone go when another returned was quite amusing, when they could have confined us in the area containing the loos

the escorted amble to the car parks, was slow but incident free, apart from the normal one or two loud idiots we get who have a need to draw attention to themselves ..

at the cordon by the burger fan, i was asked where i was going, and pointed out my car was in the upper park and ride car park, there response was ' have a safe trip home'

only problem was that upper car park, you had to turn left coming out, i dunno what dismal depths of plymouth i was in before i could turn round.

beyond that, for me it was a fairly hassle free day, the only problem being fellow city fans, with a compulsion to stand in front of the seat i had paid my 20 odd quid for.


C'mon warks I don't know where you were but to say it was incident free is laughable. The police would not let us into the concourse so everyone pushed the police back into the concourse so we could use the toilets. A few minutes later and we were all fed up of being treated like cattle so the doors were stormed and out of the stadium we all were where we were charged at by horses and some were hit with batons. The police line was then pushed all the way around to the other side of the stadium by where the park is. A load of Plymouth were at the bottom of the hill and they saw how many City there was and legged it. We were then happily escorted back to the station where a train was waiting for us.

I have it all on camera but I'm not going to incriminate anyone for defending themselves against the OTT police. Everyone was just fed up of being treated like cattle. Escort to the stadium and escort back without having a choice. Some will want to have a police escort and some don't. If I would have drove down by car I could have walked around Plymouth as much as I would have liked to pre match but as I went on train I had to be escorted to the ground. Surely treatment like this is wrong as as human beings we should have the choice and freedom to go where we like.

I'm not interested in having trouble with other fans' all I want is to enjoy my day out, Today I didn't as the police ruined that.

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No problem with standing either... a tadge odd that the gangways were full of standing people as well... seemed far more people than seats available to me. More the merrier though.

As for the police, decent overall I thought. However, I assume the idea was that keeping us back was to clear the area to avoid contact. At least for the non train brigade, seemed to adopt the Met police method of getting people away from the immediate environs of the stadium then every man for himself. No worries at all, but for those who were looking for trouble there were many opportunities to be had it seemed.

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beau45, that is why there is a need to set aside standing areas for both home and away games.

If a block was sat aside yesterday then you and others wouldnt of had any problem. You have to respect peoples need to stand at football as much as people need to respect your need to sit down at football.

Ok but at the moment there isnt one, so you cant stand up, as much as you might like to, some people (particularly the elderly men and women sat around us) don't have the luxury of being able to just jump up and down, and when they then asked the ones standing up to sit down, being subjected to a mouthful of abuse wasnt exactly very nice. I'm not saying there shouldnt be somewhere to stand, but at the moment when there isnt people will just have to remain seated.

I missed our own goal yesterday due to people standing, because the elderly people sat behind me would have had even less chance of seeing if I had decided to stand up to see past those in front of me stood up.

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I know what your saying dolly which is even more reason why there has to be a standing area, for those reasons. It isnt fair on people who want to sit and people who want to stand, both party end up annoyed because the people who want to stand get yelled at by people when the people who are sat down miss goals etc.

But if everyone sat down even if they didnt want to there will never be a change in the rules. But you say "so you cant stand up" to me that seems, " I want to sit down so I'm more important than you"

Maybe you could write a letter to the FA, FLA, Your Mp etc requesting a change in the rules so everyone can be happy.

Take the east end for example, the club seem to be letting us stand in there. It makes everyone happy if your in that stand, noone is block anyones views, noone is upsetting anyone. Its a unoffical standing area. If the club took that away then there would be at least 300 fans who would want to stand in other parts of the ground, maybe even blocking your view in the atyeo.

Its all about being fair, give a standing area and there wouldnt be any problems

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beau45, that is why there is a need to set aside standing areas for both home and away games.

If a block was sat aside yesterday then you and others wouldnt of had any problem. You have to respect peoples need to stand at football as much as people need to respect your need to sit down at football.

I have no issues with standing, I'm more than happy to stand myself. Its just unfair for those who cant stand, or children who still cant see anything when they do stand.

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C'mon warks I don't know where you were but to say it was incident free is laughable. The police would not let us into the concourse so everyone pushed the police back into the concourse so we could use the toilets. A few minutes later and we were all fed up of being treated like cattle so the doors were stormed and out of the stadium we all were where we were charged at by horses and some were hit with batons. The police line was then pushed all the way around to the other side of the stadium by where the park is. A load of Plymouth were at the bottom of the hill and they saw how many City there was and legged it. We were then happily escorted back to the station where a train was waiting for us.

I have it all on camera but I'm not going to incriminate anyone for defending themselves against the OTT police. Everyone was just fed up of being treated like cattle. Escort to the stadium and escort back without having a choice. Some will want to have a police escort and some don't. If I would have drove down by car I could have walked around Plymouth as much as I would have liked to pre match but as I went on train I had to be escorted to the ground. Surely treatment like this is wrong as as human beings we should have the choice and freedom to go where we like.

I'm not interested in having trouble with other fans' all I want is to enjoy my day out, Today I didn't as the police ruined that.

i didn't say it was incident free ........ i said i didn't see, any incidents, i was row B . two rows up from the bottom, no more the 2 feet from the blue line blocking the way to the loos, and there was banter there between us and the police, but all good natured. women and kids were let through their line to go to the loos, as were the hopping about more desperate male members.

police overkill yes ............ way to many of them i think .......... but as I said, I SAW nothing occur yesterday,


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Myself I want to stand at every game. I can't sit, Sitting at a football stadium with no leg room I can't do so always try and get a seat at the back so I can stand without getting in anyone's way. There was no seats at the back so found a seat in about the middle. There was a kid behind us so the seat infront of him we left free so he could see. There was people behind me moaning cos we were standing cos they wanted to sit. I'm not going to sit because they wanted to sorry like they didn't want to stand because we were. Thing that makes it so bad is everyone thinks you have to sit in your allocated seat. It's like people think if you don't then your going to get arrested or something. I can understand at home games but away games it really doesn't matter where you sit.

If people wasn't like this then you would get all the people at the back who wanted to stand and all the people who want to sit at the bottom. Every ones a winner then.

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I don't see how it can be classed as being selfish. I didnt stand up at all yesterday because i knew that it would annoy people, i showed the people behind me respect because they wanted to sit down.

People don't seem to respect the fact that people want to stand at football, its "I want to sit down so your going to have to aswell"

Now i can turn round to you and say, you are just being selfish admit it.

It works both ways.

People who force people to sit arnt being selfish but people who do want to stand are being selfish, that doesnt seem fair to me.

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And sometimes brain dead comments like this infuriates me - were you there? It is not just the fact we were kept back it was the attitude - the amazing crass stupidity of the Police to target those who were being pushed - even when they were not the protagnists - I saw the police picking out one young lad who had done nothing at all - get a life and unless you saw what happened keep your trap shut

Wooooooo there sweetheart, real your neck in before your head gets taken off.

If somebody pushes you whilst in town shopping or drinking, do you look amongst hundreds of people to see who started it? No, you point the finger at the person who pushed you! I am not defending the Police but they do have a tough job. I am merely trying to put across a different side to the arguement and one i think was very valid. It was one you clearly missed....

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sorry mate but if the police decide to keep people in the ground at least let them us the toilet ! even young kids aged around 10 with mother or father were not allowed which is wrong and no need. but yes agree with you 10 mins not a life time amount but it was the way they done it.

Thank you redjar for your point. Sensible and not quite so aggressive as Markman or whatever his/her name is.

As i wasn't there i can't comment, however i was at Wolves when we were all let out at once and look what happened.

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I wanted to stand all game yesterday. If it was unreserved seating, or there was a standing block I would have been there. I choose not to stand however, because there were people behind me who wouldnt have been able to see. I would have enjoyed the game a lot more if I was able to stand, so why should I have to sit because others want to. Are they more important then me? Just because they want to sit does it mean I carnt stand?

As I said I choose not to stand because it would have been unfair on those behind me, but I could easily reverse it and say is it unfair on me not to be able to stand when I want to?

People say it is unfair when people have to stand so they can see, as the people in front of them are standing, so if you take that viewpoint you have to say that it is unfair that people have to sit despite wanting to stand.

An easy solution: Put one block as standing and the others as sitting. It would sort all these problems out.

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Myself I want to stand at every game. I can't sit, Sitting at a football stadium with no leg room I can't do so always try and get a seat at the back so I can stand without getting in anyone's way. There was no seats at the back so found a seat in about the middle. There was a kid behind us so the seat infront of him we left free so he could see. There was people behind me moaning cos we were standing cos they wanted to sit. I'm not going to sit because they wanted to sorry like they didn't want to stand because we were. Thing that makes it so bad is everyone thinks you have to sit in your allocated seat. It's like people think if you don't then your going to get arrested or something. I can understand at home games but away games it really doesn't matter where you sit.

If people wasn't like this then you would get all the people at the back who wanted to stand and all the people who want to sit at the bottom. Every ones a winner then.

I agree there dan i had some bloke have a little go at me because i was standing so i told him I'm getting behind my team if you don't like it go and sit down the bottom after that he never said another word to me

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Thank you redjar for your point. Sensible and not quite so aggressive as Markman or whatever his/her name is.

As i wasn't there i can't comment, however i was at Wolves when we were all let out at once and look what happened.

in so far as aggressive comments - were you not the one who said "Jesus Get a Life" "This forum infuriates me"? Bound to provoke a response if you saw things that were unacepatable as I did and when trying to tackle the finest about this gets told to "F#=K shut up or else..."

I am just going to try and find myself - check my sexuality!

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So guys, let me get this straight. The police wouldnt let you out at the end of the game as there were - and i quote - "hundreds of Plymouth waiting outside". Now, correct me if i'm wrong here, but surely these "fans" wouldnt have been waiting outside to shake your hand and talk about the game?!

The police kept you all in to stop Plymouth attacking you - is that not clearly obvious? So what if the Police let you all out and innocent fans were attacked? Who's fault would it be? - The Police?

The Police keep in you for 10 mins after (not exactly a life changing amount of time) and avoid the potential for innocent fans to be attacked and vehicles and property to be damaged - and you are moaning about human rights? Jesus christ - get a life!

Sometimes this forum infuriates me!

Think you're missing the point mate. I agree that fair enough if the police gotta hold you in for 10 mins in ain't life changing - but why not hold us in as at 'half-time'??? Can still use toilets and kiosks if they are open - but police stand on the exits from the concourse so no-one can get out!?! Bloody simple solution and I thought that up myself sat here hungover and tired after the boxing last night!

Just thick assed decision makers not thinking things through - or even worse thinking it through and deciding the choice they made would cause the least aggro?? (or the most as they seem to have wanted!)

And to herd fans to and from train stations is pure caveman tactics from the 70's/80's when the majority of people got trains to and from games - These days you are as likely to have City fans who live in Plymouth and surrounding area's, or who visit relatives down there so are heading back to houses in Plymouth, or who have embraced the seemingly novel idea of using a car to travel. We don't want to go to the bloody train station then try aimlessly find our way round an unknown town back to where we parked.

If I didnt know better I would swear the decisions made are by a 10year old child working with text books written in 1970 on football hooligans.

Infuriating????? Fkcin hell yes!!

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If I didnt know better I would swear the decisions made are by a 10year old child working with text books written in 1970 on football hooligans.

Infuriating????? Fkcin hell yes!!

The decisions are actually made by hopelessly inbred toffs and snobs bred from an ever decreasing gene pool. :innocent06: You only have to witness the plum in mouth accent and snobby attitudes of the Crown Prosecution Service lawyers in the courtroom to realise that. The Police take their guidance from those same Crown Prosecution Service lawyers when Policing football matches hence their crap attitude toward us football supporters.

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Think you're missing the point mate. I agree that fair enough if the police gotta hold you in for 10 mins in ain't life changing - but why not hold us in as at 'half-time'??? Can still use toilets and kiosks if they are open - but police stand on the exits from the concourse so no-one can get out!?! Bloody simple solution and I thought that up myself sat here hungover and tired after the boxing last night!

Just thick assed decision makers not thinking things through - or even worse thinking it through and deciding the choice they made would cause the least aggro?? (or the most as they seem to have wanted!)

And to herd fans to and from train stations is pure caveman tactics from the 70's/80's when the majority of people got trains to and from games - These days you are as likely to have City fans who live in Plymouth and surrounding area's, or who visit relatives down there so are heading back to houses in Plymouth, or who have embraced the seemingly novel idea of using a car to travel. We don't want to go to the bloody train station then try aimlessly find our way round an unknown town back to where we parked.

If I didnt know better I would swear the decisions made are by a 10year old child working with text books written in 1970 on football hooligans.

Infuriating????? Fkcin hell yes!!

I thought I read somewhere that away fans' are not allowed to be kept in the ground after the game if they don't wish to be?

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