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The Lansdown Wallet Debate..


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Theres a lot of talk about SLs £350m. Especially in the debate of getting new players...People are arguing that he should dip into his coffers and those saying that its personal wealth and he shouldnt spend his personal on the club.

While this debate rages, I think a couple of relevant questions need to be asked. I'm keen to know if...

a) Has he ever pumped any of his own money into the club?

b) Is going to be investing any of his own cash into the new ground?


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I'm sure i mentioned this before, but am i the only person who read an interview in the mail on saturday with Gary Johnson (two, three months ago?), in which they mentioned Steve's fortune, and Gary Johnson made a comment that Steve was pratically champing at the bit to spend his money, but that Gary had to hold him back because he felt they didn't need to spend big and had already identified the players he wanted (Elliot, McIndoe etc.).

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a) Has he ever pumped any of his own money into the club?

He has loaned the club a great deal of money and then written some off and changed some of the debt to stock - in effect increasing his own shareholding. This was well over £4m in one chunk at the end of FY06 and that's not the only time he's done it.

Keith Dawe has done the same to a lesser extent.

I believe they've also personally sponsored different initiatives but I'm not aware of the detail.

I don't want SteveL to throw his personal money at the club, I am delighted he wants it to stand on it's own two feet. Clubs that have rich owners overspending to bring success usually end up in deep shit.

The biggest investment SteveL has made is time. For someone who is the Chairman of a near £1bn company to spend so much of his available time and effort at a business that is vastly smaller is a significant contribution that shouldn't be overlooked.

b) Is going to be investing any of his own cash into the new ground?

Noone other than SL knows and I doubt even he is sure.

I would assume yes, if he thinks it's going to make the club successful why would he not want a piece of it?

I doubt very much he will be investing all of the cash required, I suspect he will be inviting others in and borrowing from banks as well.

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I'm sure i mentioned this before, but am i the only person who read an interview in the mail on saturday with Gary Johnson (two, three months ago?), in which they mentioned Steve's fortune, and Gary Johnson made a comment that Steve was pratically champing at the bit to spend his money, but that Gary had to hold him back because he felt they didn't need to spend big and had already identified the players he wanted (Elliot, McIndoe etc.).

yep! read the same story in various places.

I want Bristol City to be a succesfully team, however I would rather have gradual improvement and get to the premier league because we deserve it through developing our squad and club and get there with the club in a healthy state,

Rather than be in a positon where he just throws money at the team willy nilly and gets us there, already in a position of debt, he will also be creating a rod for his own back if he did that, because fans will then say, oh he threw money at the club to get us promoted, why won't he throw money at the club to get us into the UEFA Cup/Champions League.

The Ground Development also needs to be in a situation where it mainly pays for itself, it's no good Bristol City being held together by one man, Clubs such as Chelsea and Blackburn have thrown money at their teams in the past to get to a certain positon and created big debts for themselves that were being covered by one person, then Jack Walker and Matthew Harding died and both clubs then had money problems, Chelsea got saved by the Russian Investment, whereas Blackburn feel out of the league.

I'm much happier to do it the Steve Lansdown slow, but constant progress with a club that is in a good position ON and OFF the field.

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...off topic I know, but thought it might be interesting (in some way)

How heavy would £350,000,000s worth of £20 notes weigh ?

How many lets say shoe boxes (cos we all got an idea of the size of shoe boxes) would £350m of Twenties fill?

...I've no idea, couldnt find anything relevant on internet but no doubt the answers to be found on there somewhere ..or a formula to work it out at least.

So thats yer homework for the weekend chaps :)... off you go...

(I wonder if SL has ever wondered the same kind of question?... or maybe he'd be intrigued to know himself )

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...off topic I know, but thought it might be interesting (in some way)

How heavy would £350,000,000s worth of £20 notes weigh ?

How many lets say shoe boxes (cos we all got an idea of the size of shoe boxes) would £350m of Twenties fill?

...I've no idea, couldnt find anything relevant on internet but no doubt the answers to be found on there somewhere ..or a formula to work it out at least.

So thats yer homework for the weekend chaps :)... off you go...

(I wonder if SL has ever wondered the same kind of question?... or maybe he'd be intrigued to know himself )

come on boys, someone must have a shoebox full of twenties -how many notes is in it?...

wow ..another thought,... if SL is worth £350,000,000 just think he could put £10,000 under everybodies seat in our new 30,000 seat stadium AND STILL HAVE £50m LEFT for himself to play with...

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Long live Landsdown!!!

Nibor - You seem a very clued up person and I always read your posts, what's your profession out of interest?!

Ta Rocky. I'm a software contractor. It's generally quite boring but one of the few good points is it means every contract I do I get to learn how a different business works. However any illusion of me being clued up stems from me having a lot of free time in front of a PC getting paid so I can do a fair bit of googling.

Well, with Xmas coming up no doubt Mr L would like to impress Mrs L with a nice big rock - and you don't get much change from £350m for a huge rck these days!!! ;-) After all - that's nearly a tankful of petrol!

He could probably by her the famous Northern Rock for that.

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I am delighted he wants it to stand on it's own two feet. Clubs that have rich owners overspending to bring success usually end up in deep shit.

The biggest investment SteveL has made is time. For someone who is the Chairman of a near £1bn company to spend so much of his available time and effort at a business that is vastly smaller is a significant contribution that shouldn't be overlooked.


This is the most important element. For the long term survival and health of this club it is crucial that BCFC is able to survive independent of any individual, no matter how well-meaning and dedicated to the cause (and there are surely now few who can doubt him in this area).

If SteveL and KeithD are willing to put their money into the club, then that's great as far as I'm concerned provided it does not unbalance the club in such a way that our commitments such as wages are unsustainable without their input.

The most important thing SteveL has given us has been his time, energy, passion for the club and knowledge base. He has also, of course, put money into the club. But the one thing he has not yet done is got it to balance the books year after year, and I would like to see him achieve this.

But crucially, what he has provided that BCFC has not had in the nigh-on 30 years I have been watching is summed up in one word. Vision. The new ground, the new training facilities, the manager and backing thereof. He has got this club thinking big without losing its grip on reality. Ambition matched by belief and commitment has spread throughout the club, and that is what is making supporting City so exciting at the moment. This is not Baa-diff-style or Leeds-style gambling with your future in the hope of success. It is built on solid foundations and is sustainable. How Baa-diff must have envied us from their pen in the East End.

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