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Johnson Out - Noble In


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rossjonesuk. I am not making this personal or anything, but have you considered this?

If you and your fellow Lee Johnson haters didnt give him such an un-necessary hard time at the gate, he might play with more confidence like he seems to do at away matches. I am talking about the people who give him and only him a hard time even if at times he is the best player on the pitch. The people who don't seem to recognise his contribution to the team. Goals, assists.

He can change a game in an instant. And technically he is a very good player.

This constant LJ bashing is just getting boring now!

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I swear some of you go to the game with a subconscious intention of picking up on the slightest of mistakes Lee makes and blanks out any other indiscretion by any other player, then rush home to lambaste the poor guy on here.

FFs it's a team game and all players make mistakes, and yes sometimes lee will make more than most, but is that not because of a lot of our build up play comes through him? hence he will get a bigger percentage of time on the ball but not necessarily a bigger percentage of errors.

Constantly bashing the lad is certainly not going to help his confidence.

If the rumours from Reading are true, then surely he must have something about him to warrant Coppel considering him to play in the premiership.

To say he brings nothing to the team is absolute rubbish, try watch the whole game and not sit waiting to say " i told you so".

Thing is the vote is just split - no grey - black and white - LJ is or is not good enough - in response to your post I could say that I swear some people go to the game with the subconscious intention of praising every little 5 yard pass he makes and blanking out any indiscretion he makes however bad - fact is he is not as good as Elliot and Elliot makes him look second rate - he does ok sometimes - sometimes he does not but when he plays badly no-one can say anything now as it gets into the anti LJ posts slagging match - I suggest we have an LJ forum and it can all go on there

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