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What's Been Going On!

City Exile

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You cannot leave you lot alone for a second! Off I go for a short period, and what happens? Draws coming our of our ears, sack so and so, get rid of whoever. The message board changes (all those posts cultivating my points!). What can I say. I'm back now, so I fully expect lots more 5-4s.

Seen 7 games these season - all seem to blur into one another, and no real huge excitment. Its all been said on here by people who say it better than me!

So something to get you all going. The last live game I saw, believe it or not, was a certain team called Wimbledon FC. I know, I know. Truely shocking. I cannot explain the feeling when suddenly out of nowhere you get first division football two minutes away from where you live. Never ever will you watch franchise football, you tell yourself. Then somebody comes along and offers you 2 tickets, you want an excuse to get out, and bobs your uncle.

And here is the really really sad part. I enjoyed the game against Bradford. It is surreal sitting in a 'home' crowd where everyone really supports somebody else, but many of them are cheering on the Dons. Having watched City, I remembered what last year felt like again. A lot of young players doing their best, quite a lot of pace, always looking dodgy defending, but good fun.

Of course I will after 20 years always be a City fan, and will get to as many games as ever. Lets lose the fear however. Lets start enjoying the game again, playing football, and hey, if we lose sometimes what the hell. Come on Wilson, tell 'em to go out and have fun, let them show us what they can do, and if they are not committed get rid. At the moment it is as much fun as live chess. We are Bristol City, not Market Town Utd, Anywhereshire. Enough. Thumb out of bums, and for goodness sake, start getting going!!

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